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Community Repository Search Results

resource research Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
When neurologist Annick Desjardins first heard about an experimental therapy that uses the polio virus to attack cancer cells, she admittedly thought it was an off-the-wall idea. In the 12 years since then, however, Desjardins—now associate professor of neurology at the Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, which is hosting the study—has seen remarkable results. The CBS show 60 Minutes even described the treatment, a form of immunotherapy, as potentially a “big leap forward.” In advance of her keynote address at the 2015 ASTC Annual Conference in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
TEAM MEMBERS: Joelle Seligson
resource research Exhibitions
You’ve probably heard the adage, “There is no such thing as bad publicity.” A study published in Marketing Science concluded, “Although negative publicity is not always a good thing, in some cases, negative can actually be positive” (Berger, Sorensen, & Rasmussen, 2010). As a science center, you want to pique interest and perhaps push your marketing comfort zone in order to create a buzz, but there are always risks when you push the envelope. From May to September 2013, Science World British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, presented an exhibition entitled The Science of Sexuality. The
TEAM MEMBERS: Jason Bosher
resource research Public Programs
Today’s science centers are becoming more aware of changes in their local contexts and are concerned about playing a role in building and contributing to society. The Mechelen Declaration, resulting from the Science Centre World Summit 2014 held in Mechelen, Belgium, clearly expresses this commitment with two of its goals (SCWS, 2014): 1. “We will investigate how to engage even more effectively with local communities and increasingly diverse audiences.” 2. “We will take the lead in developing the best methods for engaging learners and optimizing their education in both formal and
TEAM MEMBERS: Claudia Aguirre
resource research Exhibitions
This article considers the design and production of spectacles in Britain following the introduction of standardised frame styles under the National Health Service. NHS spectacles were provided as a functional, durable medical appliance to be delivered cost-effectively and there was no explicit concern for fashion or the patient experience. The actions of the government and professional bodies greatly affected the trade in eyewear and thus restricted opportunities for innovative design and consumer choice. Within the range of state regulation frames there was no active concern for ‘design’ in
TEAM MEMBERS: Joanne Gooding
resource project Exhibitions
Pacific Science Center (PSC) proposes Out of the Lab and Into the Spotlight (OLIS) a five-year project to bring current and fascinating information about health science research to Pacific Northwest audiences. Through a series of showcases that change content every six months the Research Focus Gallery will highlight cutting-edge local research. The Gallery a combined exhibit and program space will feature multimedia displays research artifacts hands-on exhibits and a presentation area where local researchers will communicate their work to visitors. An annual three-day research festival and monthly Science Cafes in three locations will complement the programs presented in the Gallery and will provide multiple venues for a variety of audiences to meet face-to-face with local researchers and learn about health science and related careers. Out of the Lab and Into the Spotlight will further the goals of the Science Education Partnership Award by 1) connecting the community to NIH-funded research and 2) increasing the awareness of young people in the Puget Sound region about careers in scientific research. An in-depth evaluation conducted by the external evaluator Center for Research Evaluation and Assessment will measure the effectiveness of the project in reaching the following outcomes: * The extent to which the program informs PSC visitors about the wide variety of NIH-funded research being performed in the region; specifically whether PSC visitors have an increased understanding of the various research areas presented. * The impact of the program on over 100 scientist participants; specifically scientists’ ability to communicate research ideas to the public and their interest in future participation. * The ability of PSC program developers to develop a future-ready space; specifically if the developed showcases and templates are adaptable to future content areas. The proposed project will draw upon our established relationships with local research organizations that together receive close to one billion dollars annually from NIH. The project leverages and deepens relationships that already exist between each of these institutions and PSC to enhance science learning in our community in novel ways. The primary audience for OLIS will be families and school groups ages eight and older drawn from over 800000 annual visitors. As a standalone element within the new Wellness exhibit due to open in 2011 we anticipate the Gallery will reach three to four million visitors during the grant period and up to five million additional visitors in the subsequent five years. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE (provided by applicant): Individuals need to obtain process and understand basic health information to make appropriate health decisions (Healthy People 2010). The proposed project Out of the Lab and Into the Spotlight will provide opportunities for the general public to increase their understanding of current health information and increase their awareness of cutting-edge research taking place in their own backyard. By engaging with research scientists in several venues the public will be exposed to NIH funded research and health science careers.
TEAM MEMBERS: Diana Johns Meena Selvakumar Chris Cadenhead
resource research Exhibitions
The Studio is a small change-ready exhibit space embedded within the Wellbody Academy, a 7,000 ft2 permanent exhibit on health and wellness. The Studio showcases up-to-date research on topics like genetics, epidemiology, and allergies and features the labs and work of scientists in the Seattle area. The purpose of the cohort study was to provide objective feedback to exhibit developers as they experimented with finding the best balance of information and interactives for the space considering the time and budget available. This poster explains a bit about The Studio exhibits that were
TEAM MEMBERS: Chris Cadenhead
resource evaluation Public Programs
From 2011 to 2013 Pacific Science Center created content for and regularly updated The Studio, a portal to current medical research within the Science Center’s new human health exhibit, Professor Wellbody’s Academy of Health and Wellness. The Studio is a 500 ft2 hybrid exhibit/program space that combines artifacts, hands-on exhibits, media, and a programming area where local researchers communicate their work to visitors. The Studio was designed to be extremely flexible and it's modularity enables the project team to install a new current research exhibit every six months. The aim of the IMLS
resource research Public Programs
Students can present their classroom work in a number of ways. One popular approach is an open house at the school. Such events often feature booths where parents and students can participate in various learning activities. Because these open houses usually only cater to the students and families associated with that particular school, the impact is limited to those people, and the wider local community is not engaged in students’ learning. Additionally, in rural areas, these types of events are sometimes difficult for families to attend during weekdays or weeknights, due to distance and work
TEAM MEMBERS: Robin Cooper Kim Zeidler Diane Johnson Jennifer Wilson
resource evaluation Exhibitions
The Vaccine Buzz exhibition opened at the Science Museum of Minnesota in February 2014. This summative report describes how visitors experienced and interpret the Vaccine Buzz exhibition as a whole. This approach allowed us to understand what visitors were most interested in, at what level the exhibit elements are connected to each other, as well as how and where the main messages are being connected between exhibit elements. To answer these questions we conducted three different interconnected studies: 1) a counting study to understand how many visitors interact with the Vaccine Buzz
resource evaluation Media and Technology
As part of the National Science Foundation (NSF) funding for the In Defense of Food project directed by Kikim Media, the independent evaluation firm Knight Williams Inc.1 conducted a summative evaluation of the project’s key deliverables, which included: a PBS television broadcast program, an outreach effort, and an educational curriculum. This report (Study 3 of 3) considers the In Defense of Food curriculum and, in particular, educators’ reactions to the curriculum in terms of perceived appeal, ease of implementation, and learning value. Feedback was gathered from educators who were surveyed
TEAM MEMBERS: Valerie Knight-Williams Divan Williams Rachael Teel Dobrowolski Gabriel Simmons Michael Schwarz
resource evaluation Media and Technology
As part of the National Science Foundation (NSF) funding for the In Defense of Food project directed by Kikim Media, the independent evaluation firm Knight Williams Inc.1 conducted a summative evaluation of the project’s key deliverables, which included: a PBS television broadcast program, an outreach effort, and an educational curriculum. This report (Study 2 of 3) focuses on the outreach effort.
TEAM MEMBERS: Valerie Knight-Williams Divan Williams Rachael Teel Dobrowolski Gabriel Simmons Michael Schwarz
resource evaluation Media and Technology
As part of the National Science Foundation (NSF) funding for the In Defense of Food project directed by Kikim Media, the independent evaluation firm Knight Williams Inc. conducted a summative evaluation of the project’s key deliverables, which included: a PBS television broadcast program, an outreach effort, and an educational curriculum. This report (Study 1 of 3) considers the film’s overall appeal, clarity, learning value, and motivational impact among viewers matching the film’s target audience, and focuses on the following six questions: 1) Did viewers find the film appealing, engaging
TEAM MEMBERS: Valerie Knight-Williams Divan Williams Rachael Teel Dobrowolski Gabriel Simmons Michael Schwarz