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Community Repository Search Results

resource evaluation Media and Technology
The purpose of this study was to assess visitors' use and perceptions of several dimensions of visitors' reactions to the Water' exhibition as an informal science experience. Visitors were asked about their overall opinions, the highlights, the messages learned and perceptions about recognizing presentations of scientific data, environmental issues and visually memorable exhibits. SMM staff conducted 399 interviews with visitors as they exited the Water exhibition. In addition, 50 visitors were intercepted at each of four specific exhibits (Rain Table, Science On a Sphere, Three tubes and Geo
TEAM MEMBERS: Jeff Hayward Brian Werner Science Museum of Minnesota Gary Woodard Paul Morin
resource evaluation Public Programs
Communicating Climate Change (C3) is a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project to foster innovative partnerships between research centers, the media, and science centers. David Heil & Associates, Inc. (DHA) is providing front-end, formative, and summative evaluation for the project. This report summarizes findings from Year 1 audience research that explored visitor attitudes towards climate change and interest in climate change-related programs and activities.
TEAM MEMBERS: Kasey McCracken Association of Science Technology Centers
resource evaluation Public Programs
August, 2009 Communities of Effective Practice, 2008-2009 Evaluation Abstract: The Communities of Effective Practice (CEP) project is a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded project to develop a professional development model for supporting math and science instructional practices that are culturally responsive within American Indian communities. This report summarizes findings from the Year 3 evaluation (conducted during the 2008-2009 academic year) and discusses these findings within the context of the Years 1 and 2 evaluations. It presents key considerations for developing a Community
TEAM MEMBERS: Gina Magharious Kasey McCracken Utah State University
resource evaluation Media and Technology
The Institute for Learning Innovation (ILI) conducted a summative evaluation of the NSF-ISE funded project, WolfQuest. WolfQuest is an educational video game, downloadable free of charge, developed by Eduweb (Educational Web Adventures, Inc.) and the Minnesota Zoo. WolfQuest intends to increase the knowledge of, interest in, and attitudes towards wolves and wolf habitats in children ages 9 to 15. This evaluation report synthesizes key analysis and findings from data based on a web survey of players, in-depth phone interviews of players, and content analysis of the game conversation forums
TEAM MEMBERS: Kate Haley Goldman Minnesota Zoo Eduweb Jes Koepfler Victor Yocco
resource evaluation Public Programs
The evaluation was guided by four major questions: 1) How has math education changed at the afterschool programs sites over the course of the project? 2) Have children's experiences of informal math changed over the course of the project? 3) How have program staff changed in relation to math education? and 4) How is Mixing in Math being sustained at the program sites and disseminated to other programs and sites? Staff, program, and organizational factors all played a strong role in supporting high quality implementation of Mixing in Math. Mixing in Math was most successful where the
TEAM MEMBERS: Beth Miller TERC Inc. Kristin Lewis-Warner
resource evaluation Exhibitions
The exhibit Coffee The World in Your Cup was designed by and installed at the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture running from January 24, 2009 through September 7. The exhibit presents the story of one of the world's most widely traded commodities and how it has affected cultures, economies, and environments across the globe. Coffee explores the environmental and social impacts of the coffee industry and recommends ways for consumers to make socially and environmentally responsible coffee purchases at the grocery store or in a coffee shop. The exhibit space is approximately 2,000
TEAM MEMBERS: Nick Visscher University of Washington Sarah Martinez Erin Wilcox
resource evaluation Exhibitions
This report represents the results of a summative evaluation study of visitor response to new interpretive signage in Brooklyn Botanic Garden's Tropical Pavilion. The evaluation aims to reveal the extent to which the new signage succeeds in providing the outcomes for the visitor experience identified in the Garden's Interpretive Master Plan (IMP). The IMP's overarching goal is: to create interactions and experiences with visitors of all ages and backgrounds which are rich, enjoyable, personally relevant, and communicate the key message,Plants are essential to life. The following content goals
TEAM MEMBERS: Ellen Giusti Brooklyn Botanic Garden Kathleen Condon
resource evaluation Exhibitions
"Megalodon: Largest Shark That Ever Lived", a 5000-square-foot exhibition, started with a gift of shark fossil specimens and models, inspiring curators and administrators to create an exhibition to educate the public about extinct and modern sharks. This summative evaluation was undertaken to investigate whether exhibition visitors come away with an understanding of the exhibition's main premise: Megalodon, a dominant marine predator for 15 million years before vanishing 2 million years ago, provides lessons for shark conservation today. The learning goals also included a number of subthemes
TEAM MEMBERS: Ellen Giusti Florida Museum of Natural History
resource evaluation Exhibitions
This summative evaluation report aims to examine the impact of Travels in the Great Tree of Life, a temporary exhibition at the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History. The 1000-square-foot exhibition seeks to convey concepts of phylogenetic relationships based on recency of common ancestry. In addition, its goal is for visitors to come away with an understanding of the vast scope and complexity of the Tree of Life (herein referred to as ToL) and some practical applications of ToL research. Data collection employed a mixed methods approach. Structured exit interviews were conducted with 102
TEAM MEMBERS: Ellen Giusti Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
resource evaluation Exhibitions
RK&A was contracted by Save Ellis Island (SEI) to conduct a front end evaluation, funded by a National Endowment for the Humanities planning grant. The objective for the evaluation was to examine Ellis Island's visitors' overall responses to the exhibit concepts, themes, and interpretive approaches for SEI's planned interpretation of Ellis Island's hospital and other medical facilities located on Ellis Island. RK&A first participated in planning meetings with SEI and their team of consultants to explore ideas for interpreting the medical facilities of Ellis Island. Upon reviewing the
TEAM MEMBERS: Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. Save Ellis Island
resource evaluation Public Programs
RK&A was contracted by the Museum of the City of New York (MCNY) in New York City to conduct a program evaluation of its school programs. Specifically, the study explores the degree to which three school programs Traveling through Time, Leave it to the Beavers, and The Grid meet their objectives and reveals strengths and weaknesses of the programming. RK&A designed the program evaluation of MCNY school programs to use evaluation as a learning tool rather than a judgment tool. The evaluation took a close look at how the programs are implemented to make program improvements. The process began
TEAM MEMBERS: Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. Museum of the City of New York
resource evaluation Exhibitions
The summative evaluation of Yuungnaqpiallerput used two evaluation strategies--tracking and timing (T&T) and an open-ended questionnaire (CQ)--to discover how visitors used the exhibition and what they could immediately recall about it. The combined data from these methods produced a well-rounded set of evidence for the degree of success achieved by the exhibition. Yuungnaqpiallerput was designed to be engaging to both an Alaska Native American audience and non-natives. Of the 61 people in the CQ sample, 69% said that they were first-time visitors to the Anchorage Museum, and 75% had no
TEAM MEMBERS: Beverly Serrell Anchorage Museum