This assessment is based on the three vertices of a triangle composed of cognition, observation, and interpretation, all of which converge on the nature of science, the relevance of science to everyday life, and decision-making behaviors.
We chose one measure from Conley, Pintrich, Vekiri, & Harrison (2004). This measure encompasses four dimensions about scientific knowledge -- source, certainty, development and justification -- so we thought it might reveal interesting dimensions of stasis and change in attitudes toward science from formal school environments to informal adult learning
The September 6 -7 COMPASS Conference held at the Exploratorium had 19 speakers and 80 attendees. The conference purpose was to take a focused look at indoor location aware mobile (ILAM) technology and how it was used in science centers and other museums.
The three primary project goals were:
1) Form an integrated vision by consolidating expertise from disparate disciplines connected to indoor location aware mobile (ILAM) tech development;
2) transform visitor mobile tools going beyond basic digital content to more innovative forms of interaction and personalization; and,
3) open
A Teen Science Café is an out-of-school program that brings together teens and science professionals to engage in discussion and activities related to the scientist’s work. The Cafés are highly interactive, incorporating hands-on activities and discussion with scientists; each is co-organized by an adult and a group of Teen Leaders. The model was developed and refined in several different locations in New Mexico between 2008 and 2010.
This pilot study took advantage of the 10-year history of Café Sci NM, and sought to answer the question: What are the long-term influences of participation
A Teen Science Café is an out-of-school program in which teens and STEM experts engage in conversation and activities to explore a topic related to the STEM professional’s expertise. Teen Science Cafés are independently run and organized at more than 100 sites nationwide – from museums to libraries to aquariums. Prior evaluation of the Teen Science Café model has demonstrated a range of impacts achieved with youth participants, but relatively little research has focused on the experience of the scientist-presenters.
This report presents findings of a sequential mixed-methods study that
This report presents findings of the Latina SciGirls mixed methods study, investigating the experiences of young Latinas participating in informal STEM programs across the U.S. that utilized the SciGirls educational model (including the SciGirls Seven strategies) and augmented with materials and practices intended to better serve Hispanic girls. The project was led by Twin Cities Public Television with funding from the National Science Foundation as an AISL Innovations in Development project. The STEM-related identity framework and research model used to guide this investigation is presented
Knight Williams, Inc. completed a summative evaluation report that addresses: (i) the reach and breadth of the Latina SciGirls broadcast program and online components compared to project expectations; (ii) the impact of the Family Fiesta events that incorporated use of SciGirls videos, in-person role models, and hands-on activities as experienced by the girls, family members, and role models that participated in the events; and (iii) the partners’ Latina SciGirls programs and how they used and reflected on the value of the SciGirls resources.
We present an assessment of the Engage program, a graduate-student-created and led training program at the University of Washington. Using a pre-course/post-course study design, we examined student ability to deliver a short presentation appropriate for a public audience. Based on both self-assessments and assessments by external reviewers, we show that Engage trainees had an increase in their ability to employ effective communication techniques.
Melissa ClarksonJuliana HoughtonWilliam ChenJessica Rodhe
Information visualization could be used to leverage the credibility of displayed scientific data. However, little was known about how display characteristics interact with individuals' predispositions to affect perception of data credibility. Using an experiment with 517 participants, we tested perceptions of data credibility by manipulating data visualizations related to the issue of nuclear fuel cycle based on three characteristics: graph format, graph interactivity, and source attribution. Results showed that viewers tend to rely on preexisting levels of trust and peripheral cues, such as
Nan LiDominique BrossardDietram ScheufelePaul WilsonKathleen Rose
The characteristics of interaction and dialogue implicit in the Web 2.0 have given rise to a new scenario in the relationship between science and society. The aim of this paper is the development of an evaluation tool scientifically validated by the Delphi method that permits the study of Internet usage and its effectiveness for encouraging public engagement in the scientific process. Thirty four indicators have been identified, structured into 6 interrelated criteria conceived for compiling data that help to explain the role of the Internet in favouring public engagement in science.
Lourdes LopezMaria Dolores Olvera-Lobo
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The 10th World Conference of Science Journalists (San Francisco, U.S.A., 26–30 October 2017) was the most successful to date in terms of participants and probably the one with the largest presence of journalists from the developing world among its attendees and speakers. In agreement with the times, its themes were marked by ethical dilemmas in the communication of science, fake news and climate change, among others.
Science permeates nearly every facet of human life and civilization. However, in an age of media oversaturation, it has been increasingly easier for pseudoscientific information to be disseminated among the masses, especially by those with a political agenda. In his book, ‘Not a Scientist: How Politicians Mistake, Misrepresent, and Utterly Mangle Science’, author Dave Levitan creates a guidebook for spotting and debunking unscientific ideas in the political sphere, a vital tool in the Information Age.
This book is a beginners' guide to science journalism, explaining the 21st century journalistic process, from generating story ideas to creating multimedia content when the story's written, taking in research and writing structures along the way. While many of the chapters are introductory, the book also covers topics also likely to be of interest to more experienced writers, such as storytelling techniques and investigative journalism. Readers are introduced to important debates in the field, including the role that science journalism plays; whether it is a form of `infotainment', or whether