This model science teacher retention and mentoring project will involve more than 300 elementary teachers in "Lesson Study" of inquiry science around school gardens. Drawing on the rich resources of the University of California Botanical Garden and the science educators at the Lawrence Hall of Science this project will develop Teacher Leaders and provide science content professional development to colleagues in four urban school districts. Using the rich and authentic contexts of gardens to engage students and teachers in scientific inquiry opens the opportunity to invite parents to become actively involved with their children in the learning process. As teachers improve their classroom practices of teaching science through inquiry with the help of school-based mentoring they are able to connect the teaching of science to mathematics and literacy and will be able to apply the lesson study approach in their teaching of other innovative projects. Teacher leaders and mentors will have on-going learning opportunities as well as engage participating teachers in lesson study and reflection aimed toward improving science content understanding and the quality of science learning in summer garden learning experiences and having context rich science inquiry experiences throughout the school year.
Following a 2011 report by the National Research Council (NRC) on successful K-12 education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), Congress asked the National Science Foundation to identify methods for tracking progress toward the report's recommendations. In response, the NRC convened the Committee on an Evaluation Framework for Successful K-12 STEM Education to take on this assignment. The committee developed 14 indicators linked to the 2011 report's recommendations. By providing a focused set of key indicators related to students' access to quality learning, educator's
National Research Council
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
This guide provides effective practices for anyone — university faculty member, K–12 teacher, or administrator — who wants to create a project that partners science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate students (Fellows) with K–12 teachers on a sustained basis. These recommendations come from the community of faculty members, graduate students, K–12 teachers, program managers, and evaluators who participated in the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate STEM Fellows in K–12 Education (GK–12) Program from its start in 1999 through 2012. The guide was written to
Children’s worlds are increasingly populated by intelligent technologies. This has raised a number of questions about the ways in which technology can change children’s ideas about important concepts, like what it means to be alive or smart. In this study, we examined the impact of experience with intelligent technologies on children’s ideas about robot intelligence. A total of 60 children aged 4 through 7 were asked to identify the intellectual, psychological, and biological characteristics of 8 entities that differed in terms of their life status and intellectual capabilities. Results
Museums invest considerable resources in promoting and supporting elementary-school field trips, but remain skeptical about their educational value. Recent cognitive psychology and neuroscience research require a reappraisal of how and what to assess relative to school-field-trip learning. One hundred and twenty-eight subjects were interviewed about their recollections of school field trips taken during the early years of their school education: 34 fourth-grade students, 48 eighth-grade students, and 46 adults composed the group. Overall, 96% of all subjects could recall a school field trip
Each school year, millions of children participate in organized field trips to museums, zoos, aquaria, and nature centers. Naturally, school groups represent a significant percentage, if not an outright majority, of visitors to such informal educational institutions. Educators at these institutions must often direct the greatest proportion of their time and effort towards educational programming for the streams of visiting school groups. Understandably, many informal educators have a strong interest in evaluating the impact of their efforts directed towards young visitors. Museum education
This study investigated variables that influence the utilization of museums by African Americans. A sample of 333 African Americans from six Eastern U.S. communities were interviewed at home about their leisure activities; particularly, their use of museum-like settings. Key variables that influenced museum visits were income, education, the community in which individuals lived, childhood experiences and participation in church-related activities. Although SES, cultural differences and latent racism impacted present-day African American use/non-use of museums, historic patterns of museum use
Institute for Learning InnovationJohn H Falk
Reports effects of an outdoor field trip on learning within the context of a community-based Summery Ecology Program for children between 7 and 13 years of age. Results include the finding that novel environments are poor settings for imposed task learning when compared with familiar environments.
W. Wade MartinJohn H FalkJohn D. Balling
Free-choice learning, a new paradigm for the learning that youth and their families engage in outside school, can play an important role in the healthy development of youth, their families, and communities.
Examines achievement levels of elementary school children in field trip settings. One group of students was familiar with the field setting, the other not. Results show that while both groups learned more about the setting, the familiar group achieved significantly greater mastery of concepts being taught.
Smithsonian InstitutionJohn H FalkW. Wade MartinJohn D. Balling
A Maryland school district and the Smithsonian Institution have become partners in outdoor science education. Working together, they have developed a series of activities for students in grades 1-8 that are an integrated part of a total unified science curriculum, meeting the need of teachers and students alike.