This paper presents two perspectives that the author believes will contribute to an enhanced ability to describe and understand learning from museums. Arguably, a major strength of the past decade of research on learning from museums has been the description and investigation of many of the myriad factors that appear to influence learning from museums. However, though we now understand the factors, we do not yet know how to consider them holistically. We do not conduct research as if all these variables were important. In addition, we have not sufficiently incorporated scope and scale into our
Institute for Learning InnovationJohn H Falk
In this Summative Evaluation, Goodman Research Group, Inc. found that PEEP effectively models science inquiry skills, including predicting, observing, and problem solving. Children who were exposed to PEEP interacted with materials in ways that were significantly more grounded in science inquiry than children who were not. By a margin of 71% to 22%, for example, children who watched PEEP were more likely to initiate a question to be explored. Children exposed to PEEP were also more likely to use problem-solving strategies (76% compared to 34%) and more likely to solve the problems they
Extensive research of the exhibit, Kachemak Bay, Alaska: An Exploration of People and Place shows it to be popular and effective with visitors on every communication and affective goal set forth in the Exhibit Master Plan. Research also finds that Community Collaborators who helped to create exhibit elements found the experience deeply meaningful and satisfying, meeting every desired cognitive, affective and behavioral outcome established for the collaboration programs. Pre- and post-test surveys of the exhibit involved nearly 600 visitors to the Pratt Museum. In most studies, Travelers and
Increasingly, collaboration between business, non-profit, health and educational agencies is being championed as a powerful strategy to achieve a vision otherwise not possible when independent entities work alone. But the definition of collaboration is elusive and it is often difficult for organizations to put collaboration into practice and assess it with certainty. Program evaluators can assist practitioners concerned with the development of a strategic alliance predicated on collaboration by understanding and utilizing principles of collaboration theory. The Strategic Alliance Formative
The Materials Research Society (MRS) contracted Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A) to evaluate a traveling exhibition developed by the Ontario Science Center, funded by the National Science Foundation. The evaluation documents the impact and effectiveness of the traveling exhibition and its associated Web site using timing and tracking observations, exit interviews, peer review, and telephone interviews with Web site users and non-users a few weeks after their visit to the exhibition. How did we approach this study? worked with MRS to identify its goals and objectives for the exhibition
Randi Korn & Associates, Inc.Materials Research Society
This formative evaluation gathered feedback from a small sample of third graders in response to a paper design concept of an online, immersive financial literacy game for Cyberchase. The general goals for the research were to assess appeal and clarity of the game structure at an early on-paper stage. Additionally, a larger sample of third graders was surveyed about their money habits. Cyberchase is the Emmy Award-winning mathematics series and website on PBS KIDS GO! using broadcast, web, new media and educational outreach to impact millions nationwide. Designed for children ages 8 to 11 and
During two independent half-hour sessions, eight third graders from a Long Island elementary school were observed individually while playing a prototype of the Cyberchase immersive online game, The Quest. Cyberchase is the Emmy Award-winning mathematics series and website on PBS KIDS GO! using broadcast, web, new media and educational outreach to impact millions nationwide. Designed for children ages 8 to 11 and packed with mystery, humor, and action, Cyberchase's mission is to improve kids' problem-solving and math skills, and inspire them with confidence and enthusiasm toward math. The TV
WNET planned an initiative to involve museums in the outreach associated with Season V of Cyberchase. A written feedback survey gathered information from 32 museums as to their current practices and recommendations with respect to museum kits, discovery carts, discovery boxes, video screenings and educational computer games. The goal of the survey was to assess the needs of the museums and to guide the development of an outreach plan for Season V. Cyberchase is the Emmy Award-winning mathematics series and website on PBS KIDS GO! using broadcast, web, new media and educational outreach to
Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A) was contracted by the Science Museum of Minnesota (SMM) to evaluate Tissues of Life, an exhibition funded by the National Institutes of Health. Data collection took place at the SMM in July and August 2004. The evaluation documents the impact and effectiveness of the exhibition through timing and tracking observations and exit interviews.
Randi Korn & Associates, Inc.Science Museum of Minnesota
Overarching evaluation questions focus on continuous improvement, the degree to which the Salmon Camp project achieves it's objectives with regards to students' skills and attitudes, as well as implementation and outcome questions. Evaluation activities are designed to probe five major areas: 1. Student Knowledge and Skills. To what extent do students gain experience with digital tools, field research, and workplace skills? 2. Student Attitudes. How are students' attitudes and self-efficacy as science students changing with involvement in Salmon Camp? How are career interests changing or
Phyllis AultOregon Museum of Science and Industry
SUMMARY The Peabody Museum at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut contracted Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A) to evaluate the Dinosaurs and More school tour. In the spring of 2004, RK&A surveyed second grade teacher and student samples, including: 27 pre-tour teacher questionnaires, 519 pre-tour student questionnaires, 24 post-tour teacher questionnaires, 412 post-tour student questionnaires. RK&A also conducted 21 teacher and 35 student interviews, and 3 classroom observations to document the impact and effectiveness of the Dinosaurs and More school tour.
Randi Korn & Associates, Inc.Yale University
Assessing the Impact of a Visit to a Zoo or Aquarium: A Multi-institutional Research Project will create a functional taxonomy of zoo/aquarium visitors' entering knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. This taxonomy, in conjunction with data about the specific experiences visitors have during their visit, will enable investigators to understand and predict the contribution of zoos and aquariums to the public understanding of animals and their conservation. The results will clarify the role of zoos and aquariums as centers of informal learning and point to ways to strengthen their educational impact. The AZA convened a national advisory committee that commissioned and completed a thorough review, confirming a critical need to conduct more research, particularly research that attempts to ask broad questions, collect data systematically, and includes sufficient number and types of institutions to permit community-wide generalizations. Twelve AZA institutions of various sizes, geographic regions and types will participate in the study. The net result of the study will be a descriptive model of zoo and aquarium visitor learning experiences and development of a set of diagnostic tools to help zoo and aquaria staff understand and enhance the nature and extent of their public impact.