This article examines wayfinding in museums: what is it, how do museums accomplish it, and how happy are museums with their wayfinding programs and handout maps. The article includes findings from a 1995-1996 study of 41 village museums across America based on a 38-part questionnaire.
Dennis O'BrienVisitor Studies Association
It has long been recognized, but rarely publicly acknowledged, that most people learn much if not most of what they know outside of the formal education system. As Patricia Albjerg Graham recently wrote in Daedalus, "Scholars ranging from the late James S. Coleman and Lawrence A. Cremin to Christopher Jencks have quite properly reminded us of the limited role that schools play in children's education." A vast educational infrastructure exists to support public learning, both inside and outside the workplace. Leisure opportunities for learning are particularly rich. Museums, along with print
Institute for Learning InnovationJohn H Falk
Respected museum professional and consultant Kathleen McLean examines the shift towards a more participatory culture of display and exhibition in museums. She cites numerous examples from different types of museums and the approaches they have taken in trying to better understand their visitors and become more visitor-centered. She lays open the debate within the museum community about the traditional role of museums and the resistance that advocates of visitor research and evaluation face from more conservative thinking colleagues. Useful background reading for interactive exhibit designers.
The Department of Geological Sciences at Rutgers, in collaboration with the Liberty Science Center, the New York State Museum, Palisades Interstate Park Commission, Appalachian Trail Conference, and ABS-Capital Cities, Inc., has a planning grant to develop a universal model that will encourage science education in conjunction with outdoor recreational activities in wilderness parks near urban centers. The initial effort will focus on the Harriman and Bear Mountain State Parks and the Sterling Forest lands, all near New York City. Current plans for the full project include development of: 1) an illustrated guidebook describing the features chosen as "exhibits" at the sites, 2) a map showing locations of the "exhibits", 3) plaques marking the features of the exhibits, 4) proposals for new trails to access outstanding botanical and geological features, 5) a web site with virtual reality filed trips of the sites chosen, 6) museum displays and media programs at Liberty Science Center, the New York State Museum, and other sites, 7) regular field trips from Liberty Science Center, New York State Museum, and Bear Mountain Trailside Museum, 8) workshops for high school teachers, and 9) special project to get more public use of the park resources. During the planning stage the project will gather data on public interest, determine the most effective means of dissemination, identify and contact other organizations and scientist that could contribute to the full project, and develop a coordination plan and schedule for this complex project. Small examples and/or written descriptions of the web-site, the guidebook stops, museum displays, and field trips will also be produced in the planning phase.
The Informal Science Education Program of the National Science foundation will provide $320,000 in partial support of "Research in Learning in Museums Project." This will be the NSF contribution to a four federal agency effort to collaboratively support a major research project on learning in museums. As the result of an RFP developed by representatives of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), and Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), and the National Science Foundation (NSF), an award was made to the Learning Research and Development Center at the University of Pittsburgh. It was agreed by the four agencies that the IMLS would be the coordinating agency of this award since they represent all museum regardless of subject, content, or type of audience.
The Association for Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) will gather data and develop a report to the field on mathematics activities in science museums. The purpose of the Small Grant for Exploratory Research (SGER) grant is to support initial research on the current status of mathematics in science museums, to document exemplary models for the field, and to determine the feasibility of a mathematics initiative for science museums and their client schools. The final product, a document similar to the NSF-funded publication "First Hand Learning," will serve the field as well as the education community in seeking better approaches for improving mathematics education.