Presentation on NSF grant DRL-1043060 (""STEPS - ScienceTheater Education Programming System: A Vehicle for Professional Development, Enhancing Professional Identity, and Communicating Science"") presented at the CAISE Convening on Professional Development and Informal Science Education, February 2nd, 2012.
Presentation on NSF grant DRL-1114568 (""Fusion Science Theater National Training and Dissemination Program"") presented at the CAISE Convening on Professional Development and Informal Science Education, February 2nd, 2012.
This report outlines the proceedings of the 2011 conference called "Art as a Way of Knowing" hosted by the Exploratorium. The purpose of the conference was to gather a broad range of artists, scientists, and educators to explore the history, practice, and value of the arts as a means of inquiring into the natural world. The conference brought together some 125 leading international thinkers— representing work in education, art and science museums, contemporary art, and interdisciplinary research. In particular, conference participants explored art practice in relation to the field of public
In this exhibition review, Barbara Cohen-Stratner, the Judy R. and Alfred A. Rosenberg Curator of Exhibitions for The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, examines the "Abolition200" project, programs and exhibits that commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Parliamentary act that ended British participation in the Atlantic Slave Trade. Cohen-Stratner focuses on three major exhibitions--one that commissioned a new art work, one that relabeled elements of its permanent display, and one that combined these methods--to discuss how museums can develop exhibitions and reinterpret
In this article, Jenni Martin, Director of Education at Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose, describes how and why her team developed a new exhibit, "The Wonder Cabinet" for children ages 4 and under and accompanying adults. Martin outlines the design process associated with this exhibit, noting challenges and best practices.
This article highlights four controversial exhibits from various institutions who, in the end, used controversy to their advantage. The authors include Kimberly Louagie, Curator of Exhibits at the Outagamie County Historical Society in Appleton, Wisconsin, Saudia Muwwakkil, Public Information Officer at the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site, Diane Perlov, Senior Vice President for Exhibits at the California Science Center, and John Russick, Curator at the Chicago Historical Society.
Kimberly LouagieSaudia MuwwakkilDiane PerlovJohn Russick
The article is a summary of the comments and discussions a session at the 2006 AAM conference that addressed what museums in the fields of art, history, and science might learn from each other and how museums might benefit from "cross-pollination." Panel participants were Eric Siegel, Executive Vice President for Programs and Planning at the New York Hall of Science, Benjamin Filene, Director of the Public History Program at the University of North Carolina Greensboro, Deborah Schwartz, President of the Brooklyn Historical Society, and Jennifer MacGregor, Curator of Visual Arts at Wave Hill.
Eric SiegelBenjamin FileneDeborah SchwartzJennifer MacGregor
In this article, Andrea Douglas, Curator of Collections and Exhibitions at the University of Virginia Art Museum (UVMA), discusses UVMA's "Forming American Identities: Our Southern Legacy" project. This umbrella project incorporated "The Landscape of Slavery: The Plantation in American Art" exhibition, the "William Christenberry: Site/Possession" exhibition, "The Dresser Trunk Project" exhibition along with several public outreach programs. Douglas addresses how staff and visitors were prepared to interpret this difficult content as well as how the community responded to their efforts.
In this article, photographer Amy Dreher critiques the "Click! A Crowd-Curated Exhibition" at the Brooklyn Museum from a partipant's perspective. The exhibit is based on James Surowiecki's critically acclaimed book, "The Wisdom of Crowds" and features photographs depicting the "changing faces of Brooklyn" submitted by and evaluated by the public.
Amy DreherNational Association of Museum Exhibition
In this article, Marjorie Schwarzer, Professor of Museum Studies at John F. Kennedy University in Berkeley, California, describes eleven of the most influential exhibitions from the 20th century, according to NAME members surveyed for her book "Riches, Rivals and Radicals: 100 Years of Museums in America."