In this article, Jennifer B.J. Cave discusses methods and findings from an audience research project completed for use both the strategic planning process and the design concept of a new Children's Museum, part of the Canadian Museum of Civilization complex in Ontario.
In this article, University of Florida researchers John J. Koran, Jr., Mary Lou Koran, and Jim Ellis present a review of research on the effectiveness of field trip experience and analyze findings for trends.
John J. Koran Jr.Mary Lou KoranJim Ellis
In this article, Jacksonville State University researcher Stephen Bitgood presents a general overview of the literature on field trips. Bitgood reviews the four phases of school field trip programs: planning of the program, pre-visit preparation, on-site activities, and follow-up activities. Bitgood cites studies that address each of phase and acknowledges gaps in current research.
In this article, Minda Borun of the Franklin Institute Science Museum discusses the museum's eighteen month study to discover visitors' misconceptions about gravity and air pressure and to develop exhibits which help people restructure these concepts and achieve an understanding of the scientific explanation. The project is intended to establish a new model for the design of effective science museum exhibits.
In this article, researchers at University of Florida present a report of a preliminary study that examined the effects of multispecies exhibits in zoological parks on visitor attention and possible interactions between factors identified as affecting visitor behavior. The study was carried out at the Jacksonville Zoo.
John Scott FosterJohn J. Koran, Jr.Mary Lou KoranSteven StarkAnn BlackwoodHarriet Landers
In this article, Donald Thompson and Stephen Bitgood of Jacksonville State University discuss a study that examined three variables that influence the readability of exhibit signs and labels: label length, type size, and position (or proximity) of the label. Researchers studied subjects from 5,822 visitor groups in "The Predators" building at the Birmingham Zoo between August and December of 1987.
This research project is a follow-up to previous research on the persistence of high ability minority youth in college programs for mathematics, science, engineering, premedicine and predentistry. The earlier research used data retrieved from the 1985 College Board files for 5,602 students with SAT mathematical scores of 550 or above. All were minority students except for a comparison sample of 404 White students. In 1987, a first follow-up was conducted. 61 percent of the non-Asian American minority students had enrolled in college and were majoring in MSE fields in comparison with 55 percent of the White students and 70 percent for the Asian American students. In the current phase of this research, the original sample will be resurveyed, five years after high school graduation. A subsample will be interviewed in-depth. The major goal of this phase will be to answer three critical questions: which sample members are still studying or employed in MSE fields, what are their unique characteristics, and what are the theoretical and national policy implications of the results. This project is jointly supported by the Studies and Analysis and the Research in Teaching and Learning Programs.
The middle-school and high-school years are a period of change and crystalization in terms of life goals, disciplinary and course preferences, and social and political attitudes. The literature provides a number of cross-sectional descriptions and models concerning cognitive and attitudinal development during adolescence and young adulthood, but there are no longitudinal data available to study these processes. The proposed longitudinal study will examine the (1) development of interest in science and mathematics, (2) the growth of scientific literacy, (3) the development of attentiveness to science and technology issues, and (4) the attraction to careers in science and engineering among two national cohorts of adolescents and young adults. One cohort will begin with a national sample of 3,000 seventh graders and follow them through the 10th grade. The second cohort will begin with a national sample of 3,000 10th graders and follow them for the next four years through the first full year after high school. Data will be collected from students, teachers, counselors, principals, and parents. A purposive sample of two or three school districts with exemplary elementary school science and mathematics education programs will be selected and comparable data will be collected in these districts. The analysis will consist of a series of expanding multivariate developmental models that will seek to understand cognitive and attitudinal growth and change in the context of family, school, and peer influences. Each wave of data collection will provide an opportunity to examine cognitive and attitudinal change measures in an increasingly rich context of previous measures. Periodic reports will be issued with each cycle of data collection and the data will be made available to other scholars on a timely basis. The first phase of the project, being funded at this time, provides approximately 15 months for instrument development and pilot testing, for sample selection, for monitor selection and training, and for working with the research advisory committee.
Jon Miller
resourceprojectProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
This project will test an instructional strategy designed to increase the pool of minority students who are successful in their study of algebra and higher mathematics courses. Since 1979, the Comprehensive Math and Science Program at Columbia University has been developing an instructional model designed to give all entering ninth grade students the opportunity to work to their highest level of capacity in mathematics. Key features of the model are a zero-based start, which makes no assumptions on students' prior mathematics background, and a complementary curriculum, which provides a set of parallel, interlocking mathematics courses that substantially increases the rate of mathematics instruction over a four semester period. Preliminary tests of the model in New York City schools have yielded encouraging results. In the current project, the instructional materials will be completed and the model will be extensively tested in New York City and in Fulton County, Georgia. The testing will be accompanied by the development of an apprenticeship model for teacher training, which will pair new teachers with experienced teachers in the interlocking courses of the program.
The investigation of naive conceptions of science has many implications for both teaching and learning. The predominant model for past investigations has been with school children or within very formal settings. Extending investigations of misconceptions to informal settings is the challenge of this research. Museum visitors' misconceptions about two topics, gravity and mechanical advantage, will be recorded through a variety of interview formats. Twenty-five persons from each of the age ranges 9-11, 12-14, 15-18, and college students/adults will be interviewed. Information from the interview will be used to modify the current exhibit or to build new prototypes. The research will determine if a modification can be made that results in individuals moving from their previous misconceptions toward a correct conceptualization of the concepts. This research will document what individuals actually learn from museum exhibits and how "front end evaluation" can be used to redesign exhibits for maximum concept learning. The proposed research is challenging and has the potential of adding significant information to science education research on misconceptions. The principal investigator is highly respected in the field of museum education and the associated staff and consultants are the top scholars in their respective fields.