WGBH is producing and disseminating two seasons of a daily, half-hour television science series and accompanying outreach for three to five year olds. The series will be carried nationally as part of Discovery Television's newly expanded Discovery Kids. The project, "Peep and the Big Wide World," will model a developmentally-appropriate process of inquiry and exploration, nurture young children's innate curiosity, catalyze further hands-on exploration of the world around them, and motivate parents and care-givers to support and encourage these activities. The television programs will combine animation and short, live-action segments. The animation will weave the early childhood science curriculum into stories about three birds and their animal friends as they explore the world. Science content, unifying concepts, and habits of mind will be reinforced through two-minute live-action segments that show kids engaged in science play relating directly to the previous story. The television series will be supported by a comprehensive "Anywhere Science" outreach component of the project. "Anywhere Science" reinforces the fact that opportunities to experience and enjoy science exist in most facets of life. It will offer a range of activities -- through both web and print materials -- that can be enjoyed by just about anyone, just about anywhere. "Anywhere Science" is being designed to show parents and caregivers how important it is to support children's curiosity and how easy it is to engage in activities that help develop their science "habits of mind." The outreach campaign will be built around the new National Association for the Education of Young Children professional development standards and Head Start's science framework. The content director for "Peep and the Big Wide World" is Karen Worth, Senior Scientist at the Education Development Center and the Co-Director of the Center for Urban Science Education Reform. She is also the Principal Investigator of "Tool Kits for Early Childhood Science Education" that is developing national standards for preschool science education. The Executive Producer for the project is Kate Taylor who has previously served as Executive Producer for"ZOOM," " Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego," and "Degrassi Junior High." The creator of PEEP and animation artist is Kai Pindal, former Head of Animation at Danish Television. The head writer is Kathy Waugh who has written four seasons of the Emmy winning children's series, "Arthur." Evaluation will be conducted by Rockman et al. Advisors for the series include Barbara Bowman, President of the Erikson Institute for Advanced Study in Child Development; Diane Levin, Professor of Education at Wheelock College; Tera O'Hora, Consultant and Workshop Facilitator for "Science Beyond the Sandtable;" Kathy Paget, an early childhood educator working as a science curriculum developer and evaluator of science-related educational projects at the Technical Education Research Center; Diane Whitehead, a Quality Initiative Coordinator for the National Head Start Association; and Elizabeth Young, Director of Head Start Child Care in Cambridge, MA.
Night Fire Films is producing a one-hour show for PBS titled "Breaking the Maya Code," based on the book by Dr. Michael D. Coe. "Breaking the Maya Code" will explore the history of the decipherment of the Maya hieroglyphic script. The 400-year scientific detective story, climaxing in the past thirty years, will be told through footage shot at key locations in Central America, Europe and the United States, together with dramatizations, animation and graphics; archival materials; and interviews with major participants in the decipherment. An outreach campaign, including an extensive web site, will enhance the television viewing experience as well as promote further STEM learning. The program will be produced and directed by David Lebrun; Nicolas Noxon serves as Executive Producer. Michael Coe will serve the project as Principal Advisor, along with an extensive board of advisors of ethnographers, epigraphers, archaeologists, historians, iconographers and others. Multimedia Research will conduct formative evaluation of the program; Knight-Williams Research will conduct summative evaluation of the project. The National Endowment for the Humanities has granted $550,000 toward this project.
Building upon extensive prior work, the Institute of Learning Innovation is developing and implementing a conference to bring together media professionals, researchers, and policymakers that work in ISE to reflect upon recent research and develop frameworks for future practice and evaluation. Various media-related groups (print, broadcast, electronic gaming, etc,) usually have professional conferences in isolation from each other with little sharing of information and research findings. Despite the rapid blurring of boundaries between various media types in the marketplace, researchers and practitioners remain within traditional silos. This conference will bring together 80 media practitioners and researchers for a two-day national conference in order to consolidate and synthesize the research-based theories presented in a pre-conference publication. A series of 3 post-web conferences will build on the momentum generated during the initial conference and generate broader participation within the science learning media community. Rockman et al will evaluate the conference and post conference web community.
Flood of Mud: The Roanoke River -- Past and Future is a video project examining long-term impacts of historic land clearing and erosion on temperate rivers and their floodplains. The 17-minute video targets youth and adult visitors to the North Carolina Aquariums. The video highlights the NSF-funded research project EAR-0105929, "Modeling the Impacts of Post-settlement Sediment Deposition on Floodplain Vegetation," which applies paleoecological and dendrochronological methods and computer modeling to examine and predict the impact of sedimentation on forest composition, productivity and functioning of the lower Roanoke River in North Carolina.
EarthTalk, Inc. will develop and air 24 90-second shows per year for three years on the subject of nanotechnology on the Earth & Sky radio program. They will partner with Nano Science and Technology Institute (NSTI), Boston; Nanoscale Science and Technology Facility (CNF), Cornell University; and Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology (CBEN), Houston to identify researchers, advisors and program ideas. Program categories will be Nano 101; Innovations that Could Change the World; Science or Science Fiction; Implications and Ideas; Nano and the Environment; and Listener Questions. The Earth & Sky program currently airs on 685 stations nationwide, making 323 million gross impressions each year; new shows will create some 64 million gross impressions. They will be supplemented by related material on Earth & Sky Online, which receives up to one million page views/month, and a composite of the nano programs onto CD mailed directly to 10,000 teachers yearly.
William BrittonDeborah ByrdBarbara Flagg
The Kratt Brothers Company will produce a full-length pilot of Kratt Bros. Creature Team, a television/multimedia project that teaches science concepts through animated adventure stories to 6-8 year old children. Deliverables include the pilot and its evaluation, an online plan, and outreach plans for a new television series designed for PBS. The project materials will infuse age-appropriate content across multiple disciplines of science and emphasize an inquiry-based approach to learning. The goals for the project are to engage the target audience in science learning building on their natural interest in animals; introduce viewers to basic skills of observation and investigation; and foster positive attitudes toward science. Project partners include PBS stations, the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), and 4-H. Multimedia Research will conduct formative evaluation of the project.
Martin KrattEdward AtkinsBarbara Flagg
This planning grant supports the development of a new half-hour television series with related vodcasts, blogs and outreach designed to inspire young people to consider careers in taxonomy and zoology. Teams of scientists with expertise in every taxonomic category and environmental niche will descend on a typical backyard with the goal of describing and identifying every living organism living there. The project will bring together scientists working in various supported ecology and biodiversity research to act as experts both on camera and behind the scenes. Other collaborators include the Tree of Life project, The Wildlife Society Urban Wildlife Working Group, National 4H, the Verizon Foundation, Thinkfinity Partnership, and the AAAS Directorate for Education and Human Resources Programs. Deliverables for the planning grant will be six short (two to three-minute) show segments for evaluation purposes; a website with four sample podcasts and organism fact cards; a marketing kit; and an evaluation from Multimedia Research.
Albert FisherRobert HirshonBarbara Flagg
Many informal science and mathematics education projects employ multiple media, assuming that educational benefits will extend beyond those of a single medium. However, this assumption has not been tested empirically in a comprehensive way. This research uses Cyberchase (a multiple-media, informal mathematics project for 8- to 11-year-olds) to investigate synergy among multiple media components and how they interact to yield cumulative educational outcomes. Research questions: (1) How does mathematics learning from multiple media differ from learning from a single medium? (2) What outcomes derive from engagement with different types of media and what types of synergy occur? (3) How can reliable research methods be developed to assess contributions of individual media and their interactions? (4) How can informal education projects capitalize on the strengths of each medium? (5) How can media components be designed and employed to best complement each other? The research has four phases: (1) Preparatory - Recruit participants nationally with parental consent. Finalize methods and measures. (2) Naturalistic - Track naturalistic use of various Cyberchase media among 600-800 third and fourth graders. Assess mathematical problem solving and attitudes toward math. (3) Experimental - Establish causality by assigning a subset of the participants (N = 300-400) to several experimental conditions that are exposed to different combinations of Cyberchase media. Measure change in attitudes and problem solving from pretest to posttest. (4) Analysis - Employ appropriate regression and model fitting analyses to analyze the naturalistic and experimental data, and to synthesize the two. Because of the paucity of relevant existing research, this research will shed light on the educational impact of Cyberchase and on the design and assessment of multiple-media approaches to informal STEM education overall. It will advance our theoretical understanding of children's informal mathematics learning - specifically, how children learn from various media, what strengths each medium brings to bear, and what synergy might exist among media - and inform the best practice design and evaluation of future informal projects that use multiple media.
Shalom FischRichard LeshVincent MelfiSandra CrespoSandra Sheppard
Oregon Public Broadcasting is requesting funds to produce three one-hour nationally broadcast television programs, a project website, community-centered outreach coordinated by AAAS in 7 U.S. cities, a seminar discussion guide and a series of 90-second programs as part of the "Earth &Sky" radio series. The subject and purpose of the project is to attract public interest in nanotechnology by examining the social, ethical, legal and environmental issuers surrounding its application. The television programs will be produced by Fred Friendly Seminars (FFS) and broadcast on PBS. Two science museums, Boston Museum of Science and the South Carolina State Museum, and the University of California, Berkeley, will host the FFS panels. The format of the Seminars is designed to produce thought provoking and nuanced discussions of contemporary issues. Collaborative partners in the project include AAAS, Lawrence Hall of Science and ICAN Productions. The outreach initiative includes outreach to "targeted stakeholders" in 7 US cities, four 90-second radio spots as part of Earth & Sky, a project web site and a Seminar discussion guide. Inverness Research Associates and Edu, Inc. will conduct both formative and summative evaluation of the project components.
The goal of this project is to educate children between the ages of 10 and 18 about the ecology of insects and forests, how human activities affect their interaction, and how scientific research is conducted. It will disseminate information throughout Indiana based on research award DEB 0345331, Cicadas and Forests Education. For a period during May and June 2004 the United States was captivated by periodical cicadas in an unusual convergence of popular and scientific interest. This project will use this heightened awareness as a vehicle for informal science education as additional broods emerge in 2007 and 2008 in the Midwest and South. The project will use existing video footage from the research to produce a documentary film on periodical cicadas for airing on public television stations and distribution on DVDs to schools; an interactive computer-based presentation in PowerPoint; and an interactive 3-D animation of the cicada life cycle for use in a science center. Project collaborators include local public television stations, Wonderlab (a science museum), the Indiana State Museum and school systems in Indiana.
The Media Working Group is producing a one-hour documentary about a group of undergraduate women at Ohio State University who are pursuing non-traditional paths of study in a variety of technology and science fields. The Gender Chip Project is designed to provide role models and encouragement for girls (ages 14-18) and young adults who wish to enter STEM careers; and to raise general public awareness about the continuing need to develop STEM education and career opportunities for young women. The broadcast documentary will be complemented by distribution of the program with additional material on DVD. The project will also design a website for Guidance Counselors and young women contemplating STEM education. Project evaluation will be conducted by Kathleen Tyner, Lead Evaluator from Hi-Beam Consulting in San Francisco.
Independent Broadcasting Associates, Inc., is producing a series of twelve radio features for National Public newsmagazines about the Ganges river basin in South Asia. The purpose of this series is to examine the relationships between science and culture as they converge and diverge over issues concerning the Ganga: through (a) examination of the ecology of the river in two key areas; and (b) study of the relationships between scientific and religious attitudes applied to the environmental issues raised in both reaches of the river. The radio series is complemented by a Web site and extensive educational outreach through 11 state Geographic Alliances, an AP Environmental Science module and a pilot Virtual River program developed and tested in collaboration with the Museum of Science in Boston.
Julian Crandall HollickKelly AlleyVinod TareRK SinhaGraham Chapman