Professional learning communities (PLCs)-teams of educators who meet regularly to exchange ideas, monitor student progress, and identify professional learning needs-reflect a growing interest in promoting professional development that engages teachers and administrators. Increasingly, teachers are able to participate in online and hybrid PLCs in addition to PLCs that meet face-to-face. This report examines: characteristics of PLCs, as reported in the literature; advantages and challenges of online and hybrid PLCs, compared to face-to-face PLCs; and considerations for the design and setup of
Institute of Sciences, U.S. Department of EducationCynthia L. Blitz
MobiLLab was designed by faculty at the University of Teacher Education in St.Gallen (German: Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen (PHSG)) to spark interest in science in secondary school pupils in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. Now in its fourth year of operation, the mobiLLab team would like to evaluate the program’s effectiveness to inform further development. Specifically, we want to better understand how mobiLLab affects pupils’ science and technology interest, attitudes and knowledge development, and how positive changes can be sustained. The background investigation brings
University of Teacher Education, St. Gallen, SwithzerlandRebecca Cors
This article is an excerpt from the book "Expanding Minds and Opportunities: Leveraging the Power of Afterschool and Summer Learning for Student Success." The authors propose a design for afterschool and summer programs that incorporates youth participation in learning experiences in contrast to current methods of education.
The Expanded Learning and Afterschool ProjectMichael H. LevineRafi Santo
Social science research into public understanding of animal cognition has tended toward a disciplinary focus with conceptual frameworks, questionnaires, concepts and categories that do not appear to align with the findings emerging from the scientific study of animal cognition. The goal of this paper is to present a framework that aligns the dimensions of these two disparate research fields to allow for better assessment of public perceptions of animal minds. The paper identifies different dimensions that have been categorized through the empirical study of animal cognition, as well as the
This report summarizes the evaluation findings of the first year of the Science Beyond the Boundaries Early Learners Collaborative (ELC). The three-year project, funded through the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), connects science centers and children’s museums to enhance early learner programming. In Year One, the ELC brought together five institutions to collaborate directly through regularly scheduled conference call discussions. During these discussions they shared their program experience, ideas on early childhood programs, and their thoughts on current early learner
This report summarizes front-end research with visitors on the topic of agriculture, conducted by the Research & Evaluation Department of the Saint Louis Science Center. This front-end study was designed to inform the internal development teams connected to the Science Center agriculture exhibit. The main objective of the research was to gather information from Science Center visitors about their familiarity and interest in the topic, their experiences with farming, their top of mind knowledge about technology and sustainability as it relates to agriculture, and their expectations for an
This article offers viewpoints on Broader Impacts 2.0. The authors point out that the National Science Board (NSB) has presented us with merit review criteria that challenge us to undertake research that marries scientific merit and broader impacts in a way that benefits the research community, our funding sources, and our society.
American Institute of Biological SciencesRichard TankersleyPatricia S. Bourexis
Learning to design and deliver research information customized for particular audiences is one major goal of the Museum of Science’s Research Communication Laboratory (RCL). Judging of short research presentations by an independent judge revealed that graduate students from MIT’s Center for Excitonics who participated in RCL demonstrated significantly better spoken and graphic communication skills compared with graduate students who did not experience RCL instruction. The judge rated RCL students as significantly better than non-RCL students with respect to three criteria: 1) presentation
This article describes the author's method of teaching sixth-grade students through The Natural Inquirer, a free journal designed by the USDA Forest Service for middle school students. The 90-minute lesson presented incorporates scientific practices emphasized in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), including the analysis and interpretation of data, as well as the construction of scientific explanations based on evidence. The author outlines the instruction process and includes a wrap-up activity to end the lesson.
National Science Teachers AssociationCheryl A. McLaughlin
One objective of the Center for High-rate Manufacturing is to increase knowledge of and interest in nanotechology among secondary and postsecondary students, educators, and the general public. The Center partners with the Museum of Science, Boston, to help carry out these goals. The Museum's CHN sub-award PI and her team provides training to graduate students to help them learn how to engage in education and outreach activities with these groups. To better understand graduate student education and outreach activities, and student participation in the Museum of Science outreach activities and
UMass Donahue Institute Research and Evaluation GroupCarol Lynn AlpertCarol Barry
In response to a long-expressed focus on a museum's mission and its evaluation, this article explores an alternate model of multiple, intentional missions and purposes. While literature and theory assume that a single mission should guide a museum's decisions and actions, in practice, many US nonprofit museums are operating as community service museums, intentionally fulfilling a number of different purposes useful and desired by the community beyond the purpose stated in their mission. This article builds on Stephen E. Weil's theories to develop the rationale for measuring the value and