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Community Repository Search Results

resource project Public Programs
Led by Washington University, Making Natural Connections: An Authentic Field Research Collaboration (DRL-0739874), is a series of two field-based informal science education programs in environmental biology targeting St. Louis area teenagers. The project aims for engagement of science research institutions and career scientists in the execution of informal science education programming, bringing real and dynamic context to the science content and allowing for deep and transparent career exploration by teenage participants. Project goals include (1) providing a model for integration of informal science education into the research and restoration projects at biological field stations and nature reserves, (2) communicating current environmental biology research to audiences outside the research community, and (3) influencing the entry of pre-college students into the science career pipeline. The project is a collaborative partnership between Washington University’s Tyson Research Center and the Missouri Botanical Garden’s Shaw Nature Reserve. The Shaw Institute for Field Training (SIFT) program trains St. Louis area high school students in scientific exploration of the natural world at Shaw Nature Reserve. During a one-week training session in June, teens are introduced to a variety of Missouri ecosystems and gain skills necessary to conduct field research, including plant and animal identifications, biotic sampling and census techniques, testing of abiotic factors, and training in the use of maps, compass and GPS. During the rest of the summer and school year, teens are involved in important research and restoration activities at Shaw, Tyson Research Center and other field research sites in the St. Louis area. Fieldwork opportunities may include invasive species management, prairie reconstruction, plant and animal inventories, and prescribed burns. The Tyson Environmental Research Fellowships (TERF) program places high school students as summer interns on ecology and environmental biology research teams at Tyson Research Center. Selected teen participants have successfully completed the SIFT program and apply their field skills to ongoing research projects at Tyson and other partnering research sites. During the summer, the four-week program provides teens with exposure to a variety of field science experiences and skills. TERF teens work alongside university scientists, post-doctoral researchers, graduate students and undergraduate students. The TERF program provides a cultural apprenticeship in university-based environmental biology research and training in scientific communication. It is an advanced summer experience modeled on the undergraduate research internships offered at Tyson. During the following school year, participants work on posters and presentations for symposia at Washington University and Tyson and at community fairs, and their posters are displayed at Shaw Nature Reserve. A national dissemination workshop for informal science educators, high school biology teachers, and research scientists provides the necessary materials and background to replicate the project design in other locales. The summative evaluation will address impacts on teenage participants (engagement, cognitive and emotional support, competence, career viability, experiential learning) and professional audiences (implementation of teen program, program components, impacts on mentoring scientists). The strategic impact of this project results from the integration of teenage immersion experiences into research activities at a university-based facility. This model of informal science training activities leading into participation in authentic research may be transferable to other STEM disciplines.
TEAM MEMBERS: Phyllis Balcerzak Peter Raven Susan Flowers Kim Medley
resource project Exhibitions
The Museum will develop an interactive traveling exhibition entitled "Our Weakening Web: The Study of Extinction" that will explore the process of extinction and examine the current role humanity is playing in that process. Is humanity accelerating the rate of extinction by modifying the global environment? The goals of the exhibit are 1) that visitors discover that extinction is a natural process, 2) that visitors explore the many ways humanity is modifying the world,s environment, and 3) that visitors understand how their actions are related to the world's environmental problems and how they can make changes in their lifestyles to help protect the environment. Three size versions (8000 sq. ft., 4000 sq. ft., and 1800 sq. ft.) of the exhibit will be created in order to maximize the number of museums that are able to accommodate the exhibit. After its opening in Cincinnati in 1994, it will travel to approximately twenty-eight museums during the next three to four years. Each venue will have the exhibit for about four months. Complementary activities will be developed and manuals describing these as well as sample materials will accompany each exhibit. These activities will include a teacher's guide, local resource guide, on- floor demonstrations, short theater presentations, and an adult lecture series. Sample press kits and copies of all promotional materials will be included in the exhibit package as well.
TEAM MEMBERS: Susan Schultz Christopher Bedel Sandra Shipley
resource project Media and Technology
WGBH is producing a two-hour NOVA special that will examine the scientific undertaking to decipher all three billion letters of the human genetic code. The program will take viewers inside the labs where this effort is going on and will examine the difficult decisions that are arising from our growing understanding of the human genome. The central narrative thread in "The Human Blueprint" is the extraordinary race now going on between two teams striving to be the first to read, or "sequence," the human genome. On one side is the official Human Genome Project, funded by the federal government and coordinated by the National Human Genome Research Institute; on the other side is private industry, in the form of a well-financed company run by a biologist with a long track record of finding quicker, cheaper ways to plumb the secrets of the genetic code. To support the extended use of the series, "The Human Blueprint" will be featured in the NOVA teachers guide and will be the subject of an enhanced Web sit at NOVA Online. The Executive Producer for the programs will be Paula Apsell, Executive Producer for NOVA, and the series will be produced by Elizabeth Arledge who has produced science programming for WGBH, WNET and CBS News. Dr. Joseph Levine will serve as science consultant to "The Human Blueprint" and will work with the producer to plan program research, suggest sequence possibilities, review program treatments and critique the film at early stages. Dr. Levine has a Ph.D. in Biology from Harvard University and served as the science editor for the WGBH series "The Secret of Life." Advisors to the series include: W. French Anderson, Professor of Biochemistry and Pediatrics and the Director of Gene Therapy Laboratories at the University of Southern California School of Medicine; David Baltimore, President of the California Institute of Technology and Chairman of the NIH AIDS Vaccine Research Committee; Paul Berg, Director of the Beckman Center for Molecular and Genetic Research at Stanford University; Robin Blatt, Founder of the Genetic Resource at the Massachusetts Health Research Institute; David Blumenthal, Director of the Institute for Health Policy and Professor of Medicine and Health Care Policy at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital Robert Cook-Deegan, Director of the National Cancer Policy Board, Institute of Medicine and the Commission on Life Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences; Ronald G. Crystal, Director of the Gene Therapy Core facility at Cornell University Medical College; Georgia M. Dunston, Professor of Microbiology and Acting Director of the National Human Genome Center at Howard University; Philip R. Reilly, Executive Director of the Shriver Center for Mental Retardation; Lydia Villa-Komaroff, Vice President of Research and Professor of Neurology at Northwestern University.
TEAM MEMBERS: Paula Apsell
resource project Media and Technology
The Massachusetts General Hospital is developing a large format film that will take an interdisciplinary look at brain science and raise questions about the nature and biological basis of consciousness. For the past two decades, the field of cognitive neuroscience has begun to explore and understand some of the most complex brain functions and, for the first time, research is pointing to answers to such questions as, "What makes intelligence possible?" and "What makes consciousness possible?" This film will examine the basic functions of the brain and explore some of the cutting-edge research that is reaching into the realms of intelligence and consciousness. The large format film will be supported by outreach components that will include an educator's guide, a family pamphlet, a poster and a website. Science content for the series will be developed by Anne Buckingham Young, Chief of the Department of Neurology at the Massachusetts General Hospital; Dennis Selkow, Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Center for Neurologic Diseases at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Professor of Neurology and Neuroscience at Harvard Medical School; and Gary L. Gottlieb, Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. They will work closely with advisors with expertise in cognitive neuroscience, psychology, psychiatry, philosophy and biology. The project will be under the direction of JoAnna Baldwin-Mallory, Director of the Office of New Ventures at Partners HealthCare System. The film will be directed and produced by Peter Georgi who is currently producing and directing the NSF supported large format film, The Human Body, with the BBC. Front-end and formative evaluation will be conducted by Ralph Adler of RMC Research. As they have developed the conceptualization and preliminary plans for the film, the staff has identified several issues that would benefit from further, more in-depth planning. These activities that would be conducted during the planning stage include: Convening the scientific advisors and production staff to develop the science content further and to design an approach for presenting substantive content that is appropriate for the large format film medium; Conducting front-end evaluation of popular understandings of and interest in brain science; Carrying out formative testing of preliminary script ideas; Investigating the potential for supplementing the already planned outreach materials with additional components such as a guide specifically designed for classroom teachers, an activity guide for students, a CD-ROM and short radio spots that present stories from the front lines of brain research; Developing a film script, print and web components; Establishing partnerships in research and academic communities and with science centers and natural history museums.
TEAM MEMBERS: JoAnna Baldwin-Mallory
resource project Media and Technology
The Carnegie Science Center (of Carnegie Institute) and Carnegie Mellon University (Center for Light Microscope Imaging and Biotechnology, a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center, and The Studio for Creative Inquiry) have initiated a collaborative project that portends to change in a dramatic fashion the planetarium theater as a tool for informal science education. After several months of preliminary discussions and, now, the beginning of work, the creative team has been assembled that is defining the vision and executing the program of this exciting project. The vision being formulated is the transformation of The Henry Buhl Jr. Planetarium into a new visualization environment to achieve an interdisciplinary and interactive group learning experience. We call this new concept the "Group Immersive Visualization Environment (GIVE). GIVE will accomplish much of the impact of virtual reality by combining "three-dimensional" images generated by Evans & Sutherland's Digistar Projection System with real and animated, high-resolution video computer images and multimedia and by providing direct audience-control of program direction via The Henry Buhl Jr. Planetarium's elaborate 156-seat, electronic response system. While we anticipate the eventual production of a series of programs in a variety of subject fields, the first to utilize GIVE will be "Journey to the Center of the Cell," a 35-minute presentation. The treatment will convey an experience of self-discovery and natural wonder as audiences transport themselves through striking visualizations of the living cell. Production and evaluation of "Journey to the Center of the Cell" and the development of the Group Immersive Visualization Environment will occur under the auspices of staff of The Henry Buhl Jr. Planetarium, key personnel from Carnegie Mellon University, evaluator Harris H. Shettel, and an Advisory Panel consisting of key planetarium and eductional professionals. Program production packages, incorporating compatible components of "Journey to the Center of the Cell," will be produced, marketed and distributed to public and school planetariums; and a Teacher Resource Kit containing supplementary educational materials in the form of video tapes, CD-ROMS and computer disks wil extend the program's reach into the classroom. Special relationships and viewing times will be offered at The Henry Buhl Jr. Planetarium targeting Pittsburgh inner city schools and regional districts containing large percentages of underserved and minority students.
TEAM MEMBERS: Paul Oles D. Lansing Taylor Martin Ratcliffe
resource project Media and Technology
Miami University - Ohio/Project Dragonfly is developing "Wild Research," a multi-faceted collaborative project with the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden and with a consortium of ten zoos and aquariums around the country, the American Zoo and Aquarium Association, the Society for Conservation Biology, and Conservation International. Project deliverables include a centrally-located 4,500 square-foot Wild Research Discovery Forest exhibit and six Wild Research Stations around the Cincinnati Zoo, a Wild Research Consortium and Wild Research Leadership Workshops for zoo professionals, conservation scientists and educators, a Wild Research Web site with visitor password access to exhibit data they collected, and 90-second radio pieces for the 90-Second Naturalist program. Institute for Learning Innovation is conducting the formative and summative evaluations. The Ohio Assessment and Evaluation Center is conducting a separate evaluation focused on this extensive institutional collaboration process. The primary public impact is to explore new ways zoos and aquariums can incorporate inquiry-based activities on site and to help visitors understand the work of conservation scientists. The project also aims to improve the practice of zoo and aquarium professionals nationwide in inquiry-based experiences and communicating about conservation science.
TEAM MEMBERS: Christopher Myers Samuel Jenike
resource project Exhibitions
The Children's Museum of Indianapolis will develop a 6,000-sq. ft. traveling exhibition about bones, helping children and adults learn about the science of bones, maintenance of healthy bone structures and the cultural and artistic uses of bones. Also, the exhibition will help inform upper elementary and middle school audiences of career possibilities in science, further an understanding of bones as revealed through modern technology and promote understanding of the skeletal system. A Web site, teacher workshops, kits and other materials and events will support learning through this exhibition.
TEAM MEMBERS: Karol Bartlett
resource evaluation
Evaluates students' knowledge of three fields of science (earth, physical, and life), three elements of knowing and doing science (conceptual understanding, scientific investigation, and practical reasoning), and two overarching domains in science (the nature of science and themes-systems, models, and patterns-present in science).
TEAM MEMBERS: Nancy L. Allen James E. Carlson Christine A. Zelenak
resource evaluation
Measures children's global attitudes and knowledge about environmental issues, such as animals, energy, pollution, recycling, water, and general issues.
TEAM MEMBERS: Frank C. Leeming William O. Dwyer Bruce A. Bracken
resource evaluation
To evaluate the reasons for students in abandoning the science, engineering, and medical (SEM) pipeline while others choosing to continue. The influence of family and teachers on students’ goals in science, activities, and science identity is considered.
TEAM MEMBERS: Pamela R. Aschbacher Erika Li Ellen J. Roth
resource research Informal/Formal Connections
This article describes the goals and methodology of the Field Museum in Chicago's Calumet Environmental Education Program (CEEP) in the Calumet region of southeast Chicago. The program engages students grades 4-12 in science by letting them apply what they have learned to real-life community conservation issues. Evaluation highlights and lessons learned are also included.
TEAM MEMBERS: Kirk Anne Taylor Katie McCarthy
resource project Media and Technology
WGBH will develop, produce, and distribute a comprehensive project that will review science of the twentieth century. The major components of the project will be a series of five, two-hour, prime time documentary programs for PBS, an outreach campaign to involve the public through informal and formal science education institutions and organizations, material for use in formal classrooms, and a science museum component. The focus of the series will be to review the science of the twentieth century by telling the dramatic story of the struggle to understand ourselves and our world over the past 100 years -- a time when science advanced further than in previous eras combined and when scientific discipline underwent a revolution. However, because at the close of the century there is an ever-widening gap between what scientists know and what most of the public comprehends, the series will explore the century's most enduring scientific endeavors with each two-hour program probing several related fields of investigation and application: views of the universe and of matter; origins of the Earth and of life; health, medicine, and the human body; human nature and behavior; and technology and engineering. It will offer viewers an opportunity to view 100 years of scientific pursuits as a whole, to recast their perceptions of science and scientists, and to be intrigued and inspired by a view of science as a never-ending and deeply human quest for answers and solutions. The outreach component of the project include: Video-based Components - videocassettes of the series, video modules selected for classroom use, level one videodiscs, and a prototype for a CD-ROM for home learning. A Discovery Challenge Activity - a national campaign targeted primarily for girls and boys 11-14 years of age. The two-phase activities will be offered through middle school science and social studies classes; through youth groups such as Girls Inc., Family Science Programs, 4-H, and Girls and Boys Clubs; at museums and science centers; and through other informal education outlets. Activities will be designed so they can be undertaken by youth with a wide range of interests, learning styles, and skills. Print Components - teacher's guide, video module activity guide, videodisc guide, poster, and a companion trade book. On-line Component - an electronic bulletin board and e-mail center related to the project. Public access sites will be established in libraries, community centers, and schools throughout the country and members of the public with home computers will be able to connect to WGBH at no cost. Service and activities offered on-line will include the ability of viewers to critique programs, ask questions of the production team, download educational materials, and ordering project material. The bulletin board will provide an electronic forum for educators to exchange strategies and ideas as they use the project's resources and enable participants in the Discovery Challenge to tap into the on-line resources and share information. The on-line component will be managed and controlled at WGBH. Museum Component - consisting of a museum tool kit and activities to be incorporated Science-by-Mail. Paula Apsell, executive producer for NOVA and director of the WGBH Science Unit, will serve as executive-in-charge of production. Jon Palfreman will be executive producer and will head up a project team consisting of the executive editor, Thomas Friedman, a senior producer, and two producers. Outreach activities will be the responsibility of Beth Kirsch, Director of Educational Print and Outreach, and Simone Bloom, Outreach Manager.
TEAM MEMBERS: Paula Apsell Thomas Friedman Jon Palfreman