American educators and policymakers have often claimed that the arts can have powerful effects in education and that these effects may reverberate far beyond the arts. Arts education has been argued to have social, motivational, and academic repercussions. But are such claims rooted in empirical evidence, or are they unsupported advocacy? The studies in this issue review systematically what is known about the power of the arts to promote learning in non-arts domains. Thus, we focus here only on the claims that have been made about the effects of arts education on cognitive, academic outcomes
In the American educational climate of today, "basic" academic skills are valued while the arts are considered a frill. Many major urban school districts have cut back on arts education in order to strengthen academic subjects. Even though most of our schools have some arts education, and even though most of our citizens say they want their children to be exposed to the arts in school, only one in four students in American schools sings, plays an instrument, or performs plays in class each week. When budgets are tight, the arts are almost always the first programs to be cut. This study
The author reviews the empirical literature testing that there is an association between instruction in music (usually school-based) and performance in reading (as measured by reading test scores or by general tests of verbal aptitude).
The article discusses the research which showed that the usage of drama in the classroom by the educators can promote a deeper learning in the variety of verbal fields. Drama has been considered as an effective tool to improve the accomplishment in story understanding, reading achievement, reading preparedness and writing. The result has demonstrated that the drama helps the children to master the texts they enact and to practice the new materials that are not yet enacted. The study has showed that drama instruction can serve as a creative and effective instrument for learning that exceeds
The Children's Museum of Indianapolis will develop a 6,000-sq. ft. traveling exhibition about bones, helping children and adults learn about the science of bones, maintenance of healthy bone structures and the cultural and artistic uses of bones. Also, the exhibition will help inform upper elementary and middle school audiences of career possibilities in science, further an understanding of bones as revealed through modern technology and promote understanding of the skeletal system. A Web site, teacher workshops, kits and other materials and events will support learning through this exhibition.