This article traces sound as it echoes through approaches to displaying the Science Museum’s acoustics collection over the course of the twentieth century. Focusing on three key moments in the collection’s historical development, the article explores the role of sound as both medium and object of museum display. Each moment exposes how the practice of using sound to interpret sounding objects was articulated and problematised by past generations of museum practitioners. Each moment, too, exposes the problem of sound as a potential threat to the cultural politics of a national museum
The Hugh Davies Collection (HDC) at the Science Museum in London comprises 42 items of electronic sound apparatus owned by English experimental musician Hugh Davies (1943–2005), including self-built electro-acoustic musical instruments and modified sound production and manipulation hardware. An early proponent of ‘live electronic music’ (performed live on stage rather than constructed on magnetic tape in a studio), Davies’s DIY approach shaped the development of experimental and improvised musics from the late 1960s onwards. However, his practice has not been widely reported in the literature
In January 1885, the Glaswegian Professor of Chemistry Dr Robert Carter Moffat organised a special operatic concert at St James’s Hall, London, to which he invited around two thousand scientists and musicians. The point of this invitation concert was that all the singers used bottled air. Moffat himself appeared between the various performances, wielding his mysterious Ammoniaphone, or bottled-air machine, a long silver tube which he flourished in the faces of his audience while describing its virtues with considerable animation. The premise of the Ammoniaphone was that since Italian opera
This report is the result of work undertaken by Ecsite-uk, The UK network of science & discovery centres and museums, to demonstrate the impact of Science & Discovery Centres, to encourage their effective collaboration, and to maximize their future viability. The report includes three parts: the results of a survey of UK science and discovery centres, recommendations for science and discovery centres which will lead to demonstrating value, and best practices shared between science and discovery centres from those that have achieved financial stability. In addition to this report, Ecsite-uk
In this essay, researchers from King's College London, Work, Interaction and Technology Research Group, discuss a particular approach to the analysis of social interaction in museums and galleries, focusing on video-based field studies. The authors also give a few suggestions as to why it might be important to take verbal and physical interactions more seriously when designing, developing and evaluating exhibits and exhibitions.
Dirk vom LehnChristian HeathJon Hindmarsh