Public engagement with science (PES) is about dialogue between scientific and technological experts and public audiences about societal questions that science can inform but not answer. In making decisions about these kinds of societal questions, social values and personal experience play roles equal to or greater than the one played by science. Rather than focusing exclusively on science itself, PES focuses on discussing problems that communities view as worth solving; the information society needs and wants from scientists; the potential risks, benefits, and consequences of new technologies
We propose a thoughtful process for scientists to develop their “impact identity”, a concept that integrates scholarship in a scientific discipline with societal needs, personal preferences, capacities and skills, and one’s institutional context. Approaching broader impacts from a place of integrated identity can support cascading impacts that develop over the course of a career. We argue identity is a productive driver that can improve outcomes for scientists and for society. Widespread adoption of the concept of impact identity may also have implications for the recruitment and retention of
The art/science nexus has historically been approached through a challenge of aesthetics versus mathematics, and processes of knowledge production. Notably absent in this debate are the social sciences that explore human experience and perception. In particular, what has not been addressed clearly in the literature is how reasoning about the human experience can be provoked when people encounter content that does not assert itself as neatly defined in either an art or science discourse. By reflecting on one case study of a public art/science installation, we explore new fields of knowledge
John FraserFiona MacDonaldNezam Ardalan
This document contains the following Appendices that provide information for the I/CaLL Community Science Learning study.
Appendix A: StreamLines Events
Appendix B: StreamLines Events Survey Instrument
Appendix C: Art + Science Brainstorm Coding Themes
Appendix D: Art + Science Brainstorm Flyer
I/CaLL is a four-year project that explores art as conduits for informal science learning on a citywide scale. The project attempts to transform the city of Indianapolis into an informal science-learning museum through the use of sculpture, dance, music, and poetry as educational tools in creating awareness and understanding of the city’s waterways. Specifically, I/CaLL addresses five sites located near and around waterways in impoverished or underserved communities, where art interventions created by artists in collaboration with scientists address topics around water sustainability
John FraserNezam ArdalanChristina Shane-Simpson
This set of appendices represent all research instruments related to study presented in the I/CaLL Art Experiences and Advancing Science Literacy report (NewKnowledge Publication #NSF.097.115.07).
Appendix A: Installation Site Intercept Interview Instrument
Appendix B: Artists-Scientists Walk & Talks Instrument
Appendix C: Post-Performance Event Survey Instrument
Note that researchers did not use an instrument for the fourth aspect of the study, the post-performance event reflection sessions. Instead, they allowed the discussions to be directed by the reflection participants.
John FraserRebecca Joy NorlanderSophie SwansonNezam ArdalanKate FlinnerJoanna Laursen BruckerNicole LaMarca
A mixed-methods series of surveys were used to explore public literacy related to environmental science and sustainability in Indianapolis. Surveys also explored predictive variables including environmental identity, nature affinity, use of nature places as learning opportunities, and motivations for visiting nature spaces. An online, citywide consumer survey was distributed alongside a parallel identical survey of employees at a major science-based corporation to assess variation in knowledge, attitudes, and learning behaviors. This science-based corporation provides substantial support to
John FraserSu-Jen RobertsNezam Ardalan
This report describes the results from an exploratory study of how artists approached collaboration with earth scientists to foster the public’s science learning and engagement with a city’s waterways. Data from phone interviews, surveys, and reflection on the artwork produced for this collaboration were compared with observations of roundtable discussions with community-based artists and scientists grappling with these ideas in a dialogue format.
The researchers found that personal connections with the waterway sites and professional interest in and experience with art–science
The Indianapolis / City as Living Laboratory (I/CaLL) project was a civic collaboration that used the city of Indianapolis as an informal science learning (ISL) environment. The 21 Urban Water Science Concepts Resource Handbook is designed for all people who are interested in exploring science topics related to urban waterways, particularly in Indianapolis. Specifically, educators, artists, and community members in Indianapolis may find this publication useful. With a small amount of extra research for examples in their area of interest, urban environmental educators across the country will
This is the Advisors' Report for 2017 for the iSWOOP (Interpreters and Scientists Working on Our Parks) project. It discusses broad issues across project sites, provides park by park overviews, and highlights results of the research.
This issue of Legacy—which had a record number of submissions from interpreters wanting to write on the subject—deals with the challenges of making science accessible, engaging, and relevant to visitors to interpretive sites. How do we take information and ideas that can be highly technical or specicialized to a certain field of study and make it pertinent to visitors whose expertise lies elsewhere? The articles that follow tackle that subject.
Alyssa Parker-GeismanTim WatkinsPatrick Kark
Scientists are increasingly being called upon to play a more prominent role in the interface of science and society by contributing to science literacy in ways that support two-way exchanges with the public. However, many remain reluctant to participate in public engagement activities in part because they feel they lack relevant skills and experience. We surveyed scientists trained on engagement through a nationwide program called Portal to the Public and examined how participation in the program may have influenced their self-efficacy, commitment and attitudes about outreach, and perceived