The findings from this evaluation indicate that compared to the typical children's Web site, parents consider the PEEP Web site to be more educational and easier for children to navigate on their own. Children were very engaged by the Interactive Games, and demonstrated proficiency with regard to comprehension and site navigation. Further, parents rated the Anywhere Science Activities very positively, particularly noting that the activities gave parents excellent ideas for how to turn everyday situations into science explorations with their children.
This external evaluation of the PEEP Explorer's Guide found the Guide effective in meeting its goals. Teachers who used the Guide were extremely satisfied with its content, materials, and usability. They reported the Guide was highly appealing to children, and they used materials from the Guide to forge home-school connections. Teachers found the Guide made useful links between science, literacy, and language. Pre-post comparisons demonstrated that, while teachers were engaged in similar instructional practices before and after using the Guide, the Guide alleviated the challenges of teaching
In this Summative Evaluation, Goodman Research Group, Inc. found that PEEP effectively models science inquiry skills, including predicting, observing, and problem solving. Children who were exposed to PEEP interacted with materials in ways that were significantly more grounded in science inquiry than children who were not. By a margin of 71% to 22%, for example, children who watched PEEP were more likely to initiate a question to be explored. Children exposed to PEEP were also more likely to use problem-solving strategies (76% compared to 34%) and more likely to solve the problems they
Summative evaluation of the NSF- and NEH-funded Hunters of the Sky exhibition, including remedial, timing and tracking, and summative. The 5,000 square foot exhibition takes a science and humanities perspective on birds of prey. A particular focus of the evaluation was the exhibition's impact on "getting visitors to explore their own values and beliefs about the human relationship to the natural world" as well as "getting visitors to critically examine questions of economics, public policy, and environmental ethics related to the survival of raptors and their habitats." Sample data collection
Deborah PerryKarla NiehusScience Museum of Minnesota
In June of 2007, American Institutes for Research (AIR) conducted two focus groups to support WGBH in gathering feedback from children aged 7-10 on the FETCH! television program. The main objective of the focus groups were to: 1) gain insight into children' previous perceptions of scientists and whether or not such perceptions related to the demographic composition of the groups or informed their perception of scientists and scientific careers, and 2) determine how FETCH! supports or challenges these perceptions and how the seres might be enhanced to inspire children to consider careers in
Members of the public participate in scientific research in many different contexts, stemming from traditions as varied as participatory action research and citizen science. Particularly in conservation and natural resource management contexts, where research often addresses complex social–ecological questions, the emphasis on and nature of this participation can significantly affect both the way that projects are designed and the outcomes that projects achieve. We review and integrate recent work in these and other fields, which has converged such that we propose the term public participation
Presentation on NSF grant DRL-0639021 (""Portal to the Public"") presented at the CAISE Convening on Professional Development and Informal Science Education, February 2nd, 2012.
Presentation on the evaluation of NSF grant DRL-1114515 (LOOP Production Season One) presented at the CAISE Convening on Sustainability Science and Informal Science Education, February 6th, 2012.
Presentation on the evaluation of NSF grant DRL-0638977 (Water's Journey through The Everglades) presented at the CAISE Convening on Sustainability Science and Informal Science Education, February 6th, 2012.