The Arizona Mineral Museum and the Flandrau Science Center at the University of Arizona will use this planning grant to develop a new interpretive exhibit "Minerals, Mining, and Mexico: A Cultural Bridge to Science." The University of Arizona Mineral Museum is about to receive the Miguel Romero mineral collection which is one of the most complete collections of Mexican minerals that exists. It contains over 8500 specimens and this collection plus their present collection will bring into being one of the finest regional mineral collections available. With it they will develop exhibits and programming that explore minerals and mining of Mexico and the southwestern U.S. With this planning grant, they will explore the exhibition and programming opportunities to realize their vision of creating a "living and engaging museum that promotes an understanding of basic science principles and an appreciation for the beauty and economic importance of minerals in the context of the historical and cultural perspective of the New World." The planning activities will include meetings of the advisory committee, visits to other museums, and development of two prototype exhibits. At the end of the twelve-month planning period they will have an overall script for the exhibit and recommendations for individual exhibit units, a traveling exhibit version, and curriculum materials for use by formal educators.
The Cranbrook Institute of Science will develop "Our Dynamic Earth," a 7000 sq. ft. exhibit that will provide visitors with insight and understanding of the interrelationships of plate tectonics and climate to prehistoric life. This will make up the earth sciences component in their renovated and expanded exhibit area. This section will include four related areas: 1) Plate Tectonics, 2) The Earth's Amazing Climate System, 3) The Earth Evolving Biosphere, and 4) An Ecological Whodunit. Each area will be anchored by an "icon" that will serve as a guiding image for that exhibit and will be supported by a layered interpretation using objects from the collection, workstations with selected databases, simulated scientific investigations, and hot-links to related Internet Sites. Numerous interactives will highlight the use of scientific research tools and methods. A broad menu of complementary educational activities will accompany the exhibit including take-home activities for families; teacher enhancement sessions and materials for students, and experiences for pre- service teachers. Cranbrook is working with the Detroit Public Schools in their science reform effort supported by an NSF Urban Systemic Initiative and with the Michigan Department of Education through its NSF Statewide Systemic Initiative. The exhibit elements will support and reinforce the systemic reform efforts and will be aligned with the science standards.
The Pacific Science Center will develop a 7000 sq. ft. traveling exhibit "Other Worlds! Other Beings"? Concerned that the general public is largely uninformed about the results of the years of basic science research carried out by U.S. scientists, this exhibit will provide an opportunity for visitors to learn about the results of this research and increase their own understanding of the earth and the solar system in general. The exhibit will introduce visitors to the planets, their environmental characteristics, potential and unlikely probability for life to exist on other planets and the processes involved in astronomical research. In addition to the exhibit, they will develop a planetarium program, materials for use by teachers and students, various workshops and other programs for teachers and community leaders, and a full marketing package for participating museums. The exhibit will travel to a minimum of nine museums during its three year tour after opening at the Pacific Science Center in December, 1997.
The Franklin Institute will develop a 6000 sq. ft. traveling exhibit about "The Powers of Nature". Focusing on earthquakes, severe storms, and volcanoes, the exhibit will promote a greater understanding of the meteorological and geological forces that underlie these phenomena. Visitors will also learn about how scientists monitor and predict natural events, more about how these natural events affect our lives, and critical safety measures that people should take during these dangerous events. The exhibit will include a rich array of immersion experiences, hands-on interactive activities, historical photographs, modern data and imagery, artifacts, and personal stories. An Educator's Guide containing background information and classroom activities will be developed and circulated in a printed publication as well as electronically on the Franklin's WWW home page (Http:\ The exhibit will open at the Franklin Institute in October, 1997 and will circulate among the seven other science museums that are part of the Science Museum Exhibit Collaborative. It is estimated that 2.5 million people will see the exhibit during its 42-month tour.
How do we know the distance to a star? How do we know what a star is made of? How do we know how fast an object is moving? These questions are addressed in this 1,488 square foot permanent exhibit which emphasizes astronomical spectroscopy - the detailed analysis of light from astronomical objects. This interactive, bilingual (English/Spanish) exhibit will demonstrate different applications of spectroscopy that provide insight into the universe, and will provide opportunities for students, teachers, parents, and the general public to learn about the universe. Bilingual ancillary materials will be produced: pre- and post-visit materials for school visitors; a "Life at an Observatory" ten-minute orientation/information video to be shown at the visitor center. Target audiences are students in grades K-12, and general visitors.
The Field Museum will develop a 10,000 sq. ft. exhibit "Life Underground: Foundations of the Biosphere." This exhibit will introduce visitors to underground ecosystems and the importance of soil upon which we all depend. Visitors will be invited to explore the diversity of underground organisms and the vital processes in which they participate. It will consists of three main parts: 1) Underground Expedition, where things will be enlarged 100 times life-size; 2) Changes Over Time, which will highlight the dynamic nature of soil communities and forces of change, and 3) a World Tour, which will compare soil communities from a variety of ecosystems including forests, grasslands, deserts, tundra, among others. The exhibit utilizes ideas and research from all four of the museum's academic disciplines -- botany, zoology, geology and anthropology and will incorporate hundreds of specimens from the museum's botany, mycology, and zoology collections to illustrate the diversity of organisms in and around the soil. Complementary educational programming will be developed and the project is especially targeting rural and inner city residents. School and community programs will extend the exhibit into classrooms, vacant lots, and community centers. The materials developed for use in a formal education setting will be integrated with current objectives of the existing curricula. In addition, on-line access to the content of the exhibit and complementary educational materials will be provided. The scheduled opening date for the exhibit is May, 1998 and during the ten year projected life span of the exhibit and complementary programming, it is expected that more than eight million people will be introduced to "Life Underground."
M. Frances Muraski-StotzGregory MuellerDebra Moskovits
The Cleveland Museum of Natural History will develop an exhibit that integrates earth sciences and planetary geology. Currently titled "The Hall of Earth and Planetary Exploration" this 8700 sq. ft. exhibit will consist of a series of ten sections, each one focusing on a different theme including "The Big Bang", "Plate Tectonics", "Earthquakes and Volcanoes", "Ores and Mining", and the like. The goals are to instill curiosity about the Earth and planetary sciences and their interrelationships, to invite deeper exploration into scientific information and processes, to improve general science literacy by organizing the information into comprehensible themes, and to present an exhibit that is relevant to the daily lives of the general public. Visitors leaving the exhibit should know about the uniqueness of the earth with its moving continents, liquid water and living beings. They will also have some sense of the new scientific knowledge about the universe and the solar system and have their desire piqued to explore these topics further. The exhibit will have a number of complementary components including brochures, an expanded docent program, scheduled demonstrations and lectures by museum staff, devices for physically disabled, teacher guides and workshops, and traveling kits for schools. The exhibit goals and complementary activities align with Cleveland's Urban Systemic Initiative. The exhibit is scheduled to open late in 1997.
Joseph HannibalPaul CliffordJoAnn Coburn
Explorations is an 8,200 sq. ft. permanent exhibition containing about 70 educational components that will stimulate interest in and understanding of the ways that science and technology are extending the ability to examine and understand the Earth, its oceans and the universe. The exhibit design gives equal priority to science content and learning via high-tech device components, interweaving experiences to help the public understand cutting edge technologies, the scientific principles behind them, and how technology is used to advance scientific knowledge. To ensure accessibility to the Hispanic community, graphics and multimedia programs will be presented in English and Spanish. Strategies for addressing the language needs of other non-English speaking visitors are employed. It is expected that the engineering designs and solutions developed for these exhibits will advance the informal science learning profession buy contributing significantly to one of the top challenges faced by science museum exhibit designers today - the interpretation of advanced technological tools and capabilities to a broad museum public with diverse technical literacy skills.
The Space Science Institute is developing a 5,000 s.f. hands-on traveling exhibitions called MarsQuest that will be the centerpiece of a wide-ranging planetary science education program. The exhibition will feature engaging, aesthetically designed, hands-on displays that offer experiences with science concepts relevant to Mars exploration, and will address the common misconceptions about Mars and its relationship to Earth. The most exciting aspect of the exhibition is its up-to-date connection to the progress and discoveries of 8-10 spacecraft that will be launched by NASA from 1996-2005. The exhibition will be supported by educational programs, including comprehensive teacher workshops, public programs on Mars themes, a 30-minute planetarium show emphasizing exploration and discovery, visits to schools and the dissemination of comprehensive field- tested educational materials developed by Arizona State University, the Planetary Society, NASA, the Pacific Science Center, and others. All educational materials will be aligned with the National Science Education Standards and will be available on the World Wide Web.
The Chabot Observatory and Science Center (COSC) in Oakland California will develop and present Bringing the Universe Down to Earth: Demystifying the Process that shapes the Solar System. This exhibition will utilize thirteen interactive works by Ned Kahn, a nationally recognized artist. The exhibition will consist of twenty-six exhibits: two per theme, one for Chabot, and one for the traveling component. The exhibition will be incorporated into the structure and network of COSC. It will invite visitors to draw on their general knowledge of this world by focusing on familiar earthly phenomena, such as volcanoes, whirlwinds, wind storms, avalanches, and to consider them in a broader context. Also, the project will take advantage of Chabot's well developed, online connection with schools and community groups in the area to create new opportunities for individualized inquiry. A direct product of this work will be a series of curricular outlines designed to help teachers make full use of the exhibition. This effort can be used to foster a strong collaboration between the informal and formal science education programs. An important feature of this exhibition is that it will travel to nine sites around the country under the auspices of the Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC). It is projected that over one million people at the nine sites will see this traveling exhibition. Educational and marketing materials, as well as workshops materials prepared for the COSC exhibition will accompany the traveling exhibit.
Michael ReynoldsMargaret HaubenNed Kahn
The Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum proposes to develop a 10,395 square foot permanent exhibition. Five major exhibit areas - The Milky Way; Billions and Billions; The Life Cycle of Stars; Properties of Stars; and The Dynamic Galaxy -will orient visitors to the Milky Way, and explore in detail the fascinating objects found within. Each gallery will represent different content areas, but there are several underlying connecting themes. 1. Science does not distract from the appreciation, beauty, and mystery of the Universe, but rather deepens it; 2. The universe is a vast, dynamic, evolving, and fascinating place, where we are always learning about new things; 3. We can organize our picture of the Universe in ways that help us understand its structure, and our place in it; 4. We can begin to understand the Universe through observation and interpretation; 5. Based on the fundamental laws of nature, there are some concepts that will help us to explain the phenomenons of the universe. The Adler's new exhibits and programs will reflect the principles and pedagogy articulated in the new National Science Education Standards. It will also be reflected in the national and local reform efforts such as the Urban Systemic Initiative. The Adler staff will collaborate with the Chicago Systemic Initiative of the Chicago Public Schools. The CSI teachers, parents, and students will be involved the program development and evaluation process through focus groups, working teams, and pilot testing activities on-site at the museum The project Principal Investigator (PI) Dr. Evalyn L. Gates received her Doctorate in Physics from Case Western Reserve University in 1990. Currently, she serves as Chair of the Astronomy Department at the Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum. Dr. Gates is a Research Scientist on the faculty in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at The University of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois. In addition to the project team, a broad-based advisory comm ittee will serve as counsel to the project. Serving on the project advisory committee are: Minda Borun; Director of Research and Evaluation, The Franklin Institute Science Museum; Richard G. Kron, Ph.D., Director, Yerkes Observatory and on the faculty at The University of Chicago; Catherine A. Pilachowski, Ph.D., Kitt Peak National Observatory; Phillip M. Sadler, Ed.D. Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; James W. Thuran, Ph. D., The University of Chicago ; Melanie Wojtulewicz, M.A., the Chicago Public Schools; and Fahrad Y. Zadeh, Ph.D. Northwestern University.
Anchorage Museum of History and Art will used this planning award to develop the script, identify artifacts, and do other preliminary planning activities for and exhibit "Lifting the Fog: Exploration of the North Pacific, 1728 - 1867." The exhibit will be a 5000 to 6000 sq. ft. presentation that will give visitors insights into the scientific discoveries made in the North Pacific during the Russian era of dominance of this area. These Russian lead voyages, which included individuals from a number of European countries, made major findings in biology, hydrography, marine science and technology, geography and cartography, and ethnography. With this planning grant, they will bring together a group of museum professionals representing a diversity of approaches including hands-on science museums, scientists, and historian of science, formal educators, native Alaskans, and an evaluator to refine the plans. Project staff will draft the concept design, draft the label text, develop the specifications for the exhibit design, and develop the catalogue, among other activities. At the end of the twelve month planing period they will have refined their exhibit theme, developed their floor plan and concept design, developed plans for the interactive and hands-on activities, developed the interpretative labels and laid plans for the complementary activities including the catalogue, a curriculum plan, and other adjunct activities such as workshops demonstrating how scientific investigation was carried out in the 19th century.