This planning project, sponsored by the Washington MESA program, will carry out a planning program which will result in a full proposal to support a strong parents program in the four MESA centers in the State of Washington. With funds from the planning grant the MESA staff will do an assessment of need for a parents program at ten target sites, identify potential partners in working with the project and develop a parent involvement plan for each center. Specific tasks will be to identify a parent coordinator at each site, to prepare the sites to deliver a program for family math, science and technology training and to develop parent leaders at each site who will work with the schools so that they can deliver a strong math, science and technology to all students as well as prepare parents to become active in their children's learning.
READING RAINBOW, produced by Nebraskans for Public television/Great Plains National ITV Library, is a fifty part continuing PBS children's television series which entices children ages five through eight to read good books. The present project seeks to integrate quality science books into their nationally successful PBS series, thus encouraging children's interest in science and making science books more visible. Six science programs have been produced with prior NSF support; this award will support the production of nine additional half hour READING RAINBOW programs with scientific themes that will become an integral part of the on-going series. A special promotional effort will also be funded to reach early elementary teachers who have not yet discovered Reading Rainbow programs. Targeted at five to eight years olds, READING RAINBOW receives heavy in- school use as well as at-home viewing. It is carried by virtually all PBS affiliates, reaching 95% of the nation's households and 8 million series viewers. In addition to receiving all major children's television awards, READING RAINBOW has demonstrated both increased summer reading and increased requests by title for the books reviewed. The opportunity for increasing attention to science books for early readers is outstanding. NSF support is 31% of the total budgeted; the remainder will be provided by the Kellog Company, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and by PBS station.
Twila LiggettLee RockwellJack McBride
Hands-On Science Outreach, Inc. has for a number of years developed and operated recreational after school and Saturday Science Classes for children, at first in Montgomery County, MD; and subsequently, with NSF support, at more than 22 sites around the country. During the last 10 years, they have reached more than 20,000 students with their unique collection of hands-on science activities. The project is well on the way to becoming self sufficient, and this final award will document both the philosophy of instruction and specific teaching methods that they have used and provide a third party evaluation of the processes of learning that they encourage in informal science education programs. Hands-On Science Outreach, Inc. will publish two 32 page booklets outlining their history, philosophy, and methods, and will conduct a third party evaluation of classes in four demographically diverse sites around the country, carried out under the direction of Dr. Harris Shettel, a nationally recognized informal education researcher. The resulting reports and publications will be widely disseminated, providing valuable information to others planning to offer hands-on science activities for children.
Children's Television Workshop proposes to produce a fourth and fifth season of SQUARE ONE TV, a daily series on mathematics for children ages eight to twelve. Season Four will consist of 40 new half-hours for air on PBS stations beginning September 1991. Consistent with CTW's experimental mission in education, CTW also proposes to undertake a new programming approach to expand the reach of SQUARE ONE TV to a family audience by converting the daily detective serial featured in the series, MATHNET, into four one-hour specials for family viewing. These Season Four MATHNET Specials will be researched to test their effectiveness. Eleven hour-long weekly SQUARE ONE TV programs will be produced for Season Five to be aired in addition to re-broadcasts of the daily series starting January, 1993. Seasons Four and Five production will capitalize on the educational impact and appeal of prior seasons. Mathematical content will be based on research and in conjunction with the Series Advisory Committee and consultants. The additional seasons will be supported by a full range of promotion, community outreach activities, and school services, including teacher's guides.
David ConnellKeith MielkeEve HallJoel Schneider
The Lawrence Hall of Science proposes to develop a major public education program, including a traveling exhibition, two planetarium programs, a play, and a kit for schools entitled "Columbus' Great Experiment." Emphasizing science and technology, Columbus' first voyage is portrayed as an experiment aimed at testing the hypothesis (based on doubtful evidence) that sailing to the west was a more practical way of reaching the Indies than by sailing east around the Horn of Africa. As with many scientific experiments, the results were quite different from what the experimenter had in mind: instead of finding a sea route to the Indies, Columbus vastly expanded knowledge about our planet and spurred developments in science and technology. These events occurred within a social and cultural context that were critical to the development of modern science, and resulted in far-reaching changes in the population and ecology of the world which continue today. The National Endowment for the Humanities has recently awarded a grant for the development of the exhibits. The present proposal requests that NSF join with NEH to complete and expand the project, by funding: a) components of three additional copies of the exhibition to be constructed by other museums, thus expanding the public audience to 19 million visitors; b) two participatory planetarium programs; c) a play about the scientific aspects of Columbus' voyage; and d) school kits that will enable teachers to present the most important ideas embodied in the exhibition to students who are unable to view the exhibition at a science center. Interest in these programs will peak around Columbus Day, 1992, we anticipate that the materials will be sufficiently interesting, informative, and entertaining to be used for many years to come.
THE DR. FAD SHOW is a daily television series for children ages 6 to 12 that encourages creativity, inventiveness and problem solving in a lively half-hour format. Each program is taped before a studio audience and high-lights the inventions of young participants as well as the fads and inventions of the past, present and future. Created and hosted by Ken Hakuta, or Dr. Fad as he is known to millions of young viewers, the series will combine thirty-five brand new shows with thirty previously produced episodes for a total of sixty-five programs. The series will be produced and packaged next spring and summer at WETA-TV in Washington, D.C. and will be ready for national broadcast on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) as early as fall of 1991. THE DR. FAD SHOW will be accompanied by a significant outreach and promotion effort, as well as an educational component that will include an activity and teacher's guide. The programs have already won the endorsement of the National Education Association and the National Inventive Teaching Association (NITA) among others, as well as the enthusiastic support of parents, teachers and a legion of dedicated young viewers and participants.
Children's Television Workshop is embaring on a ground- breaking experiment in informal science education: the production of an entertaining animated series of 13 half- hour programs for Saturday morning commercial television, based on David Macaulay's bestselling book, The Way Things Work. The audience will be six- to eleven-year olds, with special focus on minority and economically disadvantaged children. The series' primary goal will be to entertain children with lively and appealing characters in a dramatic storyline, while stimulating children's interest in the scientific principles behind the workings of familiar machines and illustrating the action of their parts. NSF support will enable CTW to adapt the CTW Model -- the collaborative process used in earlier NSF-supported programs, 3-2-1 Contact and Square One Tv -- to the opportunities of the animation format and the realities of the partnership with a commercial network. Through a development agreement with CBS, CTW has begun the process of developing the series concept, characters, and storylines. Upon successful completion of this phase, production will follow with an anticipated broadcast premiere in fall 1992. NSF's $2.36 million support will allow this project to be possible by completing the series' funding; it will allow CTW to conduct significant formative research and summative analyses of educational impact, and to reach large minority and economically disadvantaged audiences through wider promotion and the creation and distribution of complementary print materials.
To provide the general public with an understanding of the basic principles that underlie the transmission, storage, and retrieval of information, the Fleet Center proposes to build SIGNALS, a 4,500 square foot exhibition. SIGNALS will be divided into three sections, of approximately 15 interactive exhibits each, which explore the physical principles of wave motion, the properties of electromagnetic pulses useful for communications, and the signal processing that enables us to handle information. An Advisory Committee comprised of highly qualified individuals at the leading edge of their fields will support development of SIGNALS; a very experienced team of exhibit developers will fabricate the exhibition. SIGNALS will become a permanent exhibition in an expanded Fleet Center, where it is expected to attract 1 million visitors a year, including at least 100,000 K-12 students. Since the lack of technological understanding is a national problem, we propose to build a 3,000 square foot traveling version of SIGNALS, contingent upon an NSF review of the completed permanent exhibition. The total cost for both exhibitions is $1,983,480. We are requesting $985,900 from NSF: $692,800 for the permanent exhibition and $293,100 for the traveling exhibition. The project will begin in June, 1992, and be completed by June, 1996.
In the mid-1980's, Denver Audubon Society developed a model Urban Education Project. The Project engages thousands of 8-12 year olds and trained volunteers in hands-on investigations of neighborhood plants, animals, and ecological relationships each year. With NSF support, we have helped seven other cities establish similar projects and have proven that the project model is highly successful and adaptable. This proposal requests funds to develop a kit of strategies and materials that will enable us to further disseminate the model in a time-and cost-efficient manner. The dissemination kit will be tested as experienced project leaders from established projects help eight new cities start local projects. Their feedback will direct us in revising the kits. By 1993, the completed dissemination kits will give experienced project leaders the tools necessary to help parents, informal education institutions, and concerned citizens across the country establish similar ecology education projects in their communities.
Founded in 1979, the Science Skills Center (SSC) is a non-profit community based program which encourages young minority and female students to pursue careers in science, mathematics, and technology. At its current two sites, located in Brooklyn, New York, approximately 400 students, ages six to eighteen, are enrolled in programs where they take accelerated courses in biology, chemistry, physical science, rocketry, oceanography, botany, and advanced mathematics. Classes, which are presented within the cultural and linguistic understanding of minority children, provide students with an opportunity to recognize the relationship of science, mathematics, and technology to their everyday lives. The SSC proposes to replicate its present programs, establishing three additional sites in the New York City area in three years. The SSC also proposes to establish a systematic replication program which would assist other communities, both regional and national, to establish their own SSCs. This project would require a resource person to guide communities in all aspects of program development. To assist in that effort, SSC proposes development of comprehensive educational and administrative manuals as well as the preparation of accompanying training and profile videos. Finally, the SSC proposes to develop a research module in software and manual form which would assess and track student learning, school performance, performance on standardized exams, career aspiration and selection, and student attitudes in a community based science program targeting minority students.
The Austin children's Museum will develop a colorful, interactive exhibit on energy entitled GO POWER. Go Power is being created as part of a U.S. Department of Energy exhibition initiative with in-kind support from the Lower Colorado River Authority, a non-profit public power agency, and design and fabrication assistance by the Robot Group, an Austin-based consortium of engineers and artists. The partnership, advised by a panel of science, energy, and education experts, will build a 1,200 square-foot exhibit geared towards young children (pre- school and elementary-age), and their families. An Exhibit Developer with a strong scientific background will be responsible for the design and implementation of exhibit components which will highlight energy-related science and technology as a focus for developing and utilizing skills of scientific inquiry and invention. Through kinetic sculpture, computer games, participatory exhibits, and adjunct programming, visitors will learn about potential and kinetic energy and its forms: mechanical, electrical, chemical, thermal, solar. Following its test edition, designed with input from advisors, front-end evaluations, and prototypes, Go Power will become the sixth exhibit to join the Museum's popular national touring program.
Playtime Is Science: A National Model for Parent Involvement In Early Science Education is an innovative parent/child science activity program. The overall goal of the model is to enlarge the potential pool of students who are competent in science and technology to include more girls, children of color, with disabilities, and children from low-income families. By engaging parents in partnership with schools and community organizations, Playtime Is Science will increase the science literacy of young children (ages 4-7) as well as that of their parents and other adults in their lives. This three-year project, built on a successful local model developed in New York City public schools, will include the following activities: training and networking for site liaisons; pilot testing and evaluation at three sites chosen for geographic, racial, ethnic, language, and socioeconomic diversity; materials development and production; a formal research study; and intensive national dissemination of Playtime Is Science materials package. Materials to be developed include 1) four videotapes to provide a visual rendering of the program for parents, teachers, and administrators; 2) a how-to manual providing easy-to-follow instructions for implementing the program; 3) and a home activity booklet for parents illustrating science activities which utilize inexpensive, readily-available materials found in every home.