This is a pilot for a half-hour, weekly children's science education series produced for broadcast on PBS by McKenna/Gottlied Productions, Inc. and KCTS Television in Seattle, Washington. One half-hour program and prototype ancillary material will be produced and tested with children, parents, and teachers. The series is designed to make science accessible and interesting to children ages 9 to 12 by relating science to their interests and everyday activities and by presenting basic concepts from elementary science curricula in a humorous and exciting format. The host is Bill Nye, a popular television entertainer and science aficionado. In each program, Nye is assisted by children, well-known science experts, and celebrity guests. Experiments and demonstrations will use inexpensive, safe household items to enable viewers to follow along at home or in the classroom. Ancillary material will consist of a parent's guide to assist parents in encouraging their children to participate in science activities and develop problem-solving skills, activity cards for children to encourage self-directed learning, and a teacher's guide to support classroom use.
Elizabeth BrockWilliam NyeJames McKennaErren Gottlieb
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Informal learning in math, science, and technology is an increasingly important vehicle for educating the public. Throughout their lifetime, the average citizen will spend a much greater amount of time in informal learning environments than in school. For these efforts to continue without benefit of understanding, the dynamics of what makes informal learning experiences work, is a waste of valuable funding resources. Research Communications Ltd. (RCL) proposes an effort to investigate what has been learned about informal learning in math, science, and technology and to develop some directions for future research in this important area. The first step in the process would be to review the existing literature in the three primary areas of informal education for math, science, and technology: television/radio, community projects, and science museums and technology centers with a focus on evaluation studies that have shown what strategies have worked and those that have not. The outcome of this effort would be a comprehensive publication of what is currently known about informal learning research in math, science and technology.
SciTech Clubs for Girls, a three year old program, aims to encourage continuing interest in science and mathematics among 9-14 year-old girls. It gives them an experience in building a hands-on science exhibit for display at SciTech, a hands-on science center. Based on recent research, this program strikes at four major forces that keep girls out of the pipeline to careers in mathematics and science. Mentors by female professionals, the girls learn the safe use of tools, a principle for science, confidence in building things, and the pride of building and exhibit for use by tens of thousands of visitors yearly. Recently SciTech received a $125,000 grant from Youth ALIVE| A National Initiative of the DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund to continue the program for 3-years and to expand it. We will reach 20 clubs of girls each year from organizations that serve girls. The program will reach older and younger girls and their female leaders. We will also reach into the intercity of Chicago to serve more minority girls. Under the YouthALIVE| grant we will carefully evaluate results and begin to disseminate the program to other museums nationally.
NEON, Inc. a not-for-propfit corporation, proposes a television series for children, initiallyu 30 programs, suitable for daily or weekly broadcast, for home viewing via PBSA (with appropriate availability elsewhere). Program length: 30 Minutes. The premise: Three Wufniks--creatures from the cartoom world--draw their way into our world and with the help of children, undertake the adventure of finding our what it's all about. Thesek characters (played by adult professional performers in structurally sophisticated fantasy/animal costumes), move from dthe uncertain world of animated film into a range of encounters with ourrock-solid environment, get to know children and adults, scientists and laypeople, and must continually reconstruct their naive theories and their image of life on earth. The concept, designed to appeal to five- to nine-olds, combines education with entertainment (and is inclusive of other age groups, such as parents, to enhance educational effect). School and other non-broadcast distribution of program elements is planned, plus ancillary materials including computer software and print. The educational approach is interdisciplinary, with emphasis both on content and the development of positive attitudes towards science and mathematics; sub-objectives geography and history. The Principal Investigators are a television producer experienced in science programming for children, and a scientist with extensive children's educational television background. Program appeal for girls and minorities is integarl to the design; project staff will also cover a broad spectrum. Encouragement of science-and math-related audience activities is a project objective. Planning includesds extensive outreach and promotion related to the show premise.
A three-year project, Science And Youth (SAY), integrates the existing curriculum, instructional design, and training capacity of the 4-H Science Experiences and Resources for Informal Educational Settings (SERIES) project with high school students exploring careers in teaching at eleven existing "teaching magnet" high schools across the country. The SAY project expands the quantity and quality of informal science education experiences by accomplishing the following objectives: 1) prepare one thousand teenage teachers/leaders to present SAY activities to forty thousand elementary school age youth: 2) involve participating youth in a total of five hundred community service projects; 3) involve five hundred teenage leaders in mentoring relationships with local scientists, and; 4) have seventy-five percent of the participants continue their education in science and/or the teaching profession. SAY uses a teens-as-leaders model to engage younger youth (ages 9-13) in hands-on, inquiry-based science activities that result in science-based community services projects. SAY offers youngsters a vehicle for experiencing how science problem solving strategies are applied to home and community problems. The pedagogy of the SAY project represents the best of current research on science education, and offers an innovative model for the preparation of a new cadre of science teachers.
The goal of the Science Minders project is to increase the interest and self-esteem of girls relative to science. Since many early adolescents seek economic independency by "baby-sitting," the Science Minders project will develop materials designed to permit early adolescents to teach science to small groups of young children. The materials will make the early adolescents' child-caring providing more successful and significantly enhance their attitudes and comfort with science. These materials will include a book containing informal science activities and activity resources, a child-development guide, first-aid and emergency procedures and child-care tips; and two training videos, one to demonstrate how to use the materials effectively with young children, and one to train adults to train adolescents as child-care providers. These materials will be nationally promoted and disseminated by a commercial publisher and through the national network of 400 YWCAs in 4,000 locations throughout the United States.
We propose to develop a series of 12 exhibits on the topic of feedback. We will create an introductory cluster of 4-5 exhibits situated in our "Patterns" section to introduce the basic concepts. We sill situate each of the remaining 708 exhibits in the area of the museum that suits it phenomenologically. A continuity in the theme of feedback will be created through Feedback Pathways (both a field trip Pathway and a general use Pathway) and associated maps which will be available in the introductory cluster> These will guide both visitors and school classes from area to area with feedback as the unifying element. The feedback behavior exemplified in these exhibits will be accessible to both young and older audiences and will be strongly connected with the "Themes of Science" listed in the California State Science Framework for Pre-College Science Education. The exhibits will receive extensive use in our teacher training programs at both the elementary and secondary level. Exhibit evaluation will take place at the level of extensive prototyping by exhibit development and teaching staff and on a more formal level in conjunction with a formative evaluation program. We will disseminate this work in a publication describing inexpensive classroom versions of Exploratorium exhibits. In addition, we will experiment with the dissemination of our work to other museums through the Internet Computer Network.
The National council of La Raza (NCLR), the nation's principal Hispanic constituency-based organization, seeks funding from the National Science Foundation's Informal Science Education Program for a four-year community-centered demonstration program. Project EXCEL-MAS, the Math and Science component of its EXCEL-MAS is designed to develop and encourage the adoption of supplemental math and science programs for at-risk Hispanic elementary and middle school students and their parents, using thematic, hands-on approaches; and ultimately help to increase the numbers of Hispanic student enrolling and succeeding in paths which lead to advanced study in math and science. Hispanics -- the youngest and fastest-growing major U.S. population, numbering 22.4 million or 9% of the U.S. population according to the 1990 Census -- continue to be most undereducated major U.S. population. Only about half of Hispanics are high school graduates, and fewer than one in ten have completed college; only about one-quarter of high school graduates have followed curricular tracks including the math, science and language arts needed for college attendance; national studies suggest that Hispanic 17-year-olds on average have math and science skills at the level of White 13-year- olds. Contributing to these problems are a lack of culturally appropriate, meaningful parent involvement or family-wide approaches to education, supplemental programs to motivate and support at-risk students, wrap-around social services for low- income students and their families, and efforts to promote more equitable Hispanic access to the full school curriculum.
WGBH Educational Foundation is producing a prime time television series and informal education outreach component entitled 'A Life of Science.' Each of the six one-hour programs in the series will profile a contemporary woman scientist: Lydia Villa-Komaroff, biologist; Melissa Franklin, physicist; Misha Mahowald, computational neuroscientist; Marcia NcNutt, geologist; Lynda Jordan, biochemist; and Patty Jo Watson, archaeologist. The stories will present their scientific quests and careers but also will be about scientific lives. An outreach plan, which centers around a national campaign called 'The Missing Persons Investigation,' will target two primary constituencies: girls and boys 11-14 years of age and their adult teachers and youth service community leaders. The project will serve these audiences in formal school-based settings as well as in the informal settings of community-based organizations and institutions. Beyond these immediate target groups, the outreach project will reach a broad and diverse national public through related activities including demonstrations exhibits, community campaigns at local public television stations, and media partnerships. A comprehensive promotion plan has been devised to inform the public of both the series and the outreach component of the project.
9355625 Cassady The Children's Museum of Indianapolis is developing a new permanent 12,000 square-foot gallery, "The Wet, Wild, Wonderful World of Science: A Science Gallery That Connects Kids to Their World." Water is the catalyst for the exploration and discovery of science concepts throughout the gallery. Within the gallery are three hub context areas (Pipes and Pumps, Streams and Ponds,Tubes and Flasks) that are closely linked, both conceptually and physically. The message is that the concepts introduced in one hub also apply to the others, thus erasing artificial distinctions between natural and physical sciences. The goals of the project are: To create a gallery that will make science accessible to the museum's current and underserved visitors. To create hands-on opportunities for young people to practice scientific thinking so they may better understand the physical and natural world. To create a science education experience that promotes linkages for visitors between the learning of science in the gallery and formal and informal learning outside of the museum. To research the application of constructivist theory in the design of hands-on exhibits.
The Youth Experiences in Science (YES) Project of the 4-H Center at UC, Davis will produce, pilot and evaluate an informal science education curriculum expressly designed for 5-9 year olds in school-age child care (SACC) settings. Seven thematic units will be developed (three in both English and Spanish versions), utilizing the basic design process and instructional model developed in the earlier SERIES Project. Each unit consists of engaging hands-on activities performed with inexpensive materials and incorporating home and neighborhood service applications. During the three years approximately 500 teenage volunteers will deliver the program to approximately 2,500 children through a network of existing SACC sites operated by 4-H and other community groups. Capitalizing on SACC settings, the program will collaborate with schools and reach out to parents through development of "Science Family Backpacks" and "Science Family Activity Nights." Program evaluation includes in-depth monitoring and use of multiple assessment instruments and measures at 25 selected sites. In addition to formative and summative evaluation, data will be available on parent involvement and the amount, nature, and durability of positive influences on participants' school science interest and success.
The Foundation for Advancements in Science and Education (FASE) is requesting a planning grant to explore the feasibility and potential of establishing a specialized educational news service aimed at both commercial and noncommercial news programs. During this planning phase they will: convene an Advisory Board to review and refine the project. This committee will examine such issues as what types of information should be included in such a news service, how stories will be selected and by whom, how accuracy and balance of each story will be determined, and how to assess the effectiveness of the effort in terms of impact on viewers interests, knowledge, and action; conduct market research to ascertain the receptiveness of the television news markets to an information product of this type, analyze the methods by which stories could be effectively and economically distributed, and assuming that feasibility of such a project is established, develop a specific plan for proceeding in a larger and longer-term scope.
Steven HeardKathie HeardJudy TaussigRob Mikuriya