As part of its overall strategy to enhance learning in informal environments, the Advancing Informal Science Learning program funds innovative research, approaches and resources for use in a variety of settings. This Exploratory Pathways project brings together scientists and science curriculum experts with field station leaders to study informal science learning at biological field stations. The objective is to understand and evaluate the unique qualities of field stations as centers of informal and enduring science learning for the non-science community. There are over 400 field stations and represent a science communication mechanism that if available to most US citizens. This project is a collaboration between Texas A&M University and Colorado State University.
Field stations typically engage in informal science learning. While there are great examples of informal learning through outreach activities at field stations, little is known about what is happening in the aggregate at these establishments. This project documents the outreach work of field stations and explores the connections between how the outreach activities engage learners, incorporate science topics, and address science learning. By creating an Outreach Ontology, a multidimensional framework around the outreach activities, this work provides a valuable resource and reference to informal science researchers who seek to understand what informal learning projects are undertaken at field stations, and how these activities fit into the broader context of informal science learning. This project will help field stations collaborate on improving informal STEM learning activities by bringing them together to discuss their efforts and by developing a publicly available, searchable database detailing their activities. A particular benefit to advancing informal STEM learning by investigating field stations is the broad range of people and communities that are involved with and affected by field station outreach activities.
Supporting and sustaining public science literacy and engagement are important goals of informal science education institutions worldwide. Although there is evidence that both science centers and natural history museums positively influence public science literacy and engagement, significant differences exist between these two types of institutions. This international workshop on Integration of Science Centers with Natural History Museums for Imparting Informal Education addresses this issue by convening key science center and natural history museum professionals from 9 countries in South and Southeast Asia, as well as the United States, to explore the strengths and limitations of the assets, philosophies and strategies of these institutions. Beyond the benefits science center and natural history museum professionals attending will receive, the effort will significantly contribute to the broader US and international conversation about the future of science centers and natural history museums, as well as other museum-like, science-rich informal education institutions, in these regions and beyond. In particular, supporting personal and cultural relevance has been a major focus of informal science education organizations globally, and the recommendations that emerge from the meeting will significantly contribute to this dialogue and help to make advances in the disciplinary field of informal science education.
This international workshop, hosted in Malaysia and facilitated by researchers from the Institute for Learning Innovation, convenes 40 science center and natural history museum professionals to explore the affordances and constraints of science centers and natural history museum exhibitions, programs, outreach efforts, websites, etc. The conference is designed to examine the opportunities, challenges and barriers to integrating key design principles that blend the best of science centers and natural history museums, while guiding the creation of new forms of 21st century informal science education institutions. Additional goals explore how to make informal science education institutions in general more relevant to 21st century publics, both culturally and personally, as well as foster intra- and international collaborations between science center and natural history museum professionals. Toward these ends, all conference participants will commit to the completion of pre-conference assignments; active preparation and involvement at the meeting; and, assistance with the dissemination of project findings. The major deliverable will be a Whitepaper describing the outcomes of the meeting and the key design principles that leverage the effectiveness and relevance of each of these institutions. The Whitepaper will be produced in both hard copy and electronic form and more broadly disseminated throughout the natural history museum and science center fields in all participating countries. The electronic form will be hosted and available for download through the website of the Institute for Learning Innovation and the Center for Advancing Informal Science Education (CAISE) with links to all participating institutions. This project is supported jointly by the NSF Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) and the Advances in Informal STEM Education (AISL) program.
The widespread accessibility of live streaming video now makes it possible for viewers around the world to watch live events together, including unprecedented, 24/7 views of wildlife. In addition, online technologies such as live chatting and forums have opened new possibilities for people to collaborate from locations around the world. The innovation that the projects provide is bringing these opportunities together, enabling real-time research and discussion as participants observe and annotate live streaming footage; sharing questions and insights through live Q&A sessions; and explore data with interactive visualization tools. Scientists will support the community's research interests, in contrast with traditional models of citizen science in which communities support the work of scientists. This project will enable people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives to co-create scientific investigations, including participants who might not otherwise have access to nature. The evaluation research for this project will advance the understanding of practices that enable interconnected communities of people to participate in more phases of scientific discovery, and how participation affects their learning outcomes. It is funded by the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program, which seeks to advance new approaches to, and evidence-based understanding of, the design and development of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning in informal environments. This includes providing multiple pathways for broadening access to and engagement in STEM learning experiences, advancing innovative research on and assessment of STEM learning in informal environments, and developing understandings of deeper learning by participants. As such, this project will advance a new genre of Public Participation in STEM Research (PPSR). It will also advance scientific exploration using live wildlife cams and establish a database for long-term research to understand how bird behavior and reproductive success are affected by environmental change. This project aims to deepen public involvement in science, building on knowledge and relevance for STEM learning by creating an online learning environment that expands on traditional crowdsourcing models of PPSR in which participants collect data to answer questions driven by scientists. In this project, participants are involved in co-created research investigations, including asking questions, deciding what data are needed, generating data, looking for patterns, making interpretations, reviewing results, and sharing findings. The goals are to 1) create a system that involves the public more deeply in scientific research; 2) develop participants' science skills and interests; 3) increase participants' understanding of birds and the environment; 4) generate new scientific knowledge about wildlife; and 5) advance the understanding of effective project design for co-created PPSR projects at a national scale. Through iterative design and evaluation, the project will advance the understanding of the conditions that foster online collaboration and establish design principles for supporting science and discovery in online learning environments. Through scaling and quasi-experimental studies, the evaluation research will advance the understanding of how learning outcomes may be similar or different for participants engaging in different ways, whether they observe the cams and read about the investigation, process data as contributors, provide some input as collaborators, or join in most or all of the scientific process as co-creators. Despite the popularity of live wildlife cams, with millions of people watching hundreds of cams around the world, little research has been conducted on the use of live cams for collaborative work in formal or informal science education. The infrastructure and open-source framework created for this project will expand the capacity for online communities of people from diverse career backgrounds and perspectives to collaborative on solving personally meaningful questions and contribute to new knowledge. Using this project as a prototype, cam operators from around the world could build networks of cams, enabling future studies with broader scope for comparative biological studies and discoveries. Additionally, it will serve as a model for use in classrooms or for online communities exploring other scientific fields using live-streaming content in collaborative research. By involving scientists and participants from across society as collaborators and co-creators, this project can help increase public engagement with science, technology, and environmental stewardship while advancing the understanding of the natural world and informing public decision-making.
Merging art and science, "Self Reflected" aims to communicate the incredible complexity of the neural signaling in our brains that makes us who we are. The artists, Dr. Greg Dunn and Dr. Brian Edwards, invented a novel technique called reflective microetching to simulate the microscopic behavior of neurons in the viewer’s brain as they observe this work of art. "Self Reflected" is currently on display in the Your Brain exhibit at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. This summative evaluation study explores museum visitors’ behavior, reactions, and learning outcomes as they interact with
This is the final report from the external evaluator of the project that created MedLab, an interactive learning experiences for Chicago area middle and high school students. This external evaluator's final report summarizes the outcomes and impacts of the five-year (2012-2017) funding compared to project objectives. The aim of the project was to use in person and online curricula, including a humanoid patient simulator (iStan®), to build interest in and knowledge of health sciences and health careers, with a particular focus on local community health concerns. An additional goal was to
Christina Shane-SimpsonJohn FraserSusan HannahKin KongPatricia WardRabiah Mayas
The United Nations Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 is a key initiative within global efforts to halt and eventually reverse the loss of biodiversity. The very first target of this plan states that "by 2020, at the latest, people are aware of the values of biodiversity and the steps they can take to conserve and use it sustainably." Zoos and aquariums worldwide, attracting more than 700 million visits every year, could potentially make a positive contribution to this target. However, a global evaluation of the educational impacts of visits to zoos and aquariums is entirely lacking in
Many environmental communication interventions are built on the assumption that increased knowledge will lead to changes in proenvironment behaviors. Our study probes the link between biodiversity-related knowledge and self-reported proconservation behavior, based on the largest and most international study of zoo visitors ever conducted. In total, 6,357 visitors to 30 zoos from 19 countries around the globe participated in the study. Biodiversity understanding and knowledge of actions to help protect biodiversity were significantly related, but only 0.6% of the variation in knowledge of
Campaigns by zoos, aquariums, and other civil society organizations are an important tool for promoting social changes that benefit the environment. Here, we evaluate a global biodiversity education campaign's impact through a repeated-measures survey of nearly 5000 visitors to 20 zoos and aquariums located in 14 countries. By comparing visitors’ pre- and post-visit responses combined across respondents, we found significant aggregate improvements in their biodiversity understanding and their knowledge of actions to help protect biodiversity. Respondents who reported seeing the education
Zoos and aquariums aim to achieve lasting impact on their public audiences’ awareness of biodiversity, its value, and the steps they can take to conserve it. Here, we evaluate the long-term educational impact of visits to zoos and aquariums on biodiversity understanding and knowledge of actions to help protect biodiversity. A minimum of two years after completing a repeated-measures survey before and after visiting a zoo or aquarium, the same participants were invited to take part in a follow-up online survey. Despite the small number of respondents (n = 161), our study may still represent the
Dinosaurs have been a very popular science topic since signs of their presence on earth were first discovered. They have represented so-called ‘edutainment’ for some people. Learning from informal sources and in- an out-of-school environment can be effective and motivating. In this study, 12-year-old pupils (N = 366) visited a dinosaur science centre exhibition in Finland. Pupils were tested with standardised tests of motivation as defined by self-determination theory, cognitive skills, and interest via pre-, post-, and delayed post-tests during a six-month period. Findings show that pupils
Hannu SalmiHelena ThunebergMari-Pauliina Vainikainen
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The National Science Foundation's (NSF)Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (NSF INCLUDES) program supports models, networks, partnerships and research to ensure the broadening participation in STEM of women, members of racial and ethnic groups that have been historically underrepresented, persons of low socio-economic status, and people with disabilities.
The University of Akron will convene a two-day conference to develop a backbone organization to support the preparation and advancement of underrepresented minorities K-12 through careers in the biosciences, a high growth area for engineering (biomechanics, biometrics and biomaterials). This conference draws on the expertise of a wide range of organizations, professional associations, K-20+, community based organizations, industry and museums. The intent is to strengthen the network among participants and leverage learning on how to engage youth in the biosciences.
The results of this first conference will be a white paper that will be disseminated to several professional societies that outlines a backbone infrastructure for addressing both short-term and longer-term aspects of an NSF INCLUDES alliance centered on bioengineering, biomechanics, biomedical engineering and biomaterials.
Brian DavisCarin HelferRouzbeh Amini
This review of literature summarizes findings from current research on the development of empathy in childhood, and implications for developing zoo and aquarium programs that can strengthen children's sense of empathy. Key practices include: intentional framing of conversations about animals, modeling empathy - and providing opportunities for children to practice it, offering opportunities for direct interaction with animals, building children's understanding of the similarities and differences between the needs of humans and of other animals, and activating children's imagination to help them