DACUM (Developing A CUrriculuM) was developed in Canada in the 1980s as a tool for industry to improve training. It has been championed in the USA by the Center for Education for Employment at The Ohio State University where they have conducted thousands of DACUMs and trained scores of people to conduct them. As used today, DACUM is a unique, innovative, and very effective method of job, and/or occupational analysis. It is also very effective for conducting process and functional analyses. The DACUM analysis workshop itself involves a trained DACUM facilitator and a committee of 5-12 expert
This review is a short synthesis of some of the literature around learning in adulthood, professional learning, professional learning frameworks, and models of professional learning frameworks. Its primary purpose is to inform the development of an interview protocol for the exploration of building a professional learning framework with a secondary purpose of providing richer shared language and understanding around some of the central constructs of a professional learning framework for the informal science education community and other informal learning environments.
This purpose of this review was to identify characteristics common across professional development frameworks within emerging professions (i.e. fields that are not regulated or licensed) and to identify practices and heuristics from those fields that could inform our work. The review began with; 1) creating a protocol for searching for frameworks; 2) identifying criteria for selection of representative frameworks; and 3) developing strategies for recording and sharing content with the research team. From the initial inventory of frameworks, we articulated a set of criteria for selecting a
This resource list was produced by the GENIAL (Generating Engagement and New Initiatives for All Latinos) project, which convened Informal Science Learning (ISL) practitioners, community leaders, policymakers, researchers, and others focusing on generating engagement and new initiatives for Latinos.
This final evaluation report shares findings from the summative evaluation study of the Connected Science Learning: Linking In-School and Out-of-School STEM Learning (CSL) journal as well as themes that emerged across the broader three-year evaluation study. The ongoing study was conducted by researchers at the Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning at Oregon State University in collaboration with the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC).
The CSL journal was the result of an Early-concept Grant for Exploratory Research
The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and the Association for Science-Technology Centers (ASTC), with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), has launched an initiative to develop and distribute two pilot issues of a new resource for STEM education practitioners in both formal and informal (out-of-school) settings. An aim of the new resource is to better connect practitioners across education settings and the research and knowledge base about STEM learning. David Heil & Associates, Inc. (DHA) is serving in a co-PI role on the grant to provide NSTA and ASTC with
This report details the formative evaluation study conducted through collaboration with the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) to inform the iterative development and piloting of the Connected Science Learning: Connecting In-School and Out-of-School STEM Learning journal. The journal was the result of an Early Concept Grant for Exploratory Research (EAGER) project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop, disseminate and evaluate a new resource for connecting STEM education practitioners across settings and to
The Art of Science Learning, Phase 2 was an NSF-funded research and development project to investigate the value of incorporating arts-based learning techniques in STEM-related group innovation processes. The project team created a new, arts-infused innovation curriculum in consultation with leading national practitioners in the arts, creativity, and innovation, then deployed that curriculum in “innovation incubators” in San Diego, Chicago, and Worcester (Mass.) in partnership with informal STEM institutions in those cities. At each incubator, diverse members of the public (from high school
Peter LinettSteve ShewfeltNicole BaltazarNnenna OkekeDreolin FleisherEric LaPlantMadeline SmithChloe Chittick PattonSarah LeeHarvey Seifter
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
If your project, large or small, needs an external review panel or evaluation advisory committee to help oversee the extent to which project impacts were achieved, one option is to create an Evaluation Committee of Visitors (COV). A COV is commonly used when a project team wants to ensure a consistent outsider lens and broader perspective. As an external group, the COV reviews work and provides recommendations to improve project performance. In this example from the NISE Network, a COV was designated for evaluation efforts. Depending on how the evaluation activities are situated in your
Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
At the end of the NISE Network’s 10th year, the Evaluation workgroup created a reflection document to describe how we managed the evaluation of the NISE Network, one of the largest informal education networks ever formed. This document goes into specifics of how we set up our team, what impacts we decided to measure, and what methods we used to collect data on a national scale. It also talks about ethical considerations we took into account and how we shared our work with multiple audiences. This reflection document is not meant to be a prescriptive "how-to" manual, but an example of one
The purpose of this report is to summarize the findings from the Years 6-10 (2010-2015) Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net) summative evaluation studies and to discuss factors that contributed to the achievement of NISE Net’s goals. The report centers on summative evaluation findings, while also including major project output data and corroborating findings from the Years 6-10 NISE Net research studies. By synthesizing findings across studies, this summary evaluation report provides a high-level description of the cross-cutting and integrated knowledge generation efforts
It’s important to communicate the excitement and value of NSF-funded research. This tool (formatted as a Prezi presentation) helps you do that with assistance from NSF public affairs experts, exploring options for communicating your research and broader impacts.