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resource project Public Programs
Acting on behalf of a group of academic, educational and public-service organizations the University of California-Santa Barbara proposes to improve aquatic science education in informal settings that include youth-service organizations such as the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, YMCA, YWCA, Boys and Girls Clubs and 4-H. The specific emphasis will be on the close interdependence between humans and the aquatic environment and on the need for enlightened social action in defense of that environment. The thrusts of the project will be to establish the California Aquatic Science Education Consortium; to develop multiple copes of sets of instructional materials on topic of aquatic science appropriate for informal educational settings; and to develop a program for training a cadre of trainers who in turn will train volunteers in the use of the materials. The program has a significant potential for broader national application.
TEAM MEMBERS: Willis Copeland
resource project Public Programs
The Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network requests $1,518,318 to develop and pilot, in ten low-income communities, a two-pronged initiative for providing professional development for parents to be stronger advocates for their children in science, mathematics and technology. The objectives for this project are to prepare a cadre of parents (or parent surrogates) at each of ten pilot sites to advocate for a stronger participation in quality science, mathematics, and technology education for their own and other children; to establish an information and support network from which parents can retrieve educational resources via QEM's Website, an 800-telephone number, fax, and e-mail, and regular postal service. The pilot sites are Lowndes County, AL; targeted communities in Cleveland and Florence, SC; seven public housing communities in Atlanta, GA, Baltimore, MD, Chicago, IL, New York (Brooklyn and Jamaica), Norfolk, VA, and Tallahassee, FL. The Community Service Centers (CSC's) established on neighboring college campuses serve the seven public housing communities with support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, with technical assistance provided by the QEM Network. The participating neighboring colleges are Clark-Atlanta University, Morgan State University, Chicago State University, New York City Technical College, York College, Norfolk State University, and Florida A&M University.
TEAM MEMBERS: J. Arthur Jones Sandra Parker
resource project Media and Technology
Two 8 to 10 week modules, one focusing on cells and the other on reproduction and heredity, serve as the basis for the development of a comprehensive, assessment-driven, middle school science curriculum called "Science for Today and Tomorrow." A curriculum frramework is developed for Life and Physical Sciences to be taught in Grades 6 and 7 and Earth Science in Grade 8. The research-based materials assist students to develop a working knowledge of a core set of ideas that are fundamental to the discipline and ultimately to see how the concepts span the disciplines. The student materials and the teachers' guides are enhanced with classroom-tested assessments and web-based content resources, simulations and tools for gathering and interpreting data. On-line professional development materials allow teachers to gain content knowledge and pedagogical skills. The website also contains an area that provides information for administrators including strategies for supporting teachers and another area for community members to involve them in the students' science learning. The project builds upon the lessons learned in previous materials development projects at TERC.
TEAM MEMBERS: Judy Vesel Louisa Sally Crissman
resource project Public Programs
This project plans to develop a partnership with KCTS Public Television, Laubach Literacy Action, and the National Alliance of Urban Literacy Coalitions to develop an implementation plan to promote higher science literacy in at-risk families in inner city settings. These organizations reach families that seldom participate in formal and informal science learning programs. A training design for literacy providers to use science literacy materials as an integrated part of their adult literacy curriculum will be developed. Video and print materials that are specifically designed for low literacy adults will be developed. These are expected to be simple, fun, and effective ways to foster the love of science and learning in themselves and their children. Front-end evaluation focus groups will be conducted with providers and parents to gain insights into the specific needs and general expectations of the parents and literacy providers, and to get feedback on the proposed project materials.
TEAM MEMBERS: James Burrows Kathleen Burrows
resource project Public Programs
The goals of the Seattle Partnership for Family Science are to enhance science literacy; increase parental involvement in their children's science education; and increase the numbers and ethnic diversity of families participating in school-based and community science programs. The Partnership will use the existing Seattle Partnership for Inquiry-Based Science, funded by a National Science Foundation grant for local Systemic Change, as the framework for the proposed activities. During the planning phase, the project staff will: * identify barriers to participation by families in their children's education paying special attention to ethnic minorities and individuals with limited proficiency in English; * develop and pilot-test an array of methods aimed at reducing these barriers; * promote awareness and involvement of parents in inquiry-based science activities; * develop new inquiry-based tools for science investigations; and * establish collaborative partnerships among the Seattle School District, the University of Washington, the Woodland Park Zoo, and other informal science centers.
resource project Exhibitions
In this Communicating Research to Public Audiences (CRPA) project, the University of Missouri is collaborating with the St. Louis Science Center on the development and implementation of exhibits and programs related to the principal investigator's NSF-funded research on tissue engineering and organ printing, Understanding Molecular Self-Assembly. The research is exploring basic research and technologies that could provide alternatives to organ donor transplants, especially given the mismatch between the demand and supply of organs. The exhibits will become an offering in the science center?s new life sciences gallery whose goal is to help visitors better understand the applications of life science research that affect people's everyday lives.
TEAM MEMBERS: Gabor Forgacs Cristina Encarnacion
resource project Exhibitions
The Exploratorium seeks support for a program designed to help approximately twelve new or expanding U.S. museums acquire quality, educationally provern interactive exhibits. Over a thirty-six month period, two groups of museums will work with the Exploratorium to select and produce an individualized set of exhibits. The museums will dedicate staff to participate in the exhibit production process, as well as in the development of exhibit-based educational programs. The production cost of the exhibits will be shared on a fifty/fifty basis, with NSF's portion being matched by funds raised independently by the participating museums. Participant museums will be able to acquire stimulating and proven exhibits at half cost, and make use of the Exploratorium's exhibit construction shops, staff and other resources in developing educational programs and materials that complement their chosen exhibit set. It is expected that each participants will receive between fourteen and twenty-four exhibits. The program will repeat, to include another six institutions, in the second eighteen months. Participants will select exhibits in an initial one week visit to the Exploratorium and then return for a minimum four-week period to assist in producing their exhibits. Participation staff, through their involvement with construction, will become conversant with their exhibits' technical and operational aspects. The program will give participants true hands-on training. In addition to individualized assistance, each participant museum will receive publications about exhibit construction and use, as well as a booklet that includes technical, maintenance, and educational information about their own exhibits.
TEAM MEMBERS: Joe Ansel Robert Semper Thomas Humphrey Ron Hipschman Martha Brown
resource project Informal/Formal Connections
This sixth through eighth grade comprehensive, project-based, science curriculum focuses on students acquiring deep understandings of the concepts, principles and habits of mind articulated in national science standards. The curriculum builds upon the experiences of the Center for Learning Technologies in Urban Schools developing the LeTUS modules for Chicago and Detroit Public Schools. The project brings together scientists and science educators from three universities, teachers and administrators from six school districts, curriculum speialists from Project 2061, educational researchers from EDC, and Kendall/Hunt publishers. The design principles, arising from research on teaching and learning, include alignment with standards, assessments, contextualization, sustained student inquiry, embedded learning technologies, collaboration, and scaffolds between and within modules. Phase 1 focuses on the development of two units: Structure of Matter and Diversity of Life and Evolution. Learning outcomes are identified, target understanding performances are specified and assessments are designed before the activities are developed. Everday authentic questions that students hold as important provide the basis for projects, contextualize the activities and give coherence to the curriculum. In addition to the student materials and teacher guides, the project develops materials to provide information to administrators and the community to understand and support the implementation of the modules. Issues of language, literacy, culture and diversity are addressed. Professional development materials address teacher attitudes and beliefs while educating the teachers about the new context and pedagogy.
TEAM MEMBERS: Joseph Krajcik
resource project Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Metcalf Institute for Marine & Environmental Reporting at the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography is implementing a three-stage sequence of workshops that will bring together science journalists, communications professionals, informal science education professionals, and NSF-funded (RAPID) research scientists who are studying the Deepwater Horizon oil rig failure and its impact on the Gulf of Mexico. During this period of focused interest by the public, the three stages will allow for an iterative process of capacity-building by journalists and informal science educators that will result in a set of experiences and resources to improve the public understanding of the oil spill's impacts and the specific scientific techniques used to assess the impacts. The project's outcomes also include strengthening the communication skills of the research scientists via new media and talks tailored to journalists and informal science educators. The three stages are: (1) Three sessions at the October 2010 conference of the Society of Environmental Journalists; (2) an April 2011 2.5-day seminar in Louisiana co-hosted by Louisiana State University and Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (including field experience on an LSU research vessel); and (3) a June 2011 week-long "science immersion workshop" (including laboratory and field experience on a URI research vessel) and five associated public lectures at the Metcalf Institute, including web cast live via Internet2. The three programs are being evaluated by faculty at the Public Policy Research Lab of LSU Manship School of Mass Communication.
TEAM MEMBERS: Sunshine Menezes Nancy Rabalais Lisa Lundy Robert Goidel Christopher D'Elia
resource project Exhibitions
The Montshire Museum of Science, on behalf of the TEAMS Collaborative, will develop "TEAMS Traveling Exhibit Collaborative." Four charter members of the TEAMS collaborative, a partnership that includes the Monthshire Museum of Science, Norwich, VT; the Catawba Science Center, Hickory, NC; the ScienCenter, Ithaca, NY; and the Discovery Center Museum, Rockford, IL, request funding to expand the collaborative by incorporating three new museum partners. They will develop, evaluate, and produce two copies each of four 1500-square foot traveling exhibitions. Each TEAMS exhibition will be accompanied by maintenance manuals, teacher's guides, and program materials for community science events. Three charter museums will mentor the three new museum members, which include the Health Adventure in Asheville, NC; the Rochester Museum and Science Center in Rochester, NY; and the Family Museum of Arts and Science in Bettendorf, IA. The four new exhibit topics being proposed by the collaborative are Sound Slices, The Body as a Machine, The Physics of Motion, and The Science of Sports.
TEAM MEMBERS: David Goudy Charles Trautmann Sarah Wolf Mark Sinclair Catherine McCarthy
resource project Public Programs
San Francisco State University is collaborating with MESA of California to replicate the Mission Science Workshop (MSW) model for informal science education to establish 10 self-supporting interactive Community Science Workshops (CSW's) throughout California. The overriding theme for activities at the CSW's is to let children and parents "be" scientists as they explore through the use of interactive exhibits, hands-on building/tinkering activities and content workshops, while at the same time ensuring they learn correct science concepts. Content to be presented is from the areas of Engineering, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Mathematics. The target audience is primarily African-American, Latino, and Native American children in grades K-8 and their families.
TEAM MEMBERS: Paul Fonteyn
resource project Public Programs
The New Jersey Academy of Natural Sciences, The Franklin Institute Science Museum, the New Jersey State Aquarium, and the Philadelphia Zoo request $957,158. The consortium of Philadelphia area science museums jointly with community-based organizations will design and implement a science experience that will stimulate, encourage, and enrich families' interest, learning, and involvement in science. The collaborative known as Families Exploring Science Together (FEST) will offer multi-level programming ranging from introductory museum experiences to in-depth science inquiry activities for families that are associated with community-based organizations that serve African-American, Latino, and Asian communities. The target audience will be families from 8-12 culturally diverse neighborhoods in the Philadelphia-Camden region.
TEAM MEMBERS: ANGELA WENGER Julie Johnson Minda Borun Kathleen Wagner Naomi Echental Kathleen Fadigan Suzanne McCarthy