Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is gaining momentum worldwide and is envisaged as a needed tool to properly govern controversial innovative technology (i.e. genome editing, AI). Europe is considered a leader in fostering such approach, notably through its institutionalization. Even so, the future of European Research and Innovation (R&I) seems to be designed without a central role for RRI. After long effort and so much public EU money to support projects to ground RRI principles and practices in key contexts for the flourishing of science and technology in Europe, such as the
At the beginning of May, 2018, the European Commission has presented its proposal for Horizon Europe, the framework programme which defines priorities and budget distribution for the future of European Research and Innovation (2021–2027). The announcement has raised concerns within the community of stakeholders engaged in Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), a democratization process leading to connecting science to the values and interests of European citizens by mean of participatory processes. Through this flash commentary we aim at providing a wide range of arguments, as well as
Since the early 1990s, there has been a considerable increase in the number of scientific studies on science communication, and this increase has been accompanied by a diversification of the research field. This study focuses on one aspect of this development: it analyses how citation network structures within the field have developed over time, and whether science communication research shows signs of becoming a research field or a discipline in its own right. Employing a co-citation analysis of scholarly publications published between 1996 and 2015, it assesses to what extent a coherent
Modern science communication has emerged as a field of study, a body of practice and a profession. In the last 60 years, we have seen the birth of interactive science centres, university courses, the first research into science communication, and a growth in employment by research institutions, universities, museums, science centres and industry. Now Ireland has told its story.
This commentary introduces a preliminary conceptual framework for approaching putative effects of scholarly online systems on collaboration inside and outside of academia. The first part outlines a typology of scholarly online systems (SOS), i.e., the triad of specialised portals, specialised information services and scholarly online networks which is developed on the basis of nine German examples. In its second part, the commentary argues that we know little about collaborative scholarly community building by means of SOS. The commentary closes with some remarks on further research questions
Dirk Hommrich
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
This report grew out of a workshop and follow-up session sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR). The two-day workshop and subsequent meeting sought to develop and validate evaluation practices to assess the value of NSF's investment in broadening participation across all directorates and programs. Invited participants included NSF grantees, professional evaluators, and the policy community (which included representatives from Congress, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), NSF staff, and staff from other federal agencies).
Fitzgerald BramwellPatricia CampbellBeatriz Chu ClewellDarnella DavisNorman FortenberryAntonio GarciaDonna NelsonAdam StollVeronica Thomas
Effective science communication can empower research and innovation systems to address global challenges and put public interests at the heart of how knowledge is produced, shared, and applied. For science communication to play this mediating role effectively, we propose a more integrated and “evidence-based” approach. This commentary identifies key issues facing the science communication field. It suggests a series of prescriptions, inspired by the impact of “evidence-based medicine” over the past decades. In practice, evidence-based science communication should combine professional expertise
Scientific societies, associations, and professional organizations have unique opportunities to foster a culture of “civic science” — broad public engagement with issues that arise at the many intersections of science and society. As linchpins of the scientific enterprise, these organizations engage in a variety of activities to this end, including programs focused on science communication, public engagement, informal education, outreach, and advocacy. This report includes descriptions and characterizations of such activities and programs, to present the landscape of civic science efforts
The September 6 -7 COMPASS Conference held at the Exploratorium had 19 speakers and 80 attendees. The conference purpose was to take a focused look at indoor location aware mobile (ILAM) technology and how it was used in science centers and other museums.
The three primary project goals were:
1) Form an integrated vision by consolidating expertise from disparate disciplines connected to indoor location aware mobile (ILAM) tech development;
2) transform visitor mobile tools going beyond basic digital content to more innovative forms of interaction and personalization; and,
3) open
This project asks the question: are there duties and tasks consistent across job descriptions of those who work in informal science learning institutions, and do those duties and tasks change over the course of a career? This is being done to critically look at professional development for science and technology centers and think critically about the career path needs of people, rather than focusing on job specific skills. Using literature and experience, the project team had in the proposal identified the stages as early career (0-3 years as a science-related museum professional), mid-career
This project promises to help professionalize the field of informal science learning. In general, professional fields that developed guidance for growth and excellence tend to attract and retain professionals more successfully than those who do not, in part because expectations are transparent. Our analyses thus far included a variety of potential target audiences who engaged with the Framework at differing depths. In addition to testing the potential efficacy of the Preliminary Framework as a guide for professionalizing ISL, reviewers helped to build the case for the value of professional
This project promises to help professionalize the field of informal science learning. In general, professional fields that developed guidance for growth and excellence tend to attract and retain professionals more successfully than those who do not, in part because expectations are transparent. Our analyses included a variety of potential target audiences who engaged with the Framework at differing depths. In addition to testing the potential efficacy of the Preliminary Framework as a guide for professionalizing ISL, reviewers helped to build the case for the value of professional development