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Community Repository Search Results

resource project Public Programs
The Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI), in collaboration with the Tampa Community Development Corporation (CDC), will create a youth STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) program designed by East Tampa neighborhood participants for the neighborhood. The STEAM program will be a first of its kind in the area and will bring a continuum of experiences in STEAM fields to underserved middle and high school students, as well as volunteer participants, who come from the East Tampa neighborhood. Initial programming topics for career exploration include astronomy/cosmology and space exploration, environmental sciences, engineering, robotics, crime scene forensics, and medical explorations. The project will expand the museum's ability to create a STEAM continuum, increase interest in STEAM careers, and to increase awareness of skills necessary to be successful in STEAM careers.
resource research Public Programs
This guide is to provide staff mentors and trainers the professional development framework to recruit non-traditional informal science educators and then begin to build skills, competencies and knowledge for those individuals to serve their diverse communities as mentors, facilitators, and role models. It is also meant to illuminate lessons learned while developing the training framework for the CLUES project.
resource evaluation Public Programs
In the Communities of Learning for Urban Environments and Science (CLUES) project, the four museums of the Philadelphia-Camden Informal Science Education Collaborative worked to build informal science education (ISE) capacity in historically underserved communities. The program offered comprehensive professional development (PD) to Apprentices from 8-10 community-based organizations (CBO), enabling them to develop and deliver hands-on family science workshops. Apprentices, in turn, trained Presenters from the CBOs to assist in delivering the workshops. Families attended CLUES events both at
resource research Public Programs
In this article, science center and museum professionals from around the world share ways that they are engaging visitors in hands-on innovation. Work from the following organizations are discussed: Exploratorium, Discovery Center of Idaho, Lawrence Hall of Science, Iridescent, Conner Prairie Interactive History Park, Ideum, Discovery Place, Ontario Science Centre, Bootheel Youth Museum, Science Centre Singapore, Children's Museum of Phoenix, Discovery Museums (Acton, MA), Discovery Center of Springfield, Missouri, Museum of Science, Boston, Questacon--The National Science and Technology
TEAM MEMBERS: Emily Schuster
resource project Media and Technology
Sea Studios Foundation will extend the Strange Days on Planet Earth multimedia initiative to raise public science literacy on pressing environmental issues. Based on pioneering Earth System Science research, Phase Two will be a media and outreach project focused on the ocean and water issues. The goal of the project is to increase public awareness and understanding of the scope and scale of key issues affecting the ocean. At the core of the project is a four part television documentary series for PBS primetime entitled Strange Days, Ocean. The programs will concentrate on four content areas: overexploitation of ocean resources, pollution, coastal development, climate change and the role of the ocean in Earth's system. Each episode is structured around a compelling scientific questions designed to engage the audience in a search for answers based on the most current research from the varied Earth System Science disciplines. The series focuses on explaining how scientists come to know what they know. The series will be complemented by activity-based learning supported by a national consortium of informal learning institutions, a citizen science program, training sessions for informal educators, and a project website. Collaborators include the National Geographic and three new major partners: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Program to expand citizen science programs around invasive species; Americans for Informed Democracy (AID), dedicated to organizing college campus educational events; The Ocean Project (TOP), a network of 600 organizations; plus the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum and eight other informal science institutions. Knight Williams Research Communications, and Public Knowledge and Cultural Logic will assess the impact of the series. The project will contribute to the field of informal science education by providing widely applicable communication lessons on ocean and water issues and a model methodology for creating science education media that is credible, informative, and relevant. The results of two unique adult learning case studies will be shared with the field through presentations at national meetings and workshops, and posted online.
TEAM MEMBERS: Mark Shelley David Elisco Tierney Thys
resource project Media and Technology
This Pathways project will develop and evaluate a new model for a STEM career exploration program for at-risk Hispanic youth and their families in New Mexico where 46% of the population is Hispanic. The target audience includes Hispanic youth incarcerated in juvenile detention centers. The Hispanic Communications Network will partner with the Juvenile Justice Division of the New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department, Youth Development Inc.; and Youth Works in Santa Fe. STEM professionals from Los Alamos and Sandia labs and private sector companies in New Mexico will participate as role models. The evaluation findings will add to the knowledge base about strategies to increase interest and engagement in pursuing STEM careers among hard-to-reach Hispanic audiences including low income families, gang members and incarcerated youth. The project design includes using two main strategies: family evenings with STEM role models; and a social media and Facebook contest focusing on Green Jobs of the Future. The evaluation will use a mixed-methods approach for gathering data including brief questionnaires after the family evenings, pre-and past-activity surveys, observations, and telephone and online surveys. The evaluation will provide ongoing feedback to the project team on how well the strategies are working. The project will hold 8 family nights, involve approximately 16 STEM professionals (role models), and projects about 16 edited media submissions by the youth teams. Toward the end of the project the evaluation will comment on the viability, efficacy and potential transferability of this model to other communities.
TEAM MEMBERS: Carlos Alcazar Trinity Treat Alliyah Noor Lynn Dierking
resource project Public Programs
This conference project features two gatherings of scientists, science educators, and other experts, as well as the development of a web site, list-serv, and related activities. During the gatherings, participants will explore how to build state-based programs that can engage people who are incarcerated in sustainability science programming. This work builds off of the success of the Sustainable Prisons Project, which has connected people who are incarcerated in Washington State with science through direct involvement in conservation research, and responds to calls from scientists and corrections staff interested in implementing similar programming in other states. The project will help advance the informal science education (ISE) field by potentially leading to high impact activities for a truly underserved population; building capacity among ISE professionals; and building knowledge and a replicable model of supporting non-traditional collaborations that serve the needs of people underrepresented in STEM.
TEAM MEMBERS: Nalini Nadkarni Carri LeRoy
resource project Media and Technology
The University of Chicago's Yerkes Observatory, the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, the University of North Carolina, the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, and 4-H are collaborating to provide professional development to 180 4-H leaders and other informal science educators, and engage 1,400 middle school youth in using research-grade robotic telescopes and data analysis tools to explore the Universe. Youth participating in 4H-based out-of-school programs in Wisconsin, West Virginia and North Carolina are learning about the universe and preparing for STEM careers by conducting authentic astronomy research, completing astronomy-related hands-on modeling activities, interacting with astronomers and other professionals who are part of the Skynet Robotic Telescope Network, and interacting with other youth who part of the Skynet Junior Scholars virtual community. The project is innovative because it is providing a diverse community of 4-H youth (including sight- and hearing-challenged youth and those from underrepresented groups) with opportunities to use high-quality, remotely located, Internet-controlled telescopes to explore the heavens by surveying galaxies, tracking asteroids, monitoring variable stars, and learn about the nature and methods of science. Deliverables include (1) online access to optical and radio telescopes, data analysis tools, and professional astronomers, (2) an age-appropriate web-based interface for controlling remote telescopes, (3) inquiry-based standards-aligned instructional modules, (4) face-to-face and online professional development for 4-H leaders and informal science educators, (5) programming for youth in out-of-school clubs and clubs, (6) evaluation findings on the impacts of program activities on participants, and (7) research findings on how web-based interactions between youth and scientists can promote student interest in and preparedness for STEM careers. The evaluation plan is measuring the effectiveness of program activities in (1) increasing youths' knowledge, skills, interest, self-efficacy, and identity in science, including youth who are sight- and hearing-impaired, (2) increasing educators' competency in implementing inquiry-based instruction and their ability to interact with scientists, and (3) increasing the number of Skynet scientists who are involved in education and public outreach.
TEAM MEMBERS: Richard Kron Suzanne Gurton Daniel Reichart Sue Ann Heatherly
resource project Public Programs
ISE Research: Contextualizing Science Learning and Motivation in Rural and Indigenous Adolescents through Mapping Sustainable Practices is a three-year interdisciplinary research project. Researchers from the University of New Hampshire will investigate impacts of contextualization on science learning, motivation, and positive attitudes toward science of early adolescents from rural and Indigenous populations. The project will yield research findings that can help identify contextualization as a means to engage rural and Indigenous adolescents. The project team uses a systematic approach that incorporates mixed methods of data collection and analysis to learn more about how culture and community (contextualization) impact STEM learning. They hypothesize that contextualizing science learning to culture and community will enhance rural majority and Indigenous early adolescents' science knowledge and positively strengthen motivation and attitudes toward science. Local community and Indigenous group members provide expertise that contributes to the design of the research and the related curriculum as well as the interpretation of the findings. This project will contribute to what we know about how underserved and underrepresented youth engage in STEM learning in relation to their world views. This work will help advance the informal science education field in terms of providing rigorous evidence that can inform theory on learning and motivation among disadvantaged STEM learners as well as address practical issues around the design of STEM programs for rural and Indigenous groups.
TEAM MEMBERS: Eleanor Abrams Thomas Kelly Lisa Townson Ruth Varner Michael Middleton
resource project Public Programs
The University of Alaska Fairbanks will partner with the National Optical and Astronomy Observatory, the University of Alaska Museum of the North, and the University of Washington-Bothell to bring biomaterials, optics, photonics, and nanotechnology content, art infused experiences, and career awareness to art-interested girls. This full scale development project, Project STEAM, will explore the intersections between biology, physics, and art using advanced technologies at the nano to macro scale levels. Middle school girls from predominately underrepresented Alaskan Native, Native American (Tohono O'odham, Pascula Yaqui) and Hispanic groups, their families, teachers, and Girl Scout Troop Leaders in two site locations- Anchorage, Alaska and Tucson, Arizona will participate in the project. Centered on the theme "Colors of Nature," Project STEAM will engage girls in science activities designed to enhance STEM learning and visual-spatial skills. Using advanced technologies, approximately 240 girls enrolled in the Summer Academy over the project duration will work with women scientist mentors, teachers, and Girl Scout Troop Leaders to create artistic representations of natural objects observed at the nano and macro scale levels. Forty girls will participate in the Summer Academy in year one (20 girls per site- Alaska and Arizona). In consequent years, approximately180 girls will participate in the Academy (30 girls per site). Another 1,500 girls are expected to be reached through their Girl Scout Troop Leaders (n=15) who will be trained to deliver a modified version of the program using specialized curriculum kits. In addition, over 6,000 girls and their families are expected to attend Project STEAM Science Cafe events held at local informal science education institutions at each site during the academic year. In conjunction with the programmatic activities, a research investigation will be conducted to study the impact of the program on girls' science identity. Participant discourse, pre and post assessments, and observed engagement with the scientific and artistic ideas and tools presented will be examined and analyzed. A mixed methods approach will also be employed for the formative and summative evaluations, which will be conducted by The Goldstream Group. Ultimately, the project endeavors to increase STEM learning and interest through art, build capacity through professional development, advance the research base on girls' science identity and inspire and interest girls in STEM careers.
TEAM MEMBERS: Laura Conner Stephen Pompea Mareca Guthrie Carrie Tzou
resource project Public Programs
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific, in collaboration with the Institute for Learning Innovation, will implement "Sharing the Universe." This research and implementation project is designed to include both a comprehensive, two-phased research component, as well as a large-scale national dissemination. The intended impacts are to improve the quality and effectiveness of informal science education activities provided by amateur astronomers; increase the frequency of public engagements in astronomy; and broaden the variety of events and diversity of the outreach to include underserved and underrepresented audiences. The project will create a community of practice using club leaders to improve astronomy clubs nationwide through research tools, training and outreach skills. Project deliverables include Phase I research which is designed to gain an understanding of how outreach-orientated clubs function and identify strategies that make successful clubs effective. Phase II will examine a core group of 20 clubs in detail to further understand the outreach culture while using interventions developed from the Phase I results such as a training DVD, Online Resource Library, Outreach Toolkit and a robust community of practice. The final deliverable will be the dissemination of proven strategies and best practices revealed by the research to 200 diverse astronomy clubs across the country. Strategic impact will be realized in increased outreach capacity among amateur astronomers and a strong model for astronomy clubs with proven best practices and resources. It is anticipated this project will reach more than 4,400 amateur astronomers and indirectly impact more than one million Americans in astronomy clubs in four years. Inverness Research will conduct the summative evaluation of the project.
TEAM MEMBERS: James Manning Martin Storksdieck Eric Jones Michael Bennett Greg Schultz
resource project Public Programs
This Pathways proposal seeks to find the most effective means for communicating research, research processes and ocean sciences to the public from the ocean ship Joides Resolution (JR). The JR is an NSF-supported research vessel that assists scientists and educators in their quest for understanding the science of oceans and ocean floors worldwide. The goal of this project is to find the best mechanism for communicating science through the numerous platforms of informal science education. Through a series of discussions by stakeholders that include scientists, educators, end-users in the informal science education community and evaluators, 3-5 pilot projects will be selected for further elaboration, testing and evaluation for communication methodologies. From these studies and refinements, models for communication will be produced for further implementation. Partners in this venture include: Consortium for Ocean Leadership\'s Deep Earth Academy (DEA)and the Education Division for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP). This project will enhance the public\'s understanding of oceans, ocean floors, and related research in these elements, and inspire younger individuals who may consider ocean science as a career. Models for how best to communicate the world of ocean science will be tested and disseminated through informal science education networks and platforms. Further, models for evaluation of this multidisciplinary science endeavor will be helpful to advancing the informal science education field.
TEAM MEMBERS: Leslie Peart Sharon Cooper