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Community Repository Search Results

resource evaluation Media and Technology
Cyberchase produced a Math & Sports unit during Season 6. Focus groups with fourth graders were implemented to assess understanding of sports diagramming and using symbols to represent plays and ball passes. Cyberchase is the Emmy Award-winning mathematics series and website on PBS KIDS GO! using broadcast, web, new media and educational outreach to impact millions nationwide. Designed for children ages 8 to 11 and packed with mystery, humor, and action, Cyberchase's mission is to improve kids' problem-solving and math skills, and inspire them with confidence and enthusiasm toward math. The TV
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Flagg Thirteen/WNET
resource evaluation Media and Technology
To prepare for future summative research on the synergy among multiple educational media, the present pilot research explored real-life use of Cyberchase outreach materials. The present pilot study included: a Web survey of 48 outreach providers (representing over 3000 children in 19 states), follow-up phone interviews with 26 of these providers, and in-person observations at two outreach sites, one in New York and one in Massachusetts. With an eye toward future summative research, the resulting data yield conclusions and implications in two broadly defined areas: providers' use of Cyberchase
TEAM MEMBERS: Shalom Fisch Thirteen/WNET
resource evaluation Media and Technology
The Builders Math game on the Cyberchase website provides an integrated, goal-oriented problem that combines math skills in measurement, geometry, and visualization. The formative procedure focused on: ability to read the game text; interpretation of the terminology and suggestions for alternative terminology; transparency and usability of features; and comprehension of the four rounds of play. Cyberchase is the Emmy Award-winning mathematics series and website on PBS KIDS GO! using broadcast, web, new media and educational outreach to impact millions nationwide. Designed for children ages 8
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Flagg Thirteen/WNET
resource evaluation Media and Technology
To help guide the development of Season 7 (Do The Math!), this formative evaluation gathered feedback from third graders in response to three different materials: (1) a web-based game concept; (2) a web-based storymaker concept; and (3) The Misadventures of Buzz & Delete short videos. Cyberchase is the Emmy Award-winning mathematics series and website on PBS KIDS GO! using broadcast, web, new media and educational outreach to impact millions nationwide. Designed for children ages 8 to 11 and packed with mystery, humor, and action, Cyberchase's mission is to improve kids' problem-solving and
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Flagg Thirteen/WNET
resource evaluation Broadcast Media
As part of a National Science Foundation grant, Thirteen/WNET produced and posted online ten short-form motivational animated videos. To evaluate the impact of Cyberchase Do the Math videos, Multimedia Research implemented a pre-post same-sample evaluation with the following goals: (1) to determine the extent to which viewing ten short math videos online motivates further online and offline math-related activities; (2) to evaluate whether viewing ten videos changes interest and confidence in figuring out math-related problem activities; (3) to assess change in math knowledge related to viewing
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Flagg Thirteen/WNET
resource evaluation Media and Technology
As part of a National Science Foundation grant for Season 8 of Cyberchase, Thirteen/WNET produced Summer Challenge broadcasts with accompanying online and offline activities to be posted weekly for eight weeks in the Summer of 2010. Summer Challenge learning opportunities included viewing broadcast and online half-hour episodes; viewing short video excerpts; earning points and rewards online by answering trivia questions about episodes; making one's own games; and doing at-home activities. To learn how children engaged in the opportunities and to explore strengths and weaknesses of the online
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Flagg Thirteen/WNET
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Funded by the National Science Foundation, Cyberchase: The Next Frontier is a web redesign intended to broaden Cyberchase's audience and engage kids more deeply with the math concepts. Multimedia Research, an independent evaluation group, assessed an early version of the revised website with rising 4th graders, focusing on: Appeal of screens and features User friendliness of screens and site components Transparency of icons, titles and site structure Cyberchase is the Emmy Award-winning mathematics series and website on PBS KIDS GO! using broadcast, web, new media and educational outreach to
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Flagg Thirteen/WNET
resource evaluation Media and Technology
The Science Museum of Minnesota (SMM) contracted Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A) to simultaneously conduct a remedial evaluation of the exhibition Tissues of Life and its associated elements: the Web site with the same name, presentations at the Demonstration Station, and the What is Life?, play. The National Institutes of Health funded all elements. Data collection took place between July and October 2003. Three data collection strategies were employed: timing and tracking observations, uncued exit interviews, and telephone interviews. Additionally, to understand presenters' experiences
TEAM MEMBERS: Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. Science Museum of Minnesota
resource evaluation Media and Technology
This report presents findings from the evaluation of the Baseball Stories user generated content (UGC) project. The Baseball Stories project was created by the Information and Interactive Technology Department to allow people to share stories about their experiences with baseball for display in the Baseball As America traveling exhibition. As a part of the project, a website was created where people could create and post their stories and view other stories, and an exhibition kiosk was created where people could view their or others' stories or send an email to remind themselves to create a
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Exploring Life's Origins is a project funded by the National Science Foundation through the Discovery Corps Postdoctoral Fellowship. Janet Iwasa was the recipient of this grant, and her goals were to help the public understand research on the origins of life conducted in the labs of Dr. Jack Szostak from Harvard University/Massachusetts General Hospital and the Center for Origins Research by creating molecular visualizations based on the research and communicating to the public scientific research concepts related to the origins of life. The science communication portion of this project was
TEAM MEMBERS: Elizabeth Kollmann Anna Lindgren-Streicher Harvard University Massachusetts General Hospital
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Knight Williams Research Communications (Knight Williams, Inc), an independent evaluation firm specializing in the development and evaluation of science education media, conducted the summative evaluation for Ice Stories. The evaluation focused on the extent to which the project achieved the goals described in the Exploratorium's grant to the National Science Foundation (NSF) Arctic Research and Education, Antarctic Coordination and Information program within the Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL). The NSF DRL program provided funding for both the project
TEAM MEMBERS: Valerie Knight-Williams Exploratorium Divan Williams Christina Meyers Ora Grinberg Tal Sraboyants Eveen Chan David Tower
resource evaluation Media and Technology
ExhibitFiles is an online community for exhibit practitioners developed by the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The website provides an infrastructure for sharing and building knowledge about exhibition development and design practices. After testing, the site officially opened on April 23, 2007. Influenced by learning theories such a Wenger's community of practice (1998) and Web 2.0 concepts, the project team incorporated site features and management strategies to develop and extend the professional networks and the
TEAM MEMBERS: Carey Tisdal Association of Science-Technology Centers