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Community Repository Search Results

resource evaluation Media and Technology
Strange Days on Planet Earth combines a 4-part television series and outreach program produced by Sea Studios Foundation (SSF) for National Geographic Television and Film and Vulcan Productions, with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and The David and Lucile Packard Foundation. The project comprises three primary components: a broadcast series, website, and a national consortium of informal learning institutions. The project team expects that through consistent messaging and content, these components, when integrated, collectively offer the public enriched opportunities to
TEAM MEMBERS: Valerie Knight-Williams Divan Williams Jr. Sea Studios Foundation
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Strange Days on Planet Earth combines a 4-part television series and outreach program produced by Sea Studios Foundation (SSF) for National Geographic Television and Film and Vulcan Productions, with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and The David and Lucile Packard Foundation. The project comprises three primary components: a broadcast series, website, and a national consortium of informal learning institutions. The project team expects that through consistent messaging and content, these components, when integrated, collectively offer the public enriched opportunities to
TEAM MEMBERS: Valerie Knight-Williams Divan Williams Jr. Sea Studios Foundation
resource evaluation Media and Technology
As part of the Summative Evaluation of the DragonflyTV GPS: Going Places in Science series, between July 2005 and November 2006, RMC Research conducted a study of the collaboration between the DragonflyTV (DFTV) production staff and its science center and museum partners. Central to the innovative DFTV series, the collaboration involved museum professionals in the production process and presented science museums and centers as sites of learning and of fun on national television. It also offered professionals in the two industries a ground-breaking opportunity to learn about another format for
TEAM MEMBERS: Alice Apley Twin Cities Public Television
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Strange Days on Planet Earth combines a 4-part television series and outreach program produced by Sea Studios Foundation (SSF) for National Geographic Television and Film and Vulcan Productions, with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and The David and Lucile Packard Foundation. The project comprises three primary components: a broadcast series, website, and a national consortium of informal learning institutions. The project team expects that through consistent messaging and content, these components, when integrated, will collectively offer the public enriched opportunities
TEAM MEMBERS: Valerie Knight-Williams Divan Williams Jr. Sea Studios Foundation
resource evaluation Media and Technology
To effectively guide future museum-based segments in Twin Cities Public Television's DragonflyTV: Going Places in Science series, Multimedia Research implemented a formative evaluation with 19 museum educators, exhibit directors and public relations staff. After viewing segments, museum staff responded to an online questionnaire focusing on the value and credibility of the segments, how the segments represent the museum community, and interest in participating in the series.
TEAM MEMBERS: Barbara Flagg Twin Cities Public Television
resource evaluation Media and Technology
In March 2007, RMC Research Corporation completed work on a study of children's responses to a selection of DragonflyTV (DFTV) video segments as one part of the Summative Evaluation of the DragonflyTV GPS: Going Places in Science TV series1. This report presents findings from the Children's Viewing Study, which includes two distinct goals. The first goal addresses the qualities and characteristics of science television which contribute to effective educational television experiences for children. This study offered the first in an iterative process aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of
TEAM MEMBERS: Alice Apley, Ph.D. Wendy J. Graham Jenny Scala Twin Cities Public Television
resource evaluation Media and Technology
SciGirls is a national outreach program of DragonflyTV supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation's Program for Gender Equity. SciGirls empowers PBS outreach professionals and science museum educators, often partnering with local youth organizations, educators and parents, to deliver hands-on science encouragement and career guidance to girls in their communities. SciGirls is based on existing standards-based DragonflyTV outreach resources, which teach scientific inquiry.
TEAM MEMBERS: Valerie Knight-Williams Divan Williams Twin Cities Public Television
resource evaluation Media and Technology
The Maryland Science Center has received a SEPA grant to develop an exhibition, intern program and web site focusing on cell biology and stem cell research. The working title of the exhibition is Cellular Universe. The exhibit is intended to serve the following audiences: Families with children age nine and older; School groups (grades four and up); Adults; 9th grade underserved high school students in three local schools and/or community centers. Topics the exhibit will treat include: Structure and function of cells; Stem cells and their potential, the controversy surrounding stem cell
TEAM MEMBERS: Minda Borun Maryland Science Center
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Starting in January 2006 ROCKMAN ET AL conducted a twelve-week study of the use of the PBS science series, DragonflyTV, in twenty middle grade science classrooms. DragonflyTV is a PBS science series that models science inquiry by presenting real children conducting inquiry investigations into their own science questions. The goal of the TV series is to illuminate the inquiry process and inspire viewers to conduct their own investigations. The participating teachers were provided with DVDs of 36 DragonflyTV programs, an index with the National Science Education Standards correlations, and
TEAM MEMBERS: Saul Rockman Twin Cities Public Television Jennifer Borland
resource research Media and Technology
In this article, Mary Jane Taylor, Interim Director of Public Programs at Winterthur Museum & Country Estate, shares the Request for Proposal process associated with the "Made in China: Export Porcelain from the Leo and Doris Hodroff Collection at Winterthur" exhibition and the associated "Design your own plate" interactive. Evaluation results and RFP are included in this article.
TEAM MEMBERS: Mary Jane Taylor
resource research Media and Technology
Troy Dassler's 12 minute TEDx presentation about how he came to introduce nanoscience into his elementary school. Based on his experiences at Aldo Leopold Elementary School working with scientists at the University of Wisconsin MRSEC.
resource project Media and Technology
The Maryland Science Center (MSC) seeks funding for a planning grant to investigate the potential of Science on a Sphere (SOS), a NOAA-developed research tool that projects real meteorological and geological data sets onto a large suspended globe. MSC will evaluate a temporary installation of SOS as a public exhibit and school group learning tool, as well as hold a workshop for staff from other museums and prepare a report for dissemination. INTELLECTUAL MERIT: SOS offers a way to present real data on earth and planetary sciences not possible in a two-dimensional format. An advisory group of exhibit and education professionals from three other science centers (Tech Museum, San Jose, CA; SciPort, Shreveport, LA; Arizona Science Center, Phoenix, AZ) and NOAA will add expertise in the evaluation of SOS, which will be carried out by RMC Research Corporation. BROADER IMPACT: SOS has the potential to become a new tool for science center presentations nationwide. Testing and evaluation results will be shared with other science centers at the ASTC Annual Conference and other means of dissemination.
TEAM MEMBERS: Roberta Cooks Peter Yancone James O'Leary