The popularity of the anti-vax movement in the United States and elsewhere is the cause of new lethal epidemics of diseases that are fully preventable by modern medicine [Benecke and DeYoung, 2019]. Creationism creeps into science classrooms with the aim of undermining the teaching of evolution through legal obligations or school boards’ decisions to present both sides of a debate largely foreign to the scientific community [Taylor, 2017]. And one simply has to turn on the TV and watch so-called science channels to be bombarded with aliens, ghosts, cryptids and miracles as though they are
This is the second of a 2-part series about the changes that have taken place in how public libraries adapted to COVID-19. Part 1 focused on what libraries were doing prior to pandemic, the challenges that they faced due to COVID-19, and how they pivoted to a “new normal”. Part 2 focuses on innovations in programming and professional development that have helped to strengthen the library profession during the pandemic.
In this paper, Alan J. Friedman, director of the New York Hall of Science, discusses the importance of evaluation, specifically formative evaluation, for measuring success at a museum and fulfilling mission statements. Friedman presents four real examples of exhibit projects, in which the directors or exhibit directors involved elected to expend funds for formative evaluation. Friedman goes on to discuss the benefits of this research and what surprising information staff came to know as a result.