Out of This World: Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy opened at the National Library of Canada (NLC) in Ottawa in May 1995, and a concurrent mini-exhibit was planned for the Merril Collection of Science Fiction, Speculation and Fantasy facilities in Toronto. This was expected to be a significant literary event and an effective initiative toward reaching important new audiences. The Library wanted to catalogue their SF collection because science fiction was one of the fastest growing literary genres. The codeveloper of the Exhibition, Allan Weiss, had done extensive research and compiled A
Barbara SorenLORD Cultural Resources Planning & Management Inc.
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The World Congress of Science Producers is an annual event of leading broadcasters and independent science producers from around the world. This year's congress is being planned and osted by WGBH. For this Congress, WBGH will add two new dimensions to the meeting: 1) involve working scientists in the meeting to increase the dialogue and contact between broadcast journalists and scientists, and 2) partially support attendance by individuals who are either are considering entering science journalism or are newly involved in the field. Sessions that include scientists include: an exploration of the most important science stories that journalists should be covering, an in-depth analysis of a specific science issue, a discussion of ethical issues related to genome research, legal issues related to science in the courts, an examination of coverage of science vs. pseudo-science, and visualization of science.