In this study, the instructional effectiveness of the planetarium in astronomy education was explored through a meta-analysis of 19 studies. This analysis resulted in a heterogeneous distribution of 24 effect sizes with a mean of +0.28, p<.05. The variability in this distribution was not fully explained under a fixed effect model. As a result, a random effects model was applied. However, a large random effect variance component indicated that study differences were indeed systematic. The findings of this meta-analysis showed that the planetarium has been an effective astronomical teaching tool
The Zooniverse projects turn everyday people into "citizen scientists" who work online with real data to assist scientists in conducting research on a variety of topics related to galaxies, exoplanets, lunar craters, and solar flares, among others. This paper describes our initial study to assess the conceptual knowledge and reasoning abilities of citizen scientists participating in two Zooniverse projects: Galaxy Zoo and Moon Zoo. In order to measure their knowledge and abilities, we developed two new assessment instruments, the Zooniverse Astronomical Concept Survey (ZACS) and the Lunar
Edward PratherSebastien CormierColin WallaceChris LintottJordan RaddickArfon Smith
Despite decades of research on the importance of engagement and interaction in learning experiences, programs produced for planetarium audiences are primarily passive in nature. Planetarium professionals were interviewed with regard to their goals and beliefs for planetarium experiences, specifically focusing on goals for children, and their interest with regard to a program format that integrates segments of live interaction with automated content (N=36). Planetarium professionals' goals most frequently reflect increasing content knowledge and motivating audiences to continue learning. To
This study extends our understanding of the goals, beliefs, and pedagogical choices made by planetarium professionals. Interviews were conducted with planetarium professionals (N=36) to assess their goals for audiences and beliefs about the design of the learning environment. Classification of participants, according to a six-facet framework on effective learning environment design, suggests a range of perspectives on the design of the learning environment that primarily include learner-centered, motivationally-oriented, socioculturally-centered, and physically-oriented perspectives. Results
Amateur astronomers play a critical role engaging the general public in astronomy. The role of individual and club-related factors is explored using data from two surveys (Survey 1 N=1142; Survey 2 N=1242) of amateur astronomers. Analysis suggests that formal or informal training in astronomy, age, club membership, length of club membership, and participation in club service are factors that contribute to the likelihood of an amateur engaging in education and public outreach. Sex (male or female) and club service were found to influence the level of outreach amateurs engage in. Interventions
Citizen science, in which volunteers work with professional scientists to conduct research, is expanding due to large online datasets. To plan projects, it is important to understand volunteers' motivations for participating. This paper analyzes results from an online survey of nearly 11 000 volunteers in Galaxy Zoo, an astronomy citizen science project. Results show that volunteers' primary motivation is a desire to contribute to scientific research. We encourage other citizen science projects to study the motivations of their volunteers, to see whether and how these results may be
M. Jordan RaddickGeorgia BraceyPamela GayChris LintottCarie CardamonePhil MurrayKevin SchawinskiAlexander SzalayJan Vandenberg
In 2011, the Space Science Institute (SSI) engaged Insight Evaluation Services (IES) to conduct a summative evaluation of an online, multi-user space science game called MyStar. The game, which was developed with funding from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), was designed to introduce late middle school-early high school students to the basic concepts of stellar and planetary evolution. IES assessed the effectiveness of MyStar in meeting specific learning goals, including in particular (1) The galaxy has “habitable zones” where planetary formation and/or life is more
This report addresses findings from the Bilingual Exhibit Research Initiative (BERI), a National Science Foundation-‐funded project (NSF DRL#1265662) through the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program. This Pathways (planning grant) project was a 3-‐year project designed to better understand current practices in bilingual exhibitions and Spanish-‐speaking visitors’ uses and perceptions of bilingual exhibitions. Responding to a lack of extensive evaluation or audience research in informal science education (ISE) bilingual interpretation, the Bilingual Exhibit Research Initiative
This paper discusses how museums can encourage chaperones to facilitate deeper experiences for students during field trips. The authors describe how the California Science Center's ThinkSCIENCE! Pathways field trip program addresses this issue. Pathways asks chaperones to become facilitators by using "chaperone sheets," sets of materials containing gallery-specific questions, activities, and points of interest to help chaperones engage students in discussion. This article cites findings from a rigorous formative evaluation of these chaperone sheets and the program in general.
This paper describes the Visitor Evaluation Program developed jointly by the Centre de Recherche Evaluation Social des Technologies (CREST) in Montreal (Bernard Schiele) and the CNRS in Paris (Jacqueline Eidelman). The purpose of the program is to ensure the successful installation of the future Galerie de l'Evolution at the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris. The evaluation program is based on the application of principles and methods used in contemporary evaluation processes. This paper provides a brief description of the Galerie de l'Evolution project, the major stages of the
Bernard SchieleDenis Samson
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
This paper provides an overview of the Audience Research Consortium of Toronto, comprised of the Art Gallery of Ontario, the Metropolitan Toronto Zoo, the Ontario Science Center and the Royal Ontario Museum. These groups have a shared vision of attracting a larger and more diverse audience-one that includes nontraditional and multicultural groups. This paper outlines how this group developed, acquired funding, hired a consulting group, and created a proposal and research plan. Preliminary findings are also briefly summarized.
Art Gallery of OntarioRoyal Ontario MuseumOntario Science CentreMetropolitan Toronto ZooWoods Gordon Management Consultants
In this paper, Alan J. Friedman, director of the New York Hall of Science, discusses the importance of evaluation, specifically formative evaluation, for measuring success at a museum and fulfilling mission statements. Friedman presents four real examples of exhibit projects, in which the directors or exhibit directors involved elected to expend funds for formative evaluation. Friedman goes on to discuss the benefits of this research and what surprising information staff came to know as a result.