Operation Magpie was a citizen science project that involved the community in collecting data about magpies. This article describes one aspect of the project from an education perspective. The study began with a collaboration of teacher educators, environmental scientists and a local radio station. After an initial workshop with 75 teachers, three teacher educators met regularly with 13 primary teachers who each volunteered to plan and teach a unit of work on birds. Meeting regularly in focus groups, the teachers shared their pedagogical strategies that supported students to connect with their
Yvonne ZeegersKathryn PaigeDavid LloydPhilip Roetman
The article offers information on a citizen science project titled "Pathways to BioTrails" being conducted at Acadia National Park in Maine in which DNA barcoding will be used to monitor and identify plant and animal species. The project's goal of educating visitors to the park and acting as a model for future collaborations between national parks and research institutions is also touched on.
The article discusses citizen science projects focused on entomology, and examines their usefulness for engaging students in science education and providing meaningful hands-on educational experiences. Advice for incorporating citizen science into lessons and curricula are offered, and the applicability of entomology to science education standards is touched on.
Renee ClarJames WandersheeJohn GuytonMichael Williams
There is a vast terrain of emerging research that explores recent innovations in digital games, particularly as they relate to questions of teaching and learning science. One such game, Citizen Science, was developed to teach players about the practice of citizen science as well as lake ecology. Citizen science is a pedagogy that has a long history within the scientific community, engaging the public in ongoing community and environmental surveys to collect data for existing small-scale studies. More recently, citizen science has gained traction as an educational context for teaching and
Encouraging nonprofessionals to participate in ecological research through citizen science programs is a recent innovation and an effective strategy for gathering ecological information across broad geographical areas. In this paper, we demonstrate how reporting field-based observations through eBird, a citizen-based birding and data-recording program, can be used as a lab activity in an undergraduate ecology class. This exercise exposes students to worldwide data collecting networks in which non-scientific communities serve as major stakeholders. This lab activity also introduces basic field
When it comes to STEM education, the nation’s K–12 public schools cannot do it all. The nature of 21st century proficiency in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is too complex for any single institution. The good news is that schools do not have to do it alone. Museums, zoos, nature centers, aquariums, and planetariums are among the several thousand informal science institutions in the United States that regularly engage young people in observing, learning, and using STEM knowledge and skills. Providing a richness of resources unavailable in any classroom, informal science
Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE)
The Global Viewport for Virtual Exploration of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents is a Track 2 project using spherical display systems to educate the public about the global significance of vents in the world's oceans and in the dynamic processes of Earth as a whole. The project is a collaboration between the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the Ocean Explorium at New Bedford Seaport, members of the Magic Planet Community and Science On a Sphere® (SOS) Network, respectively. The proximity of the two institutions enables a unique evaluation of the learning attained with a stand-alone spherical display vs. live presentations with an SOS. The new content for spherical display systems will address key principles of Earth Science Literacy and Ocean Literacy. Imagery and data from research cruises are being used to: show how hydrothermal vents link dynamic processes in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere; promote stewardship of life in remote environments; and excite viewers about the deep ocean frontier including exploration, research, and resources. The Global Viewport project is geared towards informal science education but also includes a component for teacher professional development from schools in towns with populations underrepresented in STEM fields. An online portal for content on Google Earth enables virtual exploration of deep-sea vents from home, extending the learning experience beyond a single visit to an informal science education institution. The online content, including interactive learning modules and games, is being promoted to marine educators and scientists at national conferences and through the COSEE social network.
Scholars and pundits alike argue that U.S. scientists could do more to reach out to the general public. Yet, to date, there have been few systematic studies that examine how scientists understand the barriers that impede such outreach. Through analysis of 97 semi-structured interviews with academic biologists and physicists at top research universities in the United States, we classify the type and target audiences of scientists’ outreach activities. Finally, we explore the narratives academic scientists have about outreach and its reception in the academy, in particular what they perceive as
Elaine Howard EcklundSarah JamesAnne Lincoln
Science centers and museums are currently experimenting to strengthen the participation of the public in two-way conversations between the public and the institution. Eventually, these activities will lead to a stronger role of the public in the decision making process of the museum. We analyzed the current situation faced by science museums in Europe in light of the recent discourse on public engagement with science, and we identified the main barriers and obstacles that prevent actual decision making of the public within the institutions. Finally, suggestions for solutions are discussed.
Assessing science learning in informal environments involves a series of challenges that are difficult to address using traditional assessment practices (National Research Council, 2009). Some of the assessment challenges inherent in informal and afterschool environments include: (a) interactions in these environments are diverse in terms of duration, type of activity, number of people involved; (b) they usually include emerging behavior due to unpredictable interactions with other participants (e.g., peers, family members, and facilitators); and (c) these environments are characterized by a
Cross-national assessments of student learning in mathematics, science, reading, computer technology, and civics have been successfully conducted since the 1960’s. Each subject required professional researchers and educators from different cultural backgrounds to reach agreement on a common definition of the content areas and measurement techniques for formal schooling. Two international organizations, the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) and the Organization for Economic and Cooperation and Development (OECD) are now continuously conducting
This background paper is intended to support consideration of assessments "in improving program quality and student learning outcomes in the field of informal science education." This includes three questions: (a) What definitions of engagement, interest, curiosity, and motivation might be used in evaluations of informal and after-school science learning programs and activities? (b) Given the diversity of learning experiences, what are the prospects for developing common definitions of engagement, interest, curiosity, and motivation? And, (c) Given the diversity of types of informal and after