We present the assets that collaboration across a land grant university brought to the table, and the Winterberry Citizen Science program design elements we have developed to engage our 1080+ volunteer berry citizen scientists ages three through elder across urban and rural, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, and formal and informal learning settings.
Katie SpellmanJasmine ShawChristine VillanoChrista MulderElena SparrowDouglas Cost
We used a youth focused wild berry monitoring program that spanned urban and rural Alaska to test this method across diverse age levels and learning settings.
Katie SpellmanDouglas CostChristine Villano
The goal of this evaluation was to determine how museum visitors responded to the museum's existing live animal exhibits and identify recommendations for their new Live Animal Garden exhibit.
Reflections and Ideas about Collaboration with Integrity explores the work Generations of Knowledge: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Environmental Science (National Science Foundation DRL-1010559), a six-year collaborative project between OMSI and Native partners from diverse tribes, cultures, and ecoregions that co-created traveling exhibits and programs for science and tribal museums. This legacy document reflects on and shares what we learned on this journey, including our detours and course corrections. The legacy document strongly reflects the work of the whole project both in its
Victoria CoatsCecilia NguyenMolly SchmitzJaclyn BarberTim HecoxMarilyn JohnsonKyrie Thompson KellettTim SteevesLeah Gibson (Oglala Lakota)David Begay Diné [Navajo])Inez Bill (Tulalip/Lummi)Karen Kitchen (Osage)Katherine KrileHerb Lee, Jr. (Hawaiian)VerlieAnn Malina-Wright (Hawaiian)Nancy Maryboy (Cherokee/Diné [Navajo])Randall Melton (Seminole/CTUIR)Wenix Red Elk (CTUIR)David CozzoVicki Cruz (Cherokee)Deana Dartt (Chumash)Jill SteinShelly Valdez (Laguna Pueblo)Pamela Woodis (Jicarilla Apache)Tessa Campbell (Tulalip)
This guidebook will help you plan your action project. The initial brainstorm pages will help you consider where to start, and the Action Project Framework will navigate you through steps to get to your destination: the completion of your project!
This research examines the Tree Investigators project to support science learning with mobile devices during family public programmes in an arboretum. Using a case study methodology, researchers analysed video records of 10 families (25 people) using mobile technologies with naturalists at an arboretum to understand how mobile devices supported science talk related to tree biodiversity. The conceptual framework brings together research on technological supports for science learning and research on strategies that encourage families to engage in conversations that support observation and
Many youth programs seek to understand their influence over time on participant outcomes. This paper offers a methodology for measuring a participant’s perception of a program’s contribution amid their perception of other youth influences such as those from family, school, peer groups, hobbies, and other organized activities. The instrument built on the large body of work on youth influences in order to capture the dominant factors in development of the item bank. In addition to item development, the paper documents face validity followed by content assessment of items using a research panel
The Lineage project was a collaboration between Twin Cities Public Television and the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History. The project included creation of a feature-length video program, a Virtual Reality game, and a set of hands-on activities designed for use by multigenerational audiences—all of which were incorporated as part of a series of seven Fossil Festival events at museums and other sites around the United States. This report presents findings from a set of external evaluation studies that examined impacts on families who participated in Fossil Festival events as well
This report, prepared for The Jim Henson Company, shares findings of a sub-study investigating the types of support parents and caregivers need when navigating and using the second-screen Splash and Bubbles for Parents app. This study originated from a prior field study finding indicating families would benefit from support around the app since it represents a new kind of digital tool. In partnership with local Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) stations, we provided parents and caregivers more detailed support around the features of the app. Based on survey and interview findings, parents and
The Splash and Bubbles for Parents app is a second-screen digital resource for parents and caregivers to support young children’s learning of ocean science. This report, prepared for The Jim Henson Company, shares findings of a field study conducted to examine the promise of the app in supporting parents’ and caregivers’ behaviors and attitudes toward science and technology; families’ joint engagement with media (adults and children watch and play together); and children’s science learning. Findings indicate that parents and caregivers found the app helpful for supporting their children’s