In 2010, a museum and cultural center, Maison des civilisations et de l'unité réunionnaise, will open on Reunion island, Indian Ocean, in a park of 22 hectares overlooking the ocean. Reunion is a small island, uninhabited when it was colonized by the French in the 17th century, whose society has gone through two centuries of slavery, a century of colonialism and barely sixty years of postcolonial democracy. Colonialism erased the material traces of the lives of slaves, indentured workers and poor settlers who, despite the brutality of colonial order, created a rich, complex, and very diverse
The evaluation examined the overall visitor experience (time spent, main message comprehension, response to exhibition look and feel) in the 1,100-square-foot Animal Attraction as well as the exhibition's multimedia content delivered via 18 iPads. Specifically, researchers explored iPad usability and visitors’ reactions to the iPad content, especially compared to static labels found in other areas of Animal Attraction. Findings indicate that the iPads appealed to all visitors segments and that iPad users spent more time in the exhibition than visitors who did not use the iPads. However, many
California Academy of SciencesJon DeuelJessica Brainard
Studying metacognition brings with it many challenges. The challenge of researching metacognition is exacerbated when research, (a) moves from clinical or highly structured settings, those associated with much research in this field, to more naturalistic contexts with less structure, and (b) begins in previously unexplored settings and social contexts with little, if any, existing literature related its study within such settings. We use the metaphor of 'prospecting' to characterise a qualitative methodology that employed a hermeneutic dialectic process to explore the metacognition of parents
The author expresses his opinion on the benefits of informal science resources and introduces article topics in this issue, which include school partnerships with local scientists, collaborations with community partners, and family science events.
Learning involves change in knowledge and understanding; capabilities and skills; ways of thinking–-values, feelings and attitudes; and/or ways of acting-–behaviors. It is a lifelong process that occurs in many different environments. Learning is often described as formal learning (such as that occurring in schools, colleges, and universities) and informal learning (that occurs everywhere else). Although the learning process is the same, there are qualitative differences between formal and informal learning contexts that hinge on the degree of choice participants have to engage in learning
Summative Evaluation of the Science on a Sphere exhibit at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. The evaluation looks at the effectiveness of two topics; Earth Systems and Comparative Planetology using Docent lead facilitation, a scripted show, and data sets running in auto-mode (with no recorded narration).
In this paper we discuss our approach to designing two public exhibitions, where our goal has been that of facilitating and supporting visitors' own contributions to the exhibits. The approach behind our work sees the role of technology that is supporting people's experiences of heritage as moving away from delivery of information, and towards enabling visitors to create the content of the exhibit. This approach is aimed at encouraging active reflection, discussion and appropriation, in the tradition of human-centred interaction design. In the paper we present two installations, "Re-Tracing
Luigina CiolfiLiam BannonMikael Fernstrom
An IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services) National Leadership project with University of California Museum of Paleontology (lead), Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, Museum of the Earth and University of Kansas Natural History Museum to create a tree portal website with learning research, curriculum material and guides on how to effectively use and teach about the tree of life for teachers and museum professionals.
University of California-BerkeleyTeresa MacDonaldRoy CaldwellAnna ThanukosLisa WhiteDavid HeiserRobert Ross
In October 2005, the National Science Foundation brought members of its nanoscale science and engineering education (NSEE) projects to Arlington, VA for a 2-day workshop to explore the status of on-going efforts and to forge collaborations at the national level that would facilitate future efforts. NSF currently funds NSEE projects through the Division of Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education (ESIE), the Directorate for Engineering as part of the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Centers (NSEC), National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN), the Network for Computational
The study provides the first major review of public finance for the museum sector. It explores public support from federal, state, and local government sources, focusing particular attention on levels of financial support and types of delivery mechanisms.
Carlow ManjarrezCarole RosensteinCeleste ColganErica Pastore
This paper describes an approach to familiarizing individuals with modern scientific processes through the facilitation of informal learning experiences in and around the museum. Several methods for development of such exhibits and exhibit content are presented. These experiences are discussed and later implemented in the context of the Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum in Chicago, IL. The exploration functions as an educational guideline by which museum exhibits may be developed in order to familiarize a more general audience with processes behind scientific research and to make science
In mid-2007, the Sciencenter's executive director, Charlie Trautmann, traveled to Europe to survey a wide variety of science museums, centers, and other informal educational organizations and learn how they communicate the subjects of sustainability and global warming to the public. His report includes a new tool, called the "Museum Sustainability Index," which museums can use to assess their own progress in both becoming more sustainable organizations and communicating the science of sustainability to the public.