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Community Repository Search Results

resource evaluation Public Programs
Goodman Research Group, Inc. (GRG) conducted a summative evaluation of the 2007 Cambridge Science Festival. The festival was the first of its kind in the United States and was held for nine days, offering a wide range of science- and technology-related activities throughout Cambridge, Massachusetts. Patterned after science festivals in Europe, it was a public celebration that sought to make science accessible, interactive and FUN, and highlight the excitement of discovery and the impact of science in all our lives. Families and school-aged youth in the community were target audiences for the
TEAM MEMBERS: Rucha Londhe Irene F Goodman MIT Museum WGBH
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Goodman Research Group, Inc. (GRG) conducted a comprehensive multi-method external evaluation of the Design Squad PBS television series and its outreach initiative. Design Squad is a live-action reality television series for 9-12 years-olds that aims to provide hands-on experiences and positive images of engineering through design competitions. The broad evaluation goals were to: 1) assess the extent to which children's knowledge, interest, and awareness of engineering increased as a result of watching the Design Squad series, 2) document the implementation of the community events resulting
TEAM MEMBERS: Peggy Vaughan Elizabeth Bachrach Margaret Tiedemann Irene F Goodman WGBH
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Produced by Thirteen/WNET New York and Nelvana International, the Award-winning series CYBERCHASE is the only mathematics series for children on American television. Designed for kids ages 8 to 12 and packed with mystery, humor, and action, each episode delivers positive messages about math by teaching concepts in a fun way that kids can understand. To inform the design of a planned major study of children's learning from multiple media (using materials from the mathematics series Cyberchase), a small-scale, quasi-experimental pilot study was conducted with 47 children in the third and fourth
TEAM MEMBERS: Shalom Fisch Thirteen/WNET
resource evaluation Media and Technology
Produced by Thirteen/WNET New York and Nelvana International, the Award-winning series CYBERCHASE is the only mathematics series for children on American television. Designed for kids ages 8 to 12 and packed with mystery, humor, and action, each episode delivers positive messages about math by teaching concepts in a fun way that kids can understand. To assess the impact of Cyberchase on children's mathematical problem solving, MediaKidz Research & Consulting conducted summative research using an experimental/control, pretest/posttest design. Participants were 108 third- and fourth-grade
TEAM MEMBERS: Shalom Fisch Thirteen/WNET
resource evaluation Exhibitions
This report describes a summative evaluation of Secrets of Circles, a 2,600 square foot exhibition created by Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose and funded by the National Science Foundation. The exhibition and related programs were designed to highlight the uses of circles and wheels in everyday life. Circles have properties that make them extremely effective as an engineering tool, and they are ubiquitous in cultures around the world. The appendix of this report inclues interview and observation protocols and questionnaires used in this study.
TEAM MEMBERS: Sue Allen Children's Discovery Museum of San Jose
resource evaluation Media and Technology
FETCH, a children's television series produced by WGBH since 2005, is a competition-based game/reality show for 6-10 year-old children that includes both animation and live action footage. Goodman Research Group, Inc. (GRG), a research firm specializing in the evaluation of educational programs, materials, and services, served as the external evaluator for the FETCH series in Season Two. GRG's evaluation focused on the science and engineering challenges presented in the show, and assessed the influence of the series on children's understanding of science and engineering concepts and processes
TEAM MEMBERS: Rucha Londhe Miriam Kochman Irene F Goodman WGBH
resource evaluation Exhibitions
Too Small to See is a 5,000 square-foot interactive traveling museum exhibition designed to provide hands-on nanotechnology science education to youth age 8 to 13 and adults. It debuted at Disney's Epcot and will reach over three million people during a five-year US tour. This evaluation examines the exhibition’s outcomes and impact on increasing visitors’ awareness of, interest in, engagement with, and understanding of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology. An overarching goal is to document the project’s contribution to the portfolio of federally funded Science Technology
TEAM MEMBERS: Douglas Spencer Tina Phillips Tori Angelotti Shane Murphy Fred Conner Cornell University
resource evaluation Media and Technology
In June of 2007, American Institutes for Research (AIR) conducted two focus groups to support WGBH in gathering feedback from children aged 7-10 on the FETCH! television program. The main objective of the focus groups were to: 1) gain insight into children' previous perceptions of scientists and whether or not such perceptions related to the demographic composition of the groups or informed their perception of scientists and scientific careers, and 2) determine how FETCH! supports or challenges these perceptions and how the seres might be enhanced to inspire children to consider careers in
TEAM MEMBERS: Christine Paulsen Christopher Bransfield Susan Tan WGBH
resource evaluation Public Programs
This report is the third annual report summarizing data collected about the overall impact of the Saint Louis Science Center's educational programs on participants.
TEAM MEMBERS: Jennifer Heim Elisa Israel Gretchen Haupt Katy Lofton
resource evaluation Media and Technology
The 2010 Cyberchase Summer Challenge Outreach initiative was designed to allow local public television stations to develop community-appropriate outreach plans as part of a unique summer launch of a new season of shows for a PBS children's television program. The Cyberchase Summer Challenge was a national initiative; eight stations were selected for a pilot study of best practices related to summer programming. Grantee stations were provided modest funding and material support. RMC's evaluation focused on understanding how public television stations and their outreach partners can build
TEAM MEMBERS: Alice Apley Wendy Graham Elizabeth Goldman Thirteen/WNET New York
resource evaluation Public Programs
The Miami Museum of Science and Planetarium (MMS) received funding from the National Science Foundation in 2004 to develop and implement After-school Programs Exploring (APEX Science). APEX Science is a three-year project designed to enhance the capacity of community-based organizations (CBOs) to deliver quality science after-school programming for children ages 5-10. This report provides the results of the summative evaluation which focused on the extent to which: 1) APEX Science curriculum increases CBO activity leaders' interest, awareness, and appreciation of science and level of comfort
TEAM MEMBERS: Cheryl Kessler
resource project Public Programs
The Westside Science Club (WSSC) is an out-of-school time opportunity that brings participant-directed STEM activities to under-resourced late-elementary and middle school students in low-income housing units in Los Angeles. WSSC and CCI Solar began a collaboration in 2012 with funding from the NSF to connect research scientists from Caltech with the underserved youth in the club. Another community partner, Wildwood School, provided high school students to act as near-peer mentors for the club members. CCI Solar's research on the efficient and economical conversion of solar energy into stored chemical fuel provides an entry point for informal science education activities designed to introduce pre-high school participants to basic chemistry and related STEM concepts such as physics and plant biology. Activities were largely student driven, though lessons were developed by the team of facilitators including the club's founder Ben Dickow, Wildwood teacher Levi Simons, and students, post-docs, and staff from Caltech. Each lesson was tied to CCI Solar's research through a mind-map of related chemistry concepts. The activities were mostly intended to be "maker-type" experiences that allowed the club members to follow their own interests and questions. Caltech students and postdocs from CCI Solar helped deliver activities while honing their science communication skills with the young WSSC audience. The team is currently adapting the model of this successful collaboration to develop another science club in a different Los Angeles community. Two-years of lessons developed from this project, an evaluation of the project by Kimberly Burtnyk of Science for Society, and a model on how to replicate such a program are available in the project final report below. This was a two-year pilot program that was completed in July 2014.
TEAM MEMBERS: California Institute of Technology Center for Chemical Innovation Carolyn Patterson Siddharth Dasgupta Michelle Hansen Benjamin Dickow