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resource evaluation Exhibitions
In 2003 and 2004 a summative evaluation of the Jellies: Living Art exhibition was conducted. The exhibition is a 4,650 square foot special exhibition at the aquarium that is open from April 2002 through January 2005. It includes live displays of domestic and exotic jellies and a collection of artwork in a variety of media: paintings, sculpture, works on paper, and three large site-specific installations. Though the aquarium has displayed art previous to Jellies: Living Art, this exhibition represents the first time the aquarium has displayed both art and live species together. There were seven
TEAM MEMBERS: Steven Yalowitz Jaci Tomulonis
resource evaluation Exhibitions
This report summarizes a front-end evaluation of visitors' interest in and knowledge about invasive species. The evaluation was done to inform the Florida Aquarium (FLAQ) exhibit team about visitors' entry-level understanding of the concept, to give the team ideas for ways to connect with visitors' interests in the topic, and to communicate the exhibition's big idea: Invasive species have changed Florida ecologically and economically. The report includes highlights of the findings from interviews conducted on Nov. 8, 2001. Numbers are derived from a handtally of most of the data. (Not included
TEAM MEMBERS: Beverly Serrell Florida Aquarium
resource evaluation Exhibitions
Science Under Sail: Russia's Great Voyages to America 1728-1867 opened in May 2000 at the Anchorage Museum of History and Art (AMHA) for a five-month run. Developed by Curator Barbara Sweetland Smith and designed by Presentation Design Group, Science Under Sail was a 5,340-square-foot exhibition consisting of 44 elements, including text and graphic panels, cases with artifacts and specimens, audio stations, ship models, dioramas, and interactive elements. Overhead banners separated the exhibition into five sections: Why did they sail? Where did they go? How did they get there? What did they
TEAM MEMBERS: Beverly Serrell Anchorage Museum of History and Art
resource evaluation Exhibitions
In 1998, the Exploratorium staff submitted a proposal to the National Science Foundation to develop a collection of life science exhibits "to offer science center visitors new ways to explore characteristics shared by all living things." The intention was to combine existing Exploratorium components as well as new exhibits and emphasize in the exhibit collection "that all life, no matter how diverse, shares common essential traits." This proposal was one of a series planned to develop permanent exhibits at the Exploratorium. The evaluation was intended to document several aspects of visitors'
TEAM MEMBERS: George Hein Exploratorium
resource evaluation Exhibitions
Underground Adventure opened at The Field Museum in March 1999. Covering 15,000 square feet, it continues to be a major draw in the museum. Determining the extent to which the exhibition is achieving its original goals and assessing the nature of its visitor experience will help us plan for future modifications. The Field Museum asked Selinda Research Associates (SRA) to plan, set up, and conduct such a final summative/remedial evaluation. We collected data from November 1999 through June 2000 using a naturalistic methodology and qualitative methods. A qualitative approach to visitor research
TEAM MEMBERS: Jane Schaefer Field Museum of Natural History Deborah Perry Eric Gyllenhaal
resource evaluation Exhibitions
This report summarizes the evaluation of the first 20 months of the National Science Foundation-funded tour of the Traveling Experiment Gallery. The Traveling Experiment Gallery is the touring version of Science Museum of Minnesota's successful core science hall, the Experiment Gallery. The evaluation of the Traveling Experiment Gallery was conducted using naturalistic inquiry methodology. Depth interviews were conducted with 28 staff and six volunteers at the five museums and science centers which have hosted the exhibition. The evaluators also spent almost 30 hours observing visitors, floor
TEAM MEMBERS: Eric Gyllenhaal Science Museum of Minnesota
resource evaluation Exhibitions
Agents of Change is a $40 million initiative that will transform more than 25% of the Ontario Science Centre's public spaces over a three-year period. This will involve renewing key exhibit spaces, creating new approaches to visitor experiences, deepening and extending partnerships province-wide, and making significant architectural improvements to the science centre's building. Seven major new areas will feature content that explores the theme "Solving 21st Century Problems." Through the compelling experiences offered in these seven new spaces, young people will be exposed to the attitudes
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Soren Ontario Science Centre
resource evaluation Exhibitions
Evaluation of the Space Command Exhibit began in October 2002 with a tracking and timing study. A random sample of 100 visitors to the exhibit was tracked and timed. A member of a visiting group was selected at random as the subject. Subjects were tracked from station to station and the time spent at each exhibit or panel was recorded. This gives a measure of the relative attracting and holding power of each exhibit station. After a subject completed a visit, a "sweep" count was made, which involved counting the number of people at each exhibit station. Sweeps give another measure of the
TEAM MEMBERS: Minda Borun Franklin Institute Science Museum
resource evaluation Exhibitions
The San Francisco Zoo's new Lemur Forest Exhibit is successful on almost every measure of visitor experience, education and inspiration. A summative evaluation, consisting of pre- and post-visit testing, and a tracking and timing study confirms that cued visitors gain knowledge about lemur types, lemur behavior, lemurs' endangerment status, and lemurs' land of origin. Visitors also demonstrate enhanced appreciation for lemurs and emotional connection to them post-visit. While many pre-visit respondents are inclined to value protecting lemurs and their environment, post-visit responses that
TEAM MEMBERS: Wendy Meluch San Francisco Zoo
resource evaluation Exhibitions
This report presents findings from a summative evaluation of Electric Space, a traveling exhibition developed by the Space Science Institute, with major funding provided by the Informal Science Education Program of the National Science Foundation. This study is the third phase of evaluation conducted by Randi Korn & Associates in association with this project. After performing both front-end and formative evaluations during the exhibition development process, this summative study was conducted on the completed traveling version of Electric Space at two host sites. This final study was
TEAM MEMBERS: Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. Space Science Institute
resource evaluation Exhibitions
This report presents the findings of a summative evaluation of MarQuest, conducted by Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A), for the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado. MarsQuest is a traveling exhibition funded by the National Science Foundation and, as such, data collection took place at two venues: in July 2001 at the Park Place Mall in Tucson, Arizona (a temporary satellite site for the Tucson Children's Museum) and in March 2002 at the Hampton Air and Space Museum in Hampton, Virginia. The evaluation was undertaken to document the scope of the exhibition's impact and
TEAM MEMBERS: Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. Space Science Institute
resource evaluation Public Programs
This report presents findings from an extensive summative evaluation of the Breaking Ground project (BG) conducted for both the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (BBG) and the Brooklyn Children's Museum (BCM). Breaking Ground is a collaborative project established between BBG and BCM. The products of the overall project include three exhibits (two at BBG and one at BCM) and a series of educational programs. Specifically, the project components are: the Amazing Plants exhibition and the Discovery Garden at BBG, the Plants & People exhibition at BCM, and Discovery Carts, along with the City Plant
TEAM MEMBERS: Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. Brooklyn Children's Museum Brooklyn Botanic Garden