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Community Repository Search Results

resource project Media and Technology
Talcott Mountain Science Center, in cooperation with the Urban Schools Learning Network (encompassing a variety of state, regional and national partners), seeks $698,141 in National Science Foundation funds under the Informal Science Education Program for a three year national model for increased minority interest and participation in Informal Science Education Program for a three year national model for increased minority interest and participation in informal science education. The title of this partnership is Project PROMMISE )Promoting Role Model Minorities in Science Education). Over the next three years, Project PROMMISE will produce and broadcast at least 30 distance learning programs for thousands of secondary level students in urban and disadvantaged communities throughout the U.S. These Project PROMMISE broadcasts will bring distinguished minority and women scientists, explorers, astronauts and other figures in touch with urban young people through interactive video programming. Broadcasts will be preceded and followed by hands- on informal science education activities. The project also will broadcast national career exposure, exploration, and mentoring programs to better inform urban minority students of academic and career enrollment in secondary and post-secondary math, science and technology studies and cultural isolation by urban students, teachers and urban informal science education institutions. Major national partners for reform and pre- college minority enrichment are participating in the project, including the Edna McConnell Clark Middle School Change Network, the Museum Satellite Network, PIMMS at Wesleyan, the CT Pre- Engineering Program (CPEP). Private sector support has been gained from United Technologies, CIGNA and Union Carbide.
TEAM MEMBERS: Donald LaSalle Glenn Cassis Daniel Barstow
resource project Media and Technology
EarthTalk, Inc. will develop and air 24 90-second shows per year for three years on the subject of nanotechnology on the Earth & Sky radio program. They will partner with Nano Science and Technology Institute (NSTI), Boston; Nanoscale Science and Technology Facility (CNF), Cornell University; and Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology (CBEN), Houston to identify researchers, advisors and program ideas. Program categories will be Nano 101; Innovations that Could Change the World; Science or Science Fiction; Implications and Ideas; Nano and the Environment; and Listener Questions. The Earth & Sky program currently airs on 685 stations nationwide, making 323 million gross impressions each year; new shows will create some 64 million gross impressions. They will be supplemented by related material on Earth & Sky Online, which receives up to one million page views/month, and a composite of the nano programs onto CD mailed directly to 10,000 teachers yearly.
TEAM MEMBERS: William Britton Deborah Byrd Barbara Flagg
resource project Media and Technology
Public Radio International (PRI) is developing and producing a three-year technology initiative in the internationally distributed news and information radio series, "The World." The series is co-produced by PRI, the BBC World Service, and WGBH/Boston. PRI will establish a Technology Desk and assign a reporter full-time to covering technology. In addition, "The World" will benefit from the full resources of the BBC Science Unit. Technology reports will be produced in several radio formats including: At least 26 direct news reports annually (approximately four minutes each); Technology updates in daily newscasts (approximately 52 minutes per year); A weekly Lab Report highlighting emerging technologies (approximately three minutes each); Three monthly in-depth features (Approximately five minutes each); Two major annual in-depth series of five installments each (approximately six minutes each). This emphasis on the latest technology developments will provide listeners with up-to-date information about important developments in such areas as nanotechnology and micro-electrical machines, quantum cryptography and genetic manipulation of agricultural products. In depth reports would cover topics such as the Human Genome Project and the influence of technology on archaeology. PRI will work with the Exploratorium in San Francisco to design and produce outreach components for the project. A web resource will be developed to extend and deepen technology covered in broadcasts over the radio. It will include further information about topics, directions for conducting experiments, transcripts of technology reports and bibliographies of additional resources. PRI and the Exploratorium also will implement a three-year pilot project to involve children from economically disadvantaged neighborhoods in the creation of online broadcasts (webcasts) on technology-related themes. This element of the project will determine whether programming derived from a news program and produced by children for children is an effective production model and whether the model is appropriate for replication.
TEAM MEMBERS: Melinda Ward Carol Hills
resource project Media and Technology
Oregon Public Broadcasting is requesting funds to produce three one-hour nationally broadcast television programs, a project website, community-centered outreach coordinated by AAAS in 7 U.S. cities, a seminar discussion guide and a series of 90-second programs as part of the "Earth &Sky" radio series. The subject and purpose of the project is to attract public interest in nanotechnology by examining the social, ethical, legal and environmental issuers surrounding its application. The television programs will be produced by Fred Friendly Seminars (FFS) and broadcast on PBS. Two science museums, Boston Museum of Science and the South Carolina State Museum, and the University of California, Berkeley, will host the FFS panels. The format of the Seminars is designed to produce thought provoking and nuanced discussions of contemporary issues. Collaborative partners in the project include AAAS, Lawrence Hall of Science and ICAN Productions. The outreach initiative includes outreach to "targeted stakeholders" in 7 US cities, four 90-second radio spots as part of Earth & Sky, a project web site and a Seminar discussion guide. Inverness Research Associates and Edu, Inc. will conduct both formative and summative evaluation of the project components.
TEAM MEMBERS: Cynthia Needham David Davis
resource project Media and Technology
WGBH's newest mission is to develop the Children's Sustainability Project - a daily animated series for kids ages 8-11 that will teach the STEM concepts underlying systems and sustainability. Our promise is that 7-8 kids from around the world become trapped, one by one, in an inventive, multi-leveled video game. The kids, unlikely heros all, are initially happy to be stuck but eventually want desperately to get out of the home. To do this they must become inventive and creative and play the game to the end. Stakes are high and only systems thinking and sustainable actions can save the day.
TEAM MEMBERS: Kate Taylor Christine Paulsen
resource project Media and Technology
The Self Reliance Foundation in association with the Hispanic Radio Network over a five year period will produce and distribute a variety of daily Spanish-language radio programs on science education topics and follow-up outreach services to network listeners on science education and career opportunities. The applicants will add two science related episodes each week to Buscando La Belleza, the four-minute daily radio series for families that focuses on social issues, work issues, women's rights, and educational and career opportunities. It is carried on 100 stations with a weekly cumulative audience of 2,567,000 listeners. The new episodes will include: 52 role model interviews with Hispanic men and women who have careers in science, mathematics, and technology from technical positions not requiring a college degree to Ph.D.'s engaged in cutting edge research; 26 family involvement episodes with suggestions for parents to build their confidence in helping their children with homework, doing simple science activities with their children at home, encouraging their older children in their studies, and working with schools and community organizations; and 26 academic and career resource/success stories highlighting Hispanic students who have been successful in their pursuit of careers in science, mathematics, and technology. The second series included under the grant is Salvemos Nuestro Planeta, a two-and-a-half minute series that focuses on environmental issues. It currently is carried on 89 radio stations twice a week with a total weekly cumulative audience of 2,494,300. The producers will expand the series to seven original episodes per week with five episodes focusing on science, mathematics, and technology themes: general science literacy, environmental management and technology, computers and information technology, environmental activities for youth, and SMET career opportunities. Outreach will consist of a national Spanish language toll free phone number that will refer listeners to resources related to opportunities for scholarships in science and engineering, activities and resources for parents and children in science education, etc., and in some cases, connect callers to the subject of that days interview. The PI will be Roberto Salazar who has been chief assistant to Vicente Llamas at the Comprehensive Regional Center for Minorities. He has been involved in numerous science education project for Hispanics and has a background in radio. The Executive Producer will be Jeff Kline. Major science consultants will be Vicente Llamas, Director of the Comprehensive Regional Center for Minorities, and Estrella Triana, Hispanic Science Education Director for the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
TEAM MEMBERS: Roberto Salazar Gilbert Sanchez Robert Russell
resource project Media and Technology
This project will explore new ways to reach a broadcast audience wider than those who normally would watch an NSF funded television program on PBS. The PI will define new, non-competitive relationships between PBS and other broadcast or cable venues and will explore incentives for pursuing such relationships. The specific tasks to be conducted under the grant include: developing and testing procedures for distributing a program or series in a venue in addition to PBS, implementing such distribution, and evaluating the impact on audience size in the new venue as well as on subsequent broadcast on PBS. The final report will document the results of this research and describe the steps required to arrange for multiple venues. This project represents examination of an untested idea, the results of which may establish the basis for significantly increasing the impact of broadcast programming supported by NSF. Traditionally, when PBS has agreed to schedule a program or series, they have insisted on a window of exclusivity for a period three years. If the data from this project indicates that broadcast of a PBS program in a new venue reaches new audiences and, potentially, attracts some of that audience to PBS, it should establish a more open attitude on the part of PBS toward multiple venues at a much earlier time.
TEAM MEMBERS: Sanford (Sam) Low
resource project Media and Technology
The Media Working Group is producing a one-hour documentary about a group of undergraduate women at Ohio State University who are pursuing non-traditional paths of study in a variety of technology and science fields. The Gender Chip Project is designed to provide role models and encouragement for girls (ages 14-18) and young adults who wish to enter STEM careers; and to raise general public awareness about the continuing need to develop STEM education and career opportunities for young women. The broadcast documentary will be complemented by distribution of the program with additional material on DVD. The project will also design a website for Guidance Counselors and young women contemplating STEM education. Project evaluation will be conducted by Kathleen Tyner, Lead Evaluator from Hi-Beam Consulting in San Francisco.
TEAM MEMBERS: Jean Donohue
resource project Media and Technology
The Educational Broadcasting Corporation (WNET) is researching and testing an experimental, short format television broadcast and Web project entitled, "Science InSight." The goal of this experimental research is to determine if short-format television segments can successfully increase Americans' understanding of and interest in new research in science and technology and, if they can, which of several possible formats is likely to be most successful. During this research and development phase, WNET will test the viability of the project model and develop and refine the model for use in a selected group of media venues such as the forthcoming PBS weekly public affairs program, "Public Square." The specific activities to be undertaken in the research phase include: assembling an expert board of up to six advisors with expertise in science, science journalism and media; producing three experimental, short-format, "program concept" video segments of varying lengths for use as science information pieces in other media programs; conducting formal and informal testing and evaluation of these test formats for appeal, credibility, clarity, and comprehensibility of style and content; and identifying additional key potential distribution partners from television media, print, Web and science centers outlets.
resource project Media and Technology
The Educational Broadcasting Corporation (WNET in New York) is developing and producing a new public television project exploring cutting-edge technology. The project consists of an eight-part hourly broadcast component; six 60-second "mini-programs;" a World Wide Web component; and extensive educational outreach targeted to adults aged 25-39 and older. The topics for the eight programs in season one are: Replacements - prosthetic devices and biologically electronic artificial body parts In Search of Eve - the race to decode the human genome Light of the 21st Century - Fiber Optics Nanotechnology - molecular manipulation of materials Technospy - technologies used to gain information Sports Technology - the pursuit of better equipment and training regimes Artificial Intelligence - efforts to create computers the mimic human intelligence Appropriate Technologies - technologies that use local, inexpensive material Beth Hoppe, WNET's Director of Science Programs will serve as Executive Producer for the series. Each of the programs would be produced by an independent producer selected by WNET. Content advisors include: Angela Christiano, Departments of Dermatology, Genetics and Development, Columbia University; Sheila Sen Jasanoff, Harvard University JFK School of Government; Horace Freeland Judson, Center for History of Recent Science, George Washington University; Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist, CUNY and host, Explorations radio series; Wilfred Pinfold, Microprocessor Research Labs, Intel Corp.; and Barbara Wilson, chief technologist, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
TEAM MEMBERS: Beth Hoppe Tamara Robinson William Grant Barbara Flagg
resource project Media and Technology
This proposal will develop and disseminate locally developed STEM-rich audio programs for the traveling public, in particular vacationing families, using emerging traveler information technologies, traveling festival kits, and an interactive website. The project is linked to the 220-mile Eastern Sierra Scenic Byway that traverses a dramatic landscape, rich in natural resources and unique contributions to scientific research. Collaborators include the Eastern Sierra Institute for Collaborative Education and the University of California at Berkeley's Lawrence Hall of Science.
TEAM MEMBERS: Michael Collopy Barbara Ando Jacque Ewing-Taylor Susan Szewczak Clark
resource project Media and Technology
The program producers at the World Media Foundation seek $550,000 over three years to produce and present to listeners vital stories about scientific inquiry and technological developments related to environmental change. These presentations, entitled Living on Earth, are broadcast weekly on more that 240 National Public Radio member stations in the United States. The producer intends to develop the program into a one-hour format from the current 30 minute broadcast. Audience participation will be encouraged through call-in question and answer sessions about science and ecology.
TEAM MEMBERS: Stephen Curwood