The objective of this project is to provide a complete package of KIDSPACE hands-on science experiences to small and developing science centers across the country through the National KIDSPACE Partnership Program. This project will allow twelve (12) selected science centers to implement a complete, proven education package geared toward young children at a fraction of the cost of starting one from scratch. This project will provide comprehensive training to a large core of educators within the science center field, and will support continued research into the informal science education of young children through an original Research Study and the formation of a national User's Group. Best of all, this project will generate a wellspring of invaluable science-play connections for hundreds of thousands of children to tale with them into adulthood.
Wanda FoorDavid Neagley
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Franklin Institute Science Museum in Philadelphia, PA., acting as administrative coordinator for the Issues Laboratory Collaborative (ILC), requests NSF support for five science museums over a three year period to investigate the effectiveness of museum-based programs about controversial issues in science and technology; to develop, test, refine, and disseminate ten educational programs on science issues; and to establish a permanent Science Issues Network that will disseminate materials and methods to all U.S. science museums engaged in issues programs. This project has been formulated for re-submission to the National Science Foundation with guidance from a distinguished panel of scientists who will assist in program development. Approximately two million people will be directly served by ILC programs and exhibits during the three-year period.
Roree Iris-WilliamsMinda BorunAnn Mintz
The National Zoological Park, a component of the Smithsonian Institution, proposes transforming three traditional zoo exhibit buildings into centers for informal science learning. Based on current knowledge about learning, the proposed project will feature interactive elements as well as the greater use of human interpreters to help visitors examine animals, handle objects and play games. The project is to be a collaborative effort by the National Zoological Park, the Dallas Zoo and Zoo Atlanta, with the National Zoo developing the materials and making and shipping copies to Dallas and Atlanta as centers for tryout and evaluation, with the results of the studies going to other zoos in way of encouraging them of the importance of interactive science education.
Judith WhiteJames MurphyDale MarcelliniJeffrey Swanagan
Digital image processing offers several possible new approaches to the teaching of a variety of mathematical concepts at the middle-school and high-school levels. There is reason to believe that this approach will be successful in reaching some "at-risk" students that other approaches miss. Since digital images can be made to reflect almost any aspect of the real world, some students may have an easier time taking an interest in them than they might with artificial figures or images resulting from other graphics- oriented approaches. Using computer-based tools such as image processing operators, curve-fitting operators, shape analysis operators, and graphical synthesis, students may explore a world of mathematical concepts starting from the psychologically "safe" territory of their own physical and cultural environments. There is reason to hope that this approach will be particularly successful with students from diverse backgrounds, girls and members of minority groups, because the imagery used in experiments can easily be tailored to individual tastes. The work of the project consists of creating detailed designs of the learning modules, implementing them on microcomputers, and evaluating their effectiveness in a variety of ways, using trials with students at Rainier Beach High School, which is an urban public high school having an ethnically diverse student body and a Macintosh computer laboratory.
Steven TanimotoMichele LeBrasseurJames King
The Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) is requesting $50,000 to investigate and report on education activities linking science centers with schools. The research will examine the nature and levels of service currently provided by science centers, and produce a report that describes the current status with an emphasis on understandings that provide insight for program planning. The study will gather information from both museums and schools and museums where collaborative efforts are not occurring to investigate the barriers that have discouraged linkages.
Bonnie VanDorn
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
This conference is to examine learning techniques in a museum setting, in cooperation with the American Association of Museums. The conference will initiate the process of defining both what and how to measure learning in museums.