The article discusses how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education resources can be implemented in to public libraries and services for teenagers. The author notes that with an increased importance placed on STEM subjects, it is important for librarians to consider resources and programs for students beyond what they typically offer. The article lists suggested ways librarians can integrate STEM into public library work, including introducing STEM resources to students when visiting schools, promoting STEM programs to parents and educators, and creating STEM booklists
The article discusses ways racial and ethnic minorities are excluded from science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. According to the article, the lack of minority STEM professionals in industries is blamed on their less rigorous early educational experience, lack of mentors and difficult work environment. Library staff can help alleviate many of these disadvantages through teacher education and thoughtful programming for students in a professional environment.
The article discusses the Helen M. Marshall Children's Library Discovery Center in Jamaica, New York. The resource center is designed to encourage science learning, reflect the cultural aspects of Queens, New York, and allow students to engage in science experiments. Exhibits mentioned in the article include bug observations, color mixing, and using touch sensors to identify objects. Other topics discussed by the author include incorporating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education, library outreach programs, and teenagers on the library staff.
The article discusses how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education will affect the work of teen librarians and the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA). According to the article, YALSA created a STEM task force whose objectives include developing a list of recommended reading related to STEM, compiling STEM resources online, and creating a "STEM in Libraries" toolkit.
The article examines how school library programs are uniquely suited to initiate innovative thinking on how to leverage resources such as science fiction to help young people see the value of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in their daily lives. The authors report on the Sci-Dentity project launched in January 2012 which involves the collaboration between researchers and librarians at the University of Maryland in designing ways to incorporate sci-fi to STEM.
Mega SubramaniamAmanda WaughJune AhnAllison Druin
The article discusses strategies for public libraries to offer programs and resources for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and activity programs. The author comments on how public libraries can partner with businesses to offer STEM resources to library patrons and strengthen the role public libraries play in terms of education in their communities. Topics include the possibility of public libraries learning from science fairs to incorporate displays and nonfiction book lists that promote science, as well as strategies to organize nonfiction book holdings.
America's adult populace has failed to keep pace with the rapid inundation of science-centric knowledge affecting nearly every facet of personal, familial, and communal life. With three out of eveiy four American adults considered scientifically illiterate, adult civic science literacy (CSL) has reached alarmingly low levels. The purpose of this research is to determine if the CSL of adults can be elevated through a renewed citizen science paradigm (RCSP)-incorporating nonformal outdoor adult education and structured experiential learning-in which volunteers conduct scientific research in an
The article focuses on the survey titled, "Use of Informal Education Resources in Technology and Engineering Education" (ITEEA) on the informal science education (ISE) resources. In the survey, half of the respondents were not familiar with the term informal education (IE), even though it was clear by their responses to other questions. All of the respondents who held Doctorates were familiar with the term IE. Most of the respondents with only a Bachelor's degree were not familiar with the term IE. This article includes survey questions.
The article offers information on Quin Etnyre, a 13-year-old boy from Southern California who founded the electronics company Qtechknow. Topics discussed include Etnyre's invention of the ArduSensors plug-and-play electronic device components, Etnyre's used of the open-source electronics prototyping platform Arduino to began his company, and Entyre's hobbies such as sports including volleyball, track, and swimming.
In the article, the author discusses technological developments in the education sector in the U.S. as of October 2013. He cites the introduction of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in early 2013 that is focused on science and engineering in the K-12 curriculum. The NGSS' four disciplinary core concepts include Earth and Space Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Engineering and Technology. He presents several NGSS-friendly software like Celestia and NetLogo, as well as hardware such as the Arduino open-source programmable controller.
David Thornburg
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
This handout is from a research and practice workshop at the NARST annual conference. The handout takes researchers through an exercise to craft a pitch to practitioners with whom they would like to partner for a research study.
National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST)
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
In this presentation from a workshop on research and practice at the NARST annual conference, presenters presenters discuss: how to identify persistent problems of practice from practitioners' and stakeholders' perspectives; how to develop a collaborative design process that leverages the expertise of practitioners, researchers, subject matter experts in science, and other stakeholders; and how to formulate design goals that foreground supports for implementation, equity and diversity.