The use of the term virtual is commonly associated with the idea of an extension of reality. Similarly, the expression virtual museum is usually adopted to mean a process of duplication of a physical museum and its objects, enabled by information technologies. Therefore, virtual museum has become a useful synonym for multimedia products or Web sites capable of providing new and fresh experiences of a specific museum and its heritage. However, in order to understand and explore further opportunities, profound reflection is necessary. We need to question and investigate the contemporary role of
This dissertation investigates how teaching in a hands-on science center contributes to re-shaping one’s teaching identity. Situated at the New York Hall of Science (NYHS) in Queens, New York, my research approach is to conduct a critical ethnography where the focus is on improving the teaching and learning of science for all involved. In particular, Explainers, floor staff at NYHS, who are studying to be science teachers, are invited to become co-researchers with me.
This thesis adds to the empirical research foundation of informal science education through an investigation of a museum-based astronomy internship for high school students, in the domains of attitudes toward science, knowledge of science, and participatory science learning. Results are presented as three studies, all using a qualitative methodology and including the methods of semi-structured interview, reflective journal, direct observation, audio recording, and artifact collection.
Conservation education at zoos, parks and other free-choice conservation settings is geared towards teaching and/or reinforcing certain key conservation messages that relate to the mission of the institution. These messages are communicated through a variety of channels ranging from interpretive signage, to resource elements (e.g., animals, scenic vistas, etc.) and personnel (e.g., docents and interpreters. A number of studies have focused on the outcome of visits to such settings, but little is known about the accuracy of message communication through these channels, or the factors that
During times of continuing growth of digital resources for teaching, learning and research, the key objective of this study is to evaluate the genuine suitability of online publishing tools – podcasting in particular – as a means to make art more accessible. The first part of the thesis addresses the nature of the changes which affect museums today: the rapid digitisation of culture, changes in the way artists produce, museums present and audiences consume art, and finally the challenges and opportunities which arise for museums within a Web 2.0 environment. The analysis of these key contexts
This study traced the evolution of experiential education in American history museums from 1787 to 2007. Because of a decline in attendance, museum educators need to identify best practices to draw and retain audiences. I used 16 museology and history journals, books, and archives of museums prominent for using the method. I also interviewed 15 museum educators who employ experiential learning, one master interpreter of the National Park Service, and an independent museum exhibit developer. Experiential education involves doing with hands touching physical materials. Four minor questions
The Adult Child Interaction Inventory (ACII) was developed as part of a research to practice collaboration between the Boston Children’s Museum and Evergreene Research and Evaluation. Preschoolers, Parents, and Educators: Strategies to Support Early Science Literacy (PPE), funded by the National Science Foundation and led by Boston Children’s Museum aimed to better understand the range of non-verbal as well as verbal interactions that occur between adults and children during collaborative science investigation. Results of project research contributed to the development of an exhibit, Peep’s
In the summer of 2010, the Denver Museum of Nature & Science (DMNS) spearheaded an effort to bring together a group of Denver Metro Area cultural institutions as part of an informal network of professionals interested in visitor evaluation (hereafter referred to as “the Network”). The founding purpose of the Network was to utilize the existing resources of DMNS to build evaluation capacity in other institutions, share instruments and data between cultural institutions, and to embark on citywide evaluation projects that would be of benefit to all institutions involved in the group. The Network
The work described in this white paper was undertaken in direct response to information WNET received from science museums describing certain challenges they face when partnering with public television stations on outreach initiatives. The PBS Series THE HUMAN SPARK provided the perfect opportunity to explore better ways to collaborate on large-scale initiatives, and to learn how these collaborations might provide the framework for attracting new audiences, increasing membership and revenue, and developing long-lasting partnerships.
Archaeology education activities in informal science learning settings are an underutilized, but effective strategy for teaching science inquiry skills in socially and culturally relevant contexts. This project investigated the potential for archaeological content and inquiry strategies to help informal science learning institutions increase learning with diverse ISE audiences. The project was based on foundational research for the development of a national research framework for archaeology education and a plan for developing high-quality science learning opportunities for under-represented
Michael BrodyJohn FisherJeanne MoeHelen Keremedjiev
In the United States, African Americans are underrepresented in science careers and underserved in pre-collegiate science education. This project engaged African American elementary students in culturally relevant science education through archaeology and thereby increased positive dispositions toward science. While imagining what the lives of their ancestors were like, students practiced scientific inquiry and used natural sciences to analyze archaeological sites. The project helped to improve science literacy among African American elementary students through archaeological inquiry and
The purpose of this study is to explore children’s learning in Preschool Place at the New York Hall of Science. The research focuses on two exhibit modules—the Train Table and Ball Run—to examine their effective on fostering development of language, Social skills, and Psychomotor skills. In addition, we study explore these exhibits’ contribution to cognitive gains in science. The Hall will use findings to develop effective learning goals for specific exhibits and as a framework for creating new preschool exhibits and programs.