The Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum proposes to develop a 10,395 square foot permanent exhibition. Five major exhibit areas - The Milky Way; Billions and Billions; The Life Cycle of Stars; Properties of Stars; and The Dynamic Galaxy -will orient visitors to the Milky Way, and explore in detail the fascinating objects found within. Each gallery will represent different content areas, but there are several underlying connecting themes. 1. Science does not distract from the appreciation, beauty, and mystery of the Universe, but rather deepens it; 2. The universe is a vast, dynamic, evolving, and fascinating place, where we are always learning about new things; 3. We can organize our picture of the Universe in ways that help us understand its structure, and our place in it; 4. We can begin to understand the Universe through observation and interpretation; 5. Based on the fundamental laws of nature, there are some concepts that will help us to explain the phenomenons of the universe. The Adler's new exhibits and programs will reflect the principles and pedagogy articulated in the new National Science Education Standards. It will also be reflected in the national and local reform efforts such as the Urban Systemic Initiative. The Adler staff will collaborate with the Chicago Systemic Initiative of the Chicago Public Schools. The CSI teachers, parents, and students will be involved the program development and evaluation process through focus groups, working teams, and pilot testing activities on-site at the museum The project Principal Investigator (PI) Dr. Evalyn L. Gates received her Doctorate in Physics from Case Western Reserve University in 1990. Currently, she serves as Chair of the Astronomy Department at the Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum. Dr. Gates is a Research Scientist on the faculty in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at The University of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois. In addition to the project team, a broad-based advisory comm ittee will serve as counsel to the project. Serving on the project advisory committee are: Minda Borun; Director of Research and Evaluation, The Franklin Institute Science Museum; Richard G. Kron, Ph.D., Director, Yerkes Observatory and on the faculty at The University of Chicago; Catherine A. Pilachowski, Ph.D., Kitt Peak National Observatory; Phillip M. Sadler, Ed.D. Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; James W. Thuran, Ph. D., The University of Chicago ; Melanie Wojtulewicz, M.A., the Chicago Public Schools; and Fahrad Y. Zadeh, Ph.D. Northwestern University.
Funding Program:
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Evalyn Gates
Principal Investigator
Adler Planetarium
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