The Museum of Ophthalmology will develop "Amazing Eyes of the Animal Kingdom", a 1500 to 2000 sq. ft. traveling exhibit that will enable young people (ages 11 - 14) and their families to explore the science of vision of humans and animals. Following an introduction about human eyes (structure and function) visitors will then discover the diversity of eye designs within the animal kingdom and learning how visual systems have adapted in response to their surroundings. Complementary activities will include and interactive gallery guide for those who prefer a facilitated experience; a trunk kit for use in a classroom, community center, or other non-museum locations; and pre- and post-visit materials for teachers. The exhibit content and complementary materials will be developed to complement the Science Framework for Californian Public Schools, other state frameworks and The National Science Education Standards. It is anticipated that the exhibit will be managed by the Association of Science-Technology Centers and will travel to nine museums during a three year period. It will open June, 1998.
The Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History (LACMNH) will develop "Cats! Wild to Mild" a traveling exhibit on endangered wild and domestic cats. This will be a 5000 sq. ft. exhibit intended to engage families, school groups, and adults in the history, biology, and evolution of the family Felidae. The primary objectives of the exhibit are to awaken interest in scientific study in children, to provide parents and children with a stimulating interactive environment, to increase public knowledge about the status and conservation of wild cats, and to promote responsible pet care. The exhibit will include a large number of mounted cat specimens and various interactive activities in addition to label panels. A broad menu of complementary programming is planned, both for use at LACMNH and by museums hosting the exhibit. Items and activities include: teacher enhancement activities, curriculum guide, and other materials, pre-and post-visit materials for students, family take-home materials, kits for teachers and families, a CD-ROM and a place on the museum's WWW page with an extensive amount of information about cats and activities for the user, among other things. The formal education materials will be designed to integrate the study of cats into state-mandated areas of the curriculum such as reading, mathematics, and social studies. An audience that is specially targeted is the traditionally underserved group. The exhibit will have a five year tour at fifteen venues and will open at LACMNH early spring, 1997.
James OlsonJoan GrastyBlaire Van Valkenburgh
"Under the Rock: An Experiment in Neighborhood Exhibit-Making" is a project that will engage children in the development of exhibits as well as present information about backyard ecology. The Children's Museum staff will work with Federated Dorchester Neighborhood Houses (a group of inner city neighborhood centers in Boston) to develop a model activity that uses the theory and practice of exhibit making as a tool to engage children in science learning in their neighborhoods. They will work with children and their parents in the exploration of insect life in their urban settings and presentation of their findings in exhibits the children will make. Exhibit making includes the entire process of: studying live insects, doing research, writing text, designing and building interactive activities for an exhibit about insects, and marketing the exhibit. Exhibit making has been chosen as the pedagogical technique because it parallels creative work done in the real world; it involves people working together in teams, and utilizes different skills and intelligences of the participants. In addition to the exhibits, other results of this project will include: an educator's guidebook documenting the process of exhibit-making in community centers; a proposal for an activity book for kids with writing samples and illustrations that will be submitted to a publisher; video and electronic resources; and contributions and recommendations for the Museum's "Under the Rock" exhibit, a new exhibit to be developed subsequent to the completion of the first two phases of this project.
Signe HansonTimothy PorterDorothy Merrill
The New York Hall of Science will develop an interactive exhibit for the general public "The Chemistry of Life". There will be two editions of the exhibit: one 2,500 sq. ft. version will be installed permanently in the New York Hall of Science and another 1500 sq. ft. version will travel nationally. Focusing on the common chemical processes behind all life on earth, the exhibit will help visitors learn four basic chemistry concepts: 1) a shared chemistry underlies all forms of life, 2) the chemistry of energy transformation takes place in all living things, 3) chemical energy is converted to mechanical energy to animate life, and 4) the chemistry of reproduction provides for the continuity of life. The chemistry of the human body will be used whenever possible as an entry point to the concepts. Exhibits will include a hands-on staffed visitor chemistry lab, interactive activities, stimulations, models, demonstrations, and video clips. Complementary materials and workshops will be developed for families, school groups, and teachers. These materials are being developed with the curricular needs of the New York State Systemic Initiative and New York City Urban Systemic Initiative in mind. Teacher and student materials will be keyed to the curriculum guidelines. The long-term exhibit is scheduled to open late in 1998 and the traveling version will be available in spring 1999.
The Louisville Science Center will develop "The World We Create", a 13,000 sq. ft. exhibit which will transform their second floor to an active learning environment where visitors can explore the simplest element of the creative process to the most sophisticated networks available to our society. The activities will be organized into five core exhibit areas: New Way Tunnel, Think Tank, Inventor's Garage, Chemistry Kitchen, and Tech World and will reinforce educational reform activities in math, science, problem- solving, team cooperation, and decision making. In addition to the large number of interactives, there is a substantial technology/telecommunications component known as the Tech Forum. This will serve at the home site for the Kentucky TeleLinking Network (KTLN). The educational objectives of the exhibit were developed under the guidance of prominent formal educators in the state and they address both the education reform goals of the state and national science and math standards. The exhibit has also been developed with direct participation of a number of private sector partners. It is an impressive community effort. The exhibit is scheduled to open in March, 1997.
The Science Museum of Minnesota will develop "Buildings: A Traveling Exhibit and Permanent Installation with Education and Outreach Programs". This is a multifaceted project that includes a 5,000 sq. ft. exhibit that will explore the science, technology, and human perception of buildings. The exhibit will tell three stories: 1) buildings must obey physical laws to stay up, 2) buildings are complex operating systems, and 3) buildings reflect and shape the societies that create them. The exhibit will initially be developed as a traveling exhibit that will circulate among the member institutions of the Science Museum Exhibit Collaborative (8 institutions) and then it will be reinstalled in the new SMM $77 million building. Additional partners collaborating on this project include the National Building Museum, the Society of Building Science Educators, Habitat for Humanity International, The ReUse Center, the Vital Signs Program and the Center for City Building Education. Special attention will be given to reaching girls and women and the physically challenged. A broad menu of public programming is planned and school-linked materials will be developed.
The California Museum of Science and Industry (CMSI) will develop a new exhibit "Body in Balance: Developing Integrative Life Science Exhibits." This will be a 3000 sq. ft. component in the new 17,500 sq. ft. World of Life Exhibit Hall when the CMSI opens its new facility in 1997 and becomes the California Science Center. The World of Life is organized around several key science concepts which emphasize the commonalties among living things and their life processes. One of the major ideas to be communicated in this area is homeostasis as it applies to human beings. Homeostasis has been chosen because it is the unifying theme of system physiology. The exhibit will include seventeen exhibits (with a total of sixty- seven interactive elements) as well as a "The Body in Balance" theater presentations and bilingual (English/Spanish) exhibition books. This integrative view of body functions is consistent with recommendations from Benchmarks for Science Literacy and the Science Framework for California Public Schools Grades K-12. A broad menu of complementary formal education materials will be developed.
To provide the general public with an understanding of the basic principles that underlie the transmission, storage, and retrieval of information, the Fleet Center proposes to build SIGNALS, a 4,500 square foot exhibition. SIGNALS will be divided into three sections, of approximately 15 interactive exhibits each, which explore the physical principles of wave motion, the properties of electromagnetic pulses useful for communications, and the signal processing that enables us to handle information. An Advisory Committee comprised of highly qualified individuals at the leading edge of their fields will support development of SIGNALS; a very experienced team of exhibit developers will fabricate the exhibition. SIGNALS will become a permanent exhibition in an expanded Fleet Center, where it is expected to attract 1 million visitors a year, including at least 100,000 K-12 students. Since the lack of technological understanding is a national problem, we propose to build a 3,000 square foot traveling version of SIGNALS, contingent upon an NSF review of the completed permanent exhibition. The total cost for both exhibitions is $1,983,480. We are requesting $985,900 from NSF: $692,800 for the permanent exhibition and $293,100 for the traveling exhibition. The project will begin in June, 1992, and be completed by June, 1996.
The Science Museum of Connecticut (SMC) proposes a three- year exhibit project called The State of the Environment. This cost-effective project will serve over 500,000 citizens a year by producing two permanent exhibits - 2400 sf for SMC and 400 sf for SMD's Roaring Brook Nature Center -- and eight traveling exhibits for use primarily in connecticut's Priority schools. These innovative exhibits use highly accurate sculptural relief maps which are animated by laser graphics and responsive to visitor inquiries through a research-calibre database containing vast information on Connecticut's environment. Thorough evaluation will help SMC design visitor experiences that make map-database interaction attractive, easy to use and understand, and educationally satisfying. State accredited teacher workshops will give educators a firm grasp of database capabilities prior to its use in the traveling exhibits for schools. Traveling exhibits will support goals in Connecticut's NSF-funded Statewide Initiative. Teacher's Guides will facilitate in-dept investigations for high school science lessons. These exhibits will provide hands- on experiences with professional tools for environmental research, show how environmental maps are made, teach basic principles of environmental science, and provide-in-depth information about the ecology of an entire state.
The Educational Film Center will complete production of a science, engineering, and technology careers exhibit and informal science education project for use in science museums, libraries, schools, and community locations. The twelve additional interactive and linear career profiles to be produced under this grant will bring the total number of careers available in a fully interactive mode to thirty-two. Users will be able to explore each of these careers with first person video profiles of people in science and engineering and animated/reality video simulations of work experiences in these fields. The exhibit also with provide guidance to help users make decisions about education and career choices and will include a database of information about approximately 200 additional science and math-based professions. The project also will undertake the development and testing of eight permanent model Family Outreach Science Career Education Centers in eight cities. These centers will be based on and will expand upon the experience the project had in their earlier model Parent Outreach Science Career Program. Utilization support will be provided through special target leader guides, presentations and workshops at national and regional meetings of user organizations and groups, and a SETQuest bulletin board and e-mail network for the exchange of user science career programming. This project is a collaborative effort among four organizations: The Educational Film Center (EFC) is responsible for management of the project and for the development of production of the software and the documentary video profiles; COMAP is responsible for selecting and hiring content consultants, for formative and summative evaluation, and will jointly market and distribute the material with EFC; The New York Hall of Science is responsible for the exhibit kiosk and graphics, the design and development of the workbook and museum installation print components of the project, and will serve as principal test site for the exhibit; and the AAAS is coordinating the design, implementation, and testing of parent outreach program. All of the organizations will be involved in presentations and dissemination of project information to the informal and formal education communities.
The Computer Museum will develop two 2500 sq. ft. computer-based exhibits the "Virtual Fishtank: Splashing Into Complex Systems". One exhibit will be installed permanently in the Computer Museum and the other will travel nationally for three to five years. These exhibits will use computer modeling of fish to introduce the public to new ideas about complex systems science and demonstrate the central concept that complex behaviors and patterns can emerge from simple interactions among simple rules. Visitors will spend eight to ten minutes designing their own fish at one of the ten FishBuilder computer stations. As they make decisions, they will be able to observe the effects of their rule selections on a computer display. When satisfied with their design, visitors can then "tag" their fish by placing their initials on fish tails and launch them in the central "fishtank". Large projection screens will encircle visitors in a dramatic simulation of an underwater aquarium environment. Visitors will observe and analyze how the few simple rules imbedded in the design of individual fish give rise to complex behaviors and patterns in the entire ecosystem. This exhibit draws on research conducted at MIT's Media Lab, The Computer Museum, and the New England Aquarium and will be able to reach people with a variety of learning styles. It anticipated completion date is March, 1998 for the TCM's version and the traveling version will begin it's national tour in September, 1998.
The Science Center of Connecticut will develop, evaluate, and install 57 mathematical exhibit activities in its new 160,000 sq. ft. exhibit facility. These activities will engage visitors in learning how math is an integral part of daily life and a necessary skill in many careers. Eight math topics will be treated: probability and statistics; relative scale; geometry; symmetry; math puzzles; chaos and fractals; numbers, measurements, and calculations; and estimations. The hands-on activities will range from involvement with low-tech to high- tech, computerized activities. The target audience is people nine and up and it will be available to the museums 500,000 annual visitors. The mathematics activities will be distributed throughout the museum and math will serve as a integrating theme for all the museum's exhibits. The topics are aligned with Connecticut s SSI program which focuses on applied mathematics in context of the science disciplines. Within the state, plans are taking shape to link with Connecticut Public Television to broadcast electronic field trips to the museum through Knowledge Network. Nationally, museum staff members will make presentations at both museum and mathematics education meetings to other museum professionals. The concept of thematic integration throughout the museum will be disseminated through the state and the nation.