Most tabletop research presents findings from lab-based user studies, focusing on specific interaction techniques. This means we still know little about how these new interfaces perform in real life settings and how users appropriate them. This paper presents findings from a field study of an existing interactive table in a museum of natural history. Visitors were found to employ a wide variety of gestures for interacting; different interface elements invited different types of gesture. The analysis highlights challenges and design conflicts in the design of tabletop interfaces for public
This Communicating Research to Public Audiences project focuses on the Reedy Glacier Antarctic research of Brenda Hall (OPP 0229034) and its relevance to the residents of and visitors to Maine. Collaborators include the University of Maine, the Maine Discovery Museum, the Acadia National Park and Cadillac Mountain Sports (an environmentally active retail company with several stores around the state). The primary deliverable is the development of an interactive software program that presents information and experiences in a two-tiered concept approach -- on the Reedy Glacier and its connection to Maine and on the process of science. The software is being configured into kiosks at the three partnering organizations, into a DVD format for informal and formal settings to be distributed at cost and onto a University of Maine Climate Change web portal currently under separate development. The project web site will provide source code for the portal design so others may use it to create portals and modules of their own. The Maine Discovery Museum intends to create additional exhibitry on the topic with resources outside this proposal, and the Acadia National Park will use the programs in teacher education workshops.
Partnering with National Musical Arts, the Science Museum of Minnesota seeks to develop BioMusic, a 4,000 sq. ft. traveling exhibition that explores the origins of music in nature and the connections between music and sound of living things. This project is based on planning grant ESI-0211611 (The Music of Nature and the Nature of Music) awarded to NMA. The project is based on the emerging interdisciplinary research field of biomusic, which includes musicology plus aspects of neuroscience, biology, zoology, environmental science, physics, psychology, math and anthropology. The exhibit sections -- "Humanimal" Music; Natural Symphonies; Ancient Roots; Music, Body and Mind; and World of Music -- use both music and natural sound to explore biodiversity, cultural diversity, the physics of sound and the brain. BROADER IMPACT: The exhibition is expected to travel for at least six years, reaching some two million people in 18 communities. It is to be accompanied by a six-part radio series (Sweet Bird Classics) for young children. Because of the connection to music and many other areas of public interest, this exhibition has the potential to attract and engage new audiences to science museums and stimulate their interest in STEM.
The investigators will collect data on a broad range of informal science education activities of an existing sample of approximately 3,500 adults across the U.S. It will relate these activities to prior forms of science involvement and to various indicators of lifelong STEM learning. The proposed work is an extension of the Longitudinal Study of American Youth (LSAY), a study funded by NSF since 1986 and still ongoing. Prior work has tracked two national cohorts of students who were originally representative of public middle and high schools, focusing on their science and mathematics course enrollment, content, achievement, and career choices, and informed by data from their parents and teachers. The project team has maintained very high levels of continued participation by the approximately 5,000 students, now aged 34-38, many of whom have families of their own. The project will extend the planned surveys for 2009 and 2010 to examine how these adults use informal science education resources such as museums, libraries, books, magazines, newspapers, television, and the Internet. The project will provide baseline data on informal science education resource use in the Internet era for a large and diverse sample. It will allow investigation of the relationships of current informal science learning behaviors, both individual and intergenerational, to prior learning variables such as school science achievement, parental involvement, college experience, career choice, and prior use of informal learning resources while respondents were school-aged.
The investigators will collect data on a broad range of informal science education activities of an existing sample of approximately 3,500 adults across the U.S. It will relate these activities to prior forms of science involvement and to various indicators of lifelong STEM learning. The proposed work is an extension of the Longitudinal Study of American Youth (LSAY), a study funded by NSF since 1986 and still ongoing. Prior work has tracked two national cohorts of students who were originally representative of public middle and high schools, focusing on their science and mathematics course enrollment, content, achievement, and career choices, and informed by data from their parents and teachers. The project team has maintained very high levels of continued participation by the approximately 5,000 students, now aged 34-38, many of whom have families of their own. The project will extend the planned surveys for 2009 and 2010 to examine how these adults use informal science education resources such as museums, libraries, books, magazines, newspapers, television, and the Internet. The project will provide baseline data on informal science education resource use in the Internet era for a large and diverse sample. It will allow investigation of the relationships of current informal science learning behaviors, both individual and intergenerational, to prior learning variables such as school science achievement, parental involvement, college experience, career choice, and prior use of informal learning resources while respondents were school-aged.
In this paper, David A. Ucko, President of Museums + more LLC, discusses the impact of NSF's Public Understanding of Science (PUOS) and Informal Science Education (ISE) programs on the field of informal science education. Ucko discusses recent efforts to develop the field through advancing knowledge and practice and building capacity. This paper is based on a paper presented at the 83rd Annual International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Philadelphia, PA, March 22, 2010.
In this article, Jim Spadaccini, Director of Ideum, examines open source software packages designed specifically for museums. Spadaccini provides practical advice on how this software can be utilized in museums.
In this article, Nina Simon, an experience design consultant at Museum 2.0, explores the correlation between museum and exhibit design and visitor participation. Simon suggests that increased parameters and more thoughtfully designed exhibits will yield more meaningful visitor participation.
This article explores the ways museums can utilize portable devices (i.e cell phones) as a way to engage visitors in their exhibits. Featured are three museums experimenting with this technology in their exhibit spaces. Authors include Wayne Labar, Vice President of Exhibitions and Theaters at the Liberty Science Center, Denise Bressler, an Exhibit Developer and Project Manager at the Liberty Science Center, David Asheim, Founder and CEO of Guide by Cell, Peter Samis, Associate Curator of Education and Program Manager of Interactive Educational Technologies, and Stephanie Pau, Associate
Wayne LaBarDenise BresslerDavid AsheimPeter SamisStephanie Pau
In this article, Eileen Campbell, head of Farallon Media, discusses how video can be used as an integral part of exhibits, especially small exhibits, interspersed with objects, panels, interactives, and other exhibit elements. Campbell describes the various ways video can be used effectively in exhibits including presenting narratives, recreating environments, introducing people, showing the unseen or unseeable, showing beauty and motion, making connections to the wider world, and adding humor. Campbell also provides advice about producing videos for exhibits.
Learning Science in Informal Environments draws together disparate literatures, synthesizes the state of knowledge, and articulates a common framework for the next generation of research on learning science in informal environments across a life span. Contributors include recognized experts in a range of disciplines--research and evaluation, exhibit designers, program developers, and educators. They also have experience in a range of settings--museums, after-school programs, science and technology centers, media enterprises, aquariums, zoos, state parks, and botanical gardens. Learning Science
The Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) (Public Law 103-62) requires Federal agencies to develop strategic plans setting forth missions, long-term goals, and means to achieving those goals, and ensure the effectiveness of agency programs through the integration of planning, budgeting, and performance measurement. “Empowering the Nation Through Discovery and Innovation: NSF Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years (FY) 2011-2016” updates and replaces “Investing in America’s Future: NSF Strategic Plan FY 2006-2011.” To develop this new plan, NSF formed a working group consisting of office and
National Science FoundationNational Science Foundation