Frontier Scientists (FS) is an NSF-funded University of Alaska - Fairbanks (UAF) and WonderVisions (WV) collaborative project whose mission was to excite the general public about ongoing science in Alaska and the Arctic. The Frontier Scientists website ( covers a wide range of topics including: humanities, geology, biology, marine science, archaeology, ecology, chemistry, and more. At the time of the summative evaluation, it included 53 video clips (the major focus of the website), as well as a number of blog posts, narrative descriptions, and short bios.This
Deborah PerryUniversity of Alaska - Fairbanks
WGBH has produced NOVA scienceNOW (NsN) since 2005, with major funding from the National Science Foundation, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and the Alfred. P. Sloan Foundation. Along with the associated web site and outreach initiative, all NsN resources share the overarching goals of: (a) increasing the public's use of multimedia resources to learn about current science research, (b) increasing public awareness and understanding of cutting edge science content and its relevance to their lives, and (b) increasing public engagement in science-related activities. Goodman Research Group
The Luce Foundation Center (LFC) of the Smithsonian American Art Museum (hereafter, American Art or the Museum) ran an alternate reality game (ARG) titled PHEON (, from September 2010 through August 2011. The game built upon the success of the Museum's previous ARG, Ghosts of a Chance (GOAC;; Goodlander, 2009), and was intended to increase familiarity with the Museum's collections, programs, and resources; highlight connections between the Museum and its collections with peoples' lives; and attract new
Jes KoepflerSmithsonian American Art Museum
The Luce Foundation Center (LFC) of the Smithsonian American Art Museum (hearafter, American Art or the Museum) ran an alternate reality game (ARG) titled PHEON as an online game application on Facebook from October 2010 through September 2011. The game built upon the success of the Museum's previous ARG, Ghosts of a Chance (GOAC; Goodlander, 2009). In the Facebook game, players accepted missions inspired by the Museum's collections, completed them in the real world, and uploaded evidence in order to win points and progress through the game. Despite an established audience of GOAC players
Jes A. KoepflerSmithsonian American Art Museum
Summary of Findings Summative Evaluation Cielo y Tierra Noticias del Mundo Robert L. Russell, Ph.D. Learning Experience Design October 2011 Learning Experience Design conducted summative evaluation of the project entitled: Cielo y Tierra Noticias del Mundo (Sky & Earth News of the World). A series of three evaluation sessions were conducted with radio listeners to look at the impacts of the programs on their interest in the topics presented, their understanding of the content presented, and their motivation to take further action. The first two studies used focus group sessions. The third and
Robert RussellEarthSky Communications, Inc.Malu Jimenez
From May 1 to July 7 of 2008, volunteers had the opportunity to provide feedback on their volunteer experience and offer suggestions for improvement. The survey was a follow up to the May 2007 volunteer survey. The 2008 survey was initially only available as a web-based survey. Volunteers with email accounts were sent a link to the survey. A kiosk was also available in the volunteer check-in area for volunteers to complete the survey while at the museum. After the first month, the survey was made available in paper format in the volunteer break room to help increase the response rate. Paper
Sarah CohnScience Museum of Minnesota
In May 2007, self-administered surveys about their volunteer experience and training were sent to 552 Science Museum of Minnesota volunteers, and 224 volunteers filled it out and returned it for a 41% response rate. The responses from volunteers to many questions were lengthy and detailed; a separate appendix is attached containing all of the commentary provided by volunteer respondents to open-ended questions on the survey. The survey is also included in the appendix. In this summative report, selections of sample responses were included after open-ended questions. Principal Findings 1. A
Museums are places where visitors of all abilities and disabilities are invited to learn. This diversity offers a unique challenge how can museums ensure that everyone can benefit from the learning experience? Universal design, which is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design (Center for Universal Design, 2002), puts forward a potential solution. This paper offers an overview of universal design, including its practice in the museum, formal education, and digital media fields, and
The following document summarizes results from a literature review conducted in Fall 2004 to inform the development of a nationwide research project that will explore universal access to the learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in museums. Through this project, the Museum of Science, with four collaborating institutions, will further the industry's knowledge and understanding of ways to create museum exhibitions that are inclusive of the learning needs of all museum visitors, including those with disabilities. Guiding the literature review was a topical
Listeners to The Really Big Questions (TRBQ) were asked to complete an online survey about their thoughts and experience with the program. Those interviewed cited that they valued the depth and thoughtfulness of the TRBQ programs and said they would like to see more programming produced. When asked, listeners reported that they would be willing to access programming via the Internet if it were not available by radio broadcast. They also reported that while they would like to see new programming as frequently as every week, they felt that quality and depth were more important than the number of
Radiolab is a public radio series of hour-long interdisciplinary shows, co-hosted by Robert Krulwich and Jad Abumrad, and produced by WNYC. To help guide the future development of shows, this evaluation, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, gathered feedback from listeners via online and mailed questionnaires in response to a season 4 show entitled Choice. The general goals for the evaluation process are: (1) To explore what attributes of the format engage and interest listeners; (2) To examine influences on awareness and comprehension of content; and (3) To assess impact on post
For more than 20 years, the Science Career Ladder Program at the New York Hall of Science has provided unique opportunities for middle school, high school, and college students to be trained and mentored as Explainers at the museum. The program is designed to encourage and support personal and professional development of these students, increasing their academic achievement, personal growth, and participation in science and teaching careers. Previous evaluations have documented the impact on participants and opportunities for program growth. This report documents the findings and conclusions
Jessica SicklerNew York Hall of ScienceErin Johnson