In this article, Jacksonville State University's Stephen Bitgood discusses findings from a study that examined two aspects of the public image of visitor facilities: the expectations of what is likely to be found at different types of facilities; and, some general perceptions of these different types of visitor facilities. Facility types included science museums, history museums, historic sites, state parks, natural history museums, and art museums.
In this article, Ohio State University's Gary W. Mullins, Ph.D. discusses the importance of interpretation, a process of non-formal environmental education and visitor communication services in leisure settings, in understanding visitor behavior. Mullins cites several recent studies in this area and key findings related to better understanding the interpretive clientele.
In this article, Steven D. Moore, Ph.D. discusses the history of wilderness recreation research, based on carrying capacities and crowd expectations, and more recent approaches which rely on normative theories of human behavior. Moore discusses other research efforts to better understand the dimensions of wilderness recreation behavior and experiences.
Steven D. Moore, Ph.D.Visitor Studies Association
In this article, Thomas A. More of the U.S. Forest Service presents a review and discussion of current research on the benefits of urban parks. More also discusses the issues of fairness in the distribution of these benefits (i.e. the less affluent receive fewer services and servies of lesser quality).
In this article, Ohio State University's John L. Heywood discusses the study of outdoor recreation and the challenges of the emerging field. Heywood also describes some of the factors and conditions that influence behavior in outdoor recreation.
In this article, Lynne M. Westphal of the USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station, outlines discussions exploring the interactions between plant communities and people communities at a November 1992 symposium. The symposium aimed to assess current knowledge about the active involvement of people with plants and to clarify research needs that will lead to improved program management and information delivery.
In this article, Marilyn G. Hood, Ph.D., of Hood Associates, discusses two year-long studies at major outdoor settings, which offer insights into the reasons why people choose to visit botanical gardens and arboretums and what they enjoy about these visits. Hood summarizes methods and key findings from theses four-season studies, which were conducted in 1987 at the Holden Arboretum (Mentor, Ohio) and in 1989 at the Chicago Botanic Garden (Glencoe, IL).
This article summarizes an evaluation report discussed in a 1982 article in the "Journal of Educational Research." The study was a series by J. Falk and colleagues that examined children's experiences on school field trips, especially the effects of novel environments. The attitudes, behavior, and learning of third and fifth graders were compared in two environments: (1) a field trip to a nature center to learn about tree biology and (2) the same lesson given at school outside the students' classroom.
John H FalkJ. BallingVisitor Studies Association
In this article related to evaluation and multicultural audiences, Jacksonville State University's Stephen Bitgood presents a "progress report" on a visitor center and environmental education project in Puerto Rico that is being designed to serve both the local Puerto rican audience as well as the international visitor. Bitgood shares findings from the study featured in a report to the Caribbean National Forest, part of the USDA National Forest Service.
In this article, Marilyn G. Hood of Hood Associates discusses a visitor study of the Holden Arboretum in rural Mentor, Ohio. The year-long study helped arboretum staff and trustees learn how the institution might more effectively serve its audience, which they suspected differ from season to season.
The Museum is partnering with Butterflies and Moths of North America (BAMONA) to share data and learn more about L.A. butterflies and moths. Help us find and photograph them in Los Angeles. Why Butterflies? Unlike some of the other Citizen Science projects here at the Museum, the L.A. Butterfly Survey (LABS) isn't looking for lost butterflies. We already know the species we are likely to find in L.A., all 236 of them. What we need to find out is which butterflies and moths we're likely to find when we plant the new Pollinator Garden in the Museum's upcoming outdoor exhibit, the North Campus. When you submit images of L.A. butterflies and moths, we'll map the species closest to the Museum and determine which one's might show up when we start planting butterfly attracting plants.
The University of Washington’s Museology Program, in partnership with the Woodland Park Zoo and the Learning in Informal and Formal Environments Research Center is developing a model of university-community collaboration where students work with client museums, zoos and aquaria to evaluate exhibits and programs under the guidance of a research mentor. Students will gain experience in audience research and evaluation, as well as in project management, collaboration, and leadership. Staff at participating museums will advance their personal knowledge about visitors and the field of museum evaluation. The project will prepare a new generation of evaluators and museum practitioners through an innovative apprentice-styled laboratory that integrates the strengths of mentoring, fieldwork, academics, and client-centered experiences. Project Advisors include John Falk, Julie Johnson, Randi Korn, Marjorie Schwarzer, and Patterson Williams. Project started January, 2009 with 24 graduate students in the first cadre.