This is a summary of Roger Miles's 1986 article, "Lessons in 'Human Biology' - Testing a Theory of Exhibition Design," featured in "The International Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship." In this article, Miles described an attempt to apply 11 "initial working assumptions" based on current education and psychological research to the development of an exhibit.
Visitor Studies AssociationRoger Miles
In this article, researchers from Ohio State University discuss evaluation methods and findings of a study of the Old Woman Creek school visitor program. Researchers evaluated changes in knowledge, shifts in attitude, and enjoyment levels of the visiting schoolchildren.
This article summarizes methodology and key findings from research to determine the effectiveness of several aspects of the Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Research Reserve on Lake Erie visitor center for providing public information about the value of estuaries. Researchers investigated how knowledge and attitudes of adults change with each visit, the factors that contribute to differing visitor experiences, how types of exhibits, readability, and placement relate to knowledge changes, and if a computer can serve as a testing device in a visitor center.
In this article, Ohio State University researchers discuss the Importance-Performance analysis tool and its application in non-profit leisure settings such as a park.
Gary W. MullinsBetsy L. Schultz Spetich
In this article, Randi Korn discusses methods and key findings from a study that evaluated the Japanese Garden at the Chicago Botanic Garden. The study evaluated which exhibit objects attracted visitor interest and the effectiveness of the interpretive materials. Visitor input was used in designing the interpretive materials.
In this article, researchers at Jacksonville State University compare three approaches to control littering: environmental education, environmental design, and consequence control. The authors also briefly suggest ways museum/zoo professionals can combine these techniques to control litter.
In this article, researchers at Jacksonville State University share methods and findings from a study that compared the effectiveness of three types of "Do-Not-Feed" signs at the monkey island in the Birmingham Zoo. This is a summary of a paper to be presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting in New Orleans in March, 1988.
Stephen BitgoodJerry CarnesAngela NaborsDon Patterson
In this article, Valerie D. Thompson of the San Diego Zoological Gardens discusses findings from a 10-week observational study during the summer months of 1977 to investigate the nature of noncompliant behavior of zoo visitors. Noncompliant behaviors included distracting, teasing, feeding, or attempting to injure the animals. Thompson addresses how these findings have helped alleviate problematic behavior at the zoo.
In this article, Mary Stewart Miller, evaluator at the Cumberland Science Museum, discusses evaluation methods involving child visitors as well as adults. Stewart Miller shares methodology and findings from an evaluation of the museum's "Brain" exhibit, a study which involved interviewing children ages eight to thirteen.
This is a brief summary of Barbara Birney's 1988 article featured in "Environment and Behavior," which discussed key findings from the formative evaluation of Brookfield Zoo's "Flying Walk" exhibit. The exhibit was designed to teach visitors the proper wing movement of birds.
This is a brief abstract of Donald Thompson's Master's Thesis at Jacksonville State University. Thompson studied over 5600 visitor groups at the Birmingham Zoo as they passed throu the entrance of the Predator House and studied visitor responses to interpretive signs of varied lengths, type sizes and proximities.
This is a brief abstract of Suzanne Hodges's Master's Thesis at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Hodges researched the influence of enlarged signs and less label copy on visitors' behavior at a small children's zoo in Virginia.