In December of 2019, TERC and the University of Notre Dame convened 21 early childhood reading, family learning, and informal STEM education experts to explore the role of children’s fiction books as a tool for supporting STEM learning with young children and their families. Through the discussions, the group developed a series of recommendations for future research and practice, with a particular focus on integrating diversity and equity perspectives into the use of storybooks.
In December of 2019, TERC and the University of Notre Dame convened a group of 21 early childhood reading, family learning, and informal STEM education experts to explore the role of children’s fiction books as a tool for supporting STEM learning with young children and their families. Participants included educators and researchers from across the country representing a broad range of learning contexts, professional roles, audience focus areas, and STEM discipline expertise. Through the discussions, the group developed a series of recommendations for future work, with a particular focus on
Inclusive science communication (ISC) is a new and broad term that encompasses all efforts to engage specific audiences in conversations or activities about science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) topics, including, but not limited to, public engagement, informal science learning, journalism, and formal science education. Unlike other approaches toward science communication, however, ISC research and practice is grounded in inclusion, equity, and intersectionality, making these concerns central to the goals, design, implementation, evaluation, and refinement of
Katherine CanfieldSunshine Menezes
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The National Science Teachers Association will convene a conference that will bring together STEM researchers and practitioners to review the growing connected science learning movement. A connected science learning environment has been described as a robust science ecology containing a wide variety of programs, across a range of institutions and places, allowing youth different and multiple ways to engage with STEM. Such environments can include small partnerships, such as a science museum and K-12 schools, or a large, community-wide network of a variety of organizations such as K-12 schools, museums, universities, government agencies, and community organizations. The conference will bring together over forty participants, who will meet in a series of several online meetings. The conference will result in a series of papers, articles in the online Connected Science Learning journal and other publications, a series of webinars and online forums where participants can engage with themes identified in the conference, and conference presentations at the annual meetings of organizations including the National Science Teachers Association, the Association of Science-Technology Centers, and others. This award is funded by the Advanced Informal STEM Learning program which seeks to advance new approaches to, and evidence-based understanding of, the design and development of STEM learning in informal environments.
The conference will: (1) document the research foundation that supports and demonstrates the impact and value of high-quality connected science learning experiences; (2) identify areas for which future research is recommended; and (3) provide effective, practitioner-focused resources that advance connected STEM learning. The conference will include participants that represent a wide range of researchers and practitioners in informal and formal STEM education, as well as representing gender, racial/ethnic and geographical diversity. The results and products of the conference will be instrumental in developing the understanding and appreciation for connecting STEM learning and ultimately improving connected STEM learning for K-12 youth. The importance of emphasizing diversity, equity, and accessibility will be strongly represented in the key evidence identified through the conference and will be reflected in the resources that will be disseminated to a broader audience.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
STEAM, the use of art as a context and tool for science education, is currently a hot topic in the science education field. In almost all instances of study and practice, it involves the use of science-themed or science-informed art in science education. As such, it does not take advantage of the majority of artistic output that does not have an obvious connection to science. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine recently called for more research to expand the "limited but promising" evidence that integrating arts and humanities with science education leads to better learning. The goal of this 2.5-day conference is to bring together representatives of both art and science groups to have a shared discussion around how non-scientific art can influence science education in theory, and how we can apply empirical results to the theory. For purposes of this conference, "non-science art" is defined as art that was not inspired by science. Conference attendees will include researchers (art and science education researchers) and practitioners (artists, art museum interpreters, and science educators). The conference will take place during the 2020 Black Creativity exhibition at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. It is anticipated that by holding the conference at that time the audience for the conference and its impact will be informed by more diverse attendance.
The conference will be implemented starting with a pre-conference reading. Attendees will be sent a copy of the white paper from the Art as a Way of Knowing report for background reading and also asked to contribute to a Google Document that describes their various contexts. Each day of the conference will focus on a theme -- state of the field and possibilities and research -- and be comprised of large and small group interactions. Attendees will be invited from the ranks of practitioners, researchers and educators in the art and science education fields; several slots will be available for open (non-invited) participants. Key outcomes include: (a) a summary of all the research that has been conducted on using non-science art in science education, (b) starting points for building a theory on why non-science art can be used in science education; and (c) a list of specific research topics that would help inform, advance, and test the theory. In addition to assessing satisfaction with the conference, evaluation will also include a one-year post conference survey to investigate impact of participation in the conference.
This conference will generate products that will give guidance to both researchers and practitioners who want to use art in science education. These products include a white paper synthesizing the discussion and appendices that include raw transcripts and a bibliography of resources. Another product is a roadmap to create interventions that can be studied, which should lead to a stronger, more rigorous theory of practice about how art can be integrated into science education.
This project is funded by the National Science Foundation's (NSF's) Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program, which supports innovative research, approaches, and resources for use in a variety of learning settings.
A large body of research highlights the benefits of storybooks for children's learning. In the context of preschool classrooms, the use of storybooks to engage young children in STEM is a frequent topic of practitioner-oriented articles. There is also an increasing number of informal STEM education (ISE) projects exploring how to leverage storybooks to engage young children and their families in different STEM content domains. While there is universal excitement for the potential of storybooks in ISE, there is an acknowledgment of a critical need for more cross-project sharing, more research, and more efforts to synthesize and share findings. This award will catalyze new research studies and partnerships to advance efforts in ISE contexts, including the role of books in the overall learning experience or program, how books are selected or designed, and how the reading is facilitated by teachers and families. Participants will be educators and researchers working with or studying family learning for preschool-age children (three to five years) using early childhood fiction books as a tool for engaging families in STEM topics and skills.
Storybook STEM will be implemented in four phases: (1) pre-convening activities to plan, synthesize existing resources, engage a broader group of educators and researchers beyond convening attendees, and prepare convening participants to maximize the value of the in-person discussions; (2) in-person convening to catalyze cross-project discussions, outline promising practices, and identify questions and ideas for the future; (3) evaluation of the impact and value of the convening, from the perspective of participants and a project steering committee; and (4) dissemination of findings and recommendations to educators and researchers within and beyond the ISE field. Outcomes include: (1) documenting current and past work in ISE and other fields; (2) summarizing key recommendations and resources from the reading, literacy, and early childhood development fields; and (3) outlining promising directions for future work.
The findings from this project will provide a critical resource to help broadening participation efforts be more effective and inclusive for audiences across the country. Research studies motivated by the convening will address the lack of empirical work on storybooks as a tool for ISE programs and advance the ISE field's knowledge of how to integrate these books effectively. Because storybooks are a highly accessible and almost universally used family learning resource, the topic of the convening will be relevant to a wide range of audiences and will help educators broaden access to ISE for traditionally underserved and under-resourced communities.
This project is funded by the National Science Foundation's (NSF's) Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program, which supports innovative research, approaches, and resources for use in a variety of learning settings.
Over the last decade there has been significant growth in the number of afterschool programs that offer science activities to youth. Measuring the quality and contributions of these programs to youth learning is important to both the afterschool organizations and the communities that support them, including participating youth and their families. To address the range and evolving interests and capacities of all young people within a community, there are, by necessity, a wide range of types of afterschool science programming. Such programming may vary by focus (e.g., botany, astronomy, computer science, engineering, or zoology), structure (e.g., hands-on, place-based, on-line, or in partnership with local industry) and other factors. Across the range of programming, there are different intended learning goals and opportunities for students. For these reasons, a range of measurement tools are needed to monitor the quality and outcomes of wide range of afterschool science programs. To explore the current state of evaluation and measurement tools for use in afterschool science programs, the University of Washington, in partnership with the Afterschool Alliance and the National Girls Collaborative, will design and host a conference for afterschool STEM leaders, researchers, and evaluators. This project is funded by the Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program, which seeks to advance new approaches to, and evidence-based understanding of, the design and development of STEM learning in informal environments. This includes providing multiple pathways for broadening access to and engagement in STEM learning experiences, advancing innovative research on and assessment of STEM learning in informal environments, and developing understandings of deeper learning by participants.
This conference is grounded in the programmatic priorities and strategies of afterschool organizations. The goals of the conference are to (a) articulate and map the range of intended outcomes of afterschool STEM programs; (b) identify how existing measurement and evaluation tools map on to intended outcomes; and (c) identify overlaps, complementarities, and gaps in the available tools in order to provide guidance to (i) practitioners on how and why to select current evaluation tools and (ii) researchers on directions for future tool development. Tangible convening products include:
*A detailed, visual representation ("intended outcomes map") of the range of outcomes afterschool programs are seeking to achieve, related to student learning, educator capacity, program quality, family impacts, learning ecosystems connectivity;
*A taxonomy of current evaluation instruments aligned to these outcomes, with an explanation of how they overlap or differentiate both methodologically and theoretically;
*The identification of the areas where further work is needed, including further specification of learning outcomes and future development of evaluation tools.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is creating, implementing and evaluating a forum for the NSF INCLUDES broadening participation community of practice and for engaging the NSF INCLUDES awardees and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) researchers across the nation to expand the NSF INCLUDES broadening participation network. The NSF INCLUDES program is a comprehensive national initiative designed to enhance U.S. leadership in STEM discoveries and innovations focused on NSF's commitment to diversity, inclusion, and broadening participation in these fields.
The NSF INCLUDES Open Forum will use the AAAS Trellis networking platform and the organization's experience engaging communities of practice focused on broadening participation, STEM education and STEM research. The project builds on the success of a prior NSF INCLUDES Conference award (HRD-1650509) that was addressing goals to define networking needs of the first round of NSF INCLUDES Design and Development Launch Pilots (DDLP); to develop design specifications for NSF INCLUDES networking, curating of resources, and supporting communities of practice; and to propose tools, techniques, capacities and functionalities for an NSF INCLUDES national network.
The NSF INCLUDES Open Forum project includes advisory board members with expertise in networking platforms and others with broadening participation knowledge and experience. A yearly conference for NSF INCLUDES awardees will offer participants an opportunity to learn about how Trellis platform upgrades, functionality and technology options (e.g., a smartphone application) can be used in new ways to engage a broader community of partners interested in broadening participation in STEM research and education contexts. An external evaluator will assess the activities and outcomes of the NSF INCLUDES Open Forum both during implementation and at project end. The PIs will also communicate the outcomes of the project to broader audiences, both academic and non-academic, and encourage a dialogue within the NSF INCLUDES community about the use of technology for organization and communication within a network.