This is a brief summary of Jeff Hayward's article, "Research and Evaluation in Children's Museums: Negative, Positive Results" featured in the ILVS Review. This article discusses several aspects of evaluation.
Visitor Studies AssociationJeff Hayward
This is a summary of Roger Miles's 1986 article, "Lessons in 'Human Biology' - Testing a Theory of Exhibition Design," featured in "The International Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship." In this article, Miles described an attempt to apply 11 "initial working assumptions" based on current education and psychological research to the development of an exhibit.
Visitor Studies AssociationRoger Miles
This is a summary of Ross Loomis's 1987 book entitled "Museum Visitor Evaluation: New Tool for Management." The book is a valuable "textbook" and useful reference for professionals in exhibition-type settings or those wanted to study visitor behavior.
Visitor Studies AssociationRoss Loomis
This is an excerpt from Harris Shettel's 1968 article, "An Evaluation of Existing Criteria for Judging the Quality of Science Exhibits" featured in "Curator." Shettel lists fifteen categories for judging exhibits.
Visitor Studies AssociationHarris Shettel
This is a section from Walter Jones's paper on exhibit development procedures he produced in 1987 as Director of the Somerset County Park Commission's Environmental Educational Center in New Jersey. This section lists the characteristics of a "good exhibit."
Visitor Studies AssociationWalter Jones
In this article, Jacksonville State University's Stephen Bitgood and Donald Thompson discuss findings from two studies, one that evaluated how people perceive museums, parks, and zoos in terms of 27 bipolar characteristics and one that studied how a visit to a science museum effects the perceptions of respondents. In both studies, the researchers used the semantic differential survey technique.
In this article, Marilyn G. Hood, of Hood Associates, explains how specially-trained and dedicated volunteers can assist with audience studies. Hood discusses the Holden Arboretum's volunteer training program as an exemplar for this type of work.
In this article, researchers from Ohio State University discuss evaluation methods and findings of a study of the Old Woman Creek school visitor program. Researchers evaluated changes in knowledge, shifts in attitude, and enjoyment levels of the visiting schoolchildren.
In this article, Harry Searles, Director of Educational Services at the Ohio Historical Society, discusses the development of four computer programs used as orientation and exit exhibits. These programs aimed to improve and measure visitor interaction and understanding. Findings from this research are briefly summarized.
This article summarizes methodology and key findings from research to determine the effectiveness of several aspects of the Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Research Reserve on Lake Erie visitor center for providing public information about the value of estuaries. Researchers investigated how knowledge and attitudes of adults change with each visit, the factors that contribute to differing visitor experiences, how types of exhibits, readability, and placement relate to knowledge changes, and if a computer can serve as a testing device in a visitor center.