Chicago Children's Museum (CCM) contracted with Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A) to evaluate Skyline a National Science Foundation-funded exhibition designed to facilitate family learning of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) concepts relevant to building stable structures. RK&A conducted all three phases of evaluation for Skyline front-end, formative, and summative; select findings from the summative evaluation are presented here. Skyline's target audience is families with children between the ages of 5 and 10 years of age. RK&A conducted 100 observations of children in the
Randi Korn & Associates, Inc.Chicago Children's Museum
With the support of a Wallace Excellence Award, the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (the Gardner) contracted with Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A) to study its young adult visitors. The study is part of an initiative to engage young adults between 18 and 34 years old, and to create conditions for a compelling experience at the Gardner that will foster continuing relationships with the Museum. Data for this study were collected from in-depth interviews with 55 groups of young adult visitors (184 individuals) between 18 and 43 years of age. After the interview, each participant completed
Randi Korn & Associates, Inc.Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
The Museum of Science and Industry (MSI) in Chicago, Illinois partnered with Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A) to evaluate its exhibition Explore: Blue Planet-Red Planet. A front-end evaluation was undertaken to help MSI staff find common ground between the proposed content and interpretation of the exhibition and potential visitors. Data were collected in May 2008 from drop-in visitors at MSI and consist of 35 in-depth interviews with 105 people.
Randi KornMuseum of Science and Industry
The Space Science Institute (SSI) contracted with Randi Korn & Associates, Inc. (RK&A) to evaluate its traveling exhibition Giant Worlds. The evaluation documents the scope of Giant Worlds' impact and effectiveness for its target audience, children 8 to 13 years. Other specific objectives were to investigate how children interact with visitors and staff, to understand whether children felt like scientists or explorers, and to understand the extent to which children learned the exhibition's big ideas, such as giant planets were instrumental in the formation of Earth. Data were collected from
Randi Korn & Associates, Inc.Space Science Institute
How People Make Things is an exhibition that helps families talk together and learn about the making of everyday objects. The goal of the project was to create a learning environment that mediates difficult manufacturing concepts for parents, and scaffolds the development of family conversations about the processes of making both inside and outside the museum. A visit to the exhibition would be deemed successful if visitors demonstrated changes in what they knew and how they talked about objects and manufacturing processes. A model of change describing how families might build such an
This report highlights the findings from Inverness Research's summative study of the TEAMS III Collaborative. In particular, it highlights the lessons learned from a study to incorporate research on how to design exhibits that promote more effective conversations into the exhibit development process.
Touch-sensitive devices are becoming more and more common. Many people use touch interaction, especially on handheld devices like iPhones or other mobile phones. But the question is, do people really understand the different gestures, i.e., do they know which gesture is the correct one for the intended action and do they know how to transfer the gestures to bigger devices and surfaces? This paper reports the results of usability tests which were carried out in semi public space to explore peoples’ ability to find gestures to navigate on a virtual globe. The globe is presented on a multi-touch
Jim SpadacciniMarkus JokischThomas BartoschekAngela Schwering
resourceresearchProfessional Development, Conferences, and Networks
Museums are shifting from being object and collection centered, towards a focus on space, affect and audience by producing multi-dimensional spatial non-lineal experiences. Interactivity is used unquestionably to verify this shift. Through the findings of a case study the ‘High Arctic’, a temporary exhibition at the National Maritime Museum, the paper will discuss how the museum interprets and practices the notion of interactivity. Through examining the multiplicity of museum with the focus being on process, the possibility of opening and creating new models of experience can be evaluated
Most tabletop research presents findings from lab-based user studies, focusing on specific interaction techniques. This means we still know little about how these new interfaces perform in real life settings and how users appropriate them. This paper presents findings from a field study of an existing interactive table in a museum of natural history. Visitors were found to employ a wide variety of gestures for interacting; different interface elements invited different types of gesture. The analysis highlights challenges and design conflicts in the design of tabletop interfaces for public
Respected museum professional and consultant Kathleen McLean examines the shift towards a more participatory culture of display and exhibition in museums. She cites numerous examples from different types of museums and the approaches they have taken in trying to better understand their visitors and become more visitor-centered. She lays open the debate within the museum community about the traditional role of museums and the resistance that advocates of visitor research and evaluation face from more conservative thinking colleagues. Useful background reading for interactive exhibit designers.
This Communicating Research to Public Audiences project focuses on the Reedy Glacier Antarctic research of Brenda Hall (OPP 0229034) and its relevance to the residents of and visitors to Maine. Collaborators include the University of Maine, the Maine Discovery Museum, the Acadia National Park and Cadillac Mountain Sports (an environmentally active retail company with several stores around the state). The primary deliverable is the development of an interactive software program that presents information and experiences in a two-tiered concept approach -- on the Reedy Glacier and its connection to Maine and on the process of science. The software is being configured into kiosks at the three partnering organizations, into a DVD format for informal and formal settings to be distributed at cost and onto a University of Maine Climate Change web portal currently under separate development. The project web site will provide source code for the portal design so others may use it to create portals and modules of their own. The Maine Discovery Museum intends to create additional exhibitry on the topic with resources outside this proposal, and the Acadia National Park will use the programs in teacher education workshops.
Partnering with National Musical Arts, the Science Museum of Minnesota seeks to develop BioMusic, a 4,000 sq. ft. traveling exhibition that explores the origins of music in nature and the connections between music and sound of living things. This project is based on planning grant ESI-0211611 (The Music of Nature and the Nature of Music) awarded to NMA. The project is based on the emerging interdisciplinary research field of biomusic, which includes musicology plus aspects of neuroscience, biology, zoology, environmental science, physics, psychology, math and anthropology. The exhibit sections -- "Humanimal" Music; Natural Symphonies; Ancient Roots; Music, Body and Mind; and World of Music -- use both music and natural sound to explore biodiversity, cultural diversity, the physics of sound and the brain. BROADER IMPACT: The exhibition is expected to travel for at least six years, reaching some two million people in 18 communities. It is to be accompanied by a six-part radio series (Sweet Bird Classics) for young children. Because of the connection to music and many other areas of public interest, this exhibition has the potential to attract and engage new audiences to science museums and stimulate their interest in STEM.