Twin Cities Public Television is requesting a planning grant to support the development of a new television series called SciGirls and related educational materials, building off the success of SciGirls Outreach and DragonflyTV. The goal of the planning process is to design a television series that could inspire millions of girls across America to discover the excitement of science, technology, engineering and math. The proposed planning phase will include: audience research about the current TV viewing habits of "tween" girls (ages 8-13), meetings of science and education advisors, formative evaluation of sample video segments, development of a treatment and business plan for the series. Barbara Flagg of Multimedia Research will conduct the formative evaluation of the SciGirls TV short video with girls of the target audience in five locations across the country.
Thirteen/WNET New York requests funds to develop and produce five new Cyberchase episodes, a multi-media Summer Challenge math initiative, plus serialized Web games and an online Cartoon Maker to involve kids in active, creative mathematical thinking. Now in its seventh production season and sixth year of daily PBS broadcast, Cyberchase has helped millions of children acquire a stronger foundation in mathematics. Cyberchase's content spans the 3rd-5th grade standards of the National Council of Mathematics, and targets children aged 8-11. The series goals include: 1) reinforce mathematical knowledge especially during the summer months; 2) expand opportunities for kids' involvement with Cyberchase math activities; 3) and inspire all children to approach math with enthusiasm and confidence. Ancillary materials, outreach, and a highly popular Web site extend the learning and help make Cyberchase the sole mathematics media project available for the target age group. The new season will build on the successful format to model effective problem-solving processes, expand the math-rich Web site and bring Cyberchase to today's new-media platforms to prompt children to do math. Season 8 will especially target the summer, when children's TV viewing goes up, informal educators provide special offerings, and children, especially the under-served, are at risk of losing math growth made during the school year. The Summer Challenge will create a first-ever math summer campaign for PBS Kids. Cyberchase is watched by four million viewers each week. The audience is 40% minority and includes equal numbers of girls and boys. Cyberchase Online receives 1.9 visits a month. The project summative evaluation will study the outcomes and impact on (a) the target-age children (conducted by Multimedia Research) as well as (b) 8 PBS stations and local partners, culminating in a white paper on best practices for presenting informal STEM education in the summer (conducted by RMC Research). Season 8 initiatives will strengthen existing partnerships and forge new collaborations. Existing partnerships include museums, 50 chapters of Girls Inc., National Engineers Week Foundation, PBS stations, Sally Ride Science, Ernst & Young, and new partners MANA (a national Latina organization) and the Girl Scouts.
Sandra SheppardFrances NankinMichael TempletonBarbara Flagg
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is developing, producing and testing a pilot phase for an after school program designed to engage children 9-12 years old in recreational science education. The materials will provide a structured yet flexible daily experience aligned with age-appropriate learning goals. Individuals and teams of children engage in the program by registering on-line, following the developing story line, and performing science activities on and off line. The activities will remain available on the Internet for continued use by after school programs, home schools, small teams of children and individuals working independently.
The Exploratorium will conduct a controlled, two-year research project, titled "Finding Significance," to study how different exhibit presentation techniques affect visitors' abilities to make meaning -- or find significance -- and how such techniques impact learning. The techniques will be applied to a varied sample of five exhibits commonly found in science and children's museums. The exhibit design techniques include a) sharing scientist and exhibit developer stories, b) sharing visitor stories, and c) modeling inquiry. Although each technique shows promise at eliciting personal significance, they have yet to be rigorously tested and applied to the same set of exhibits to compare relative strengths and weaknesses. Five baseline exhibits, plus four variations of each, will be tested on groups of visitors, including adults, children and mixed groups of both.
ScienceQuest is an innovative program created by the Education Development Center that fosters an interest in science and technology among adolescents ages 10-14. This program builds on the successful "ThinkQuest" model, in which small teams of 2-3 students work with adult coaches to research subjects of interest and share their knowledge through the creation of websites. "ScienceQuest" teams focus on science topics and are housed in HUD Neighborhood Network technology centers, located in communities with HUD-assisted or insured housing residents. Participants include individuals with and without disabilities from low-income urban areas. Students select a science topic and research it using online resources, hands-on experiments and visits to museums and science centers. Coaches such as scientists, teachers, museum staff and other role models, as well as on-line scientists, provide assistance by setting goals, devising an action plan and identifying appropriate resources. The "I-Search" model, a four-step strategy used to direct student inquiry, is used to guide investigations and aid in content acquisition. Once completed, websites are mounted on the "ThinkQuest" server. Parental participation is encouraged throughout the process. "ScienceQuest" will be piloted in the greater Boston area in year one, and disseminated to 75 Neighborhood Network sites throughout the country in years two and three of the grant. Each site may have one or more teams. With more than 500 Neighborhood Networks in place, "ScienceQuest" has the potential for widespread dissemination.
Hands-On Optics is a comprehensive, national level program that introduces middle school youth to the science of optics using hands-on kits, modules and related activities. Six optics modules will be developed for use in after-school and weekend programs. Modules will focus on engaging topics such as kaleidoscopes, optical illusions, magnifiers and solar telescopes while exploring the principles of reflection, refraction, light and vision. "Hands-On Optics" will be introduced at four MESA sites in California and then disseminated to 13 other sites in California, Arizona, Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, New York and Maryland. Additional dissemination venues include four science centers and two NSF-funded research centers. Students will also develop optic projects for competitions and participate in Industry Shadow Days, while parent workshops and a supporting website will provide guidance on careers. "Hands-On Optics" is projected to serve 39,500 students over a three-year period.
Anthony JohnsonStephen PompeaEugene Arthurs
Kikim Media requests $743,316 to produce four half-hour television documentaries and associated outreach programs based on Michael Pollan's best-selling book, The Botany of Desire. The project explores the reciprocal nature of people's relationship with plants. The programs focus on the connections between apples and the human desire for sweetness; tulips and the desire for beauty; marijuana and the desire for intoxication; and corn and our desire for control over nature. The project will increase public understanding of diverse subjects including genetics, evolution, cognition and biochemistry as well as biodiversity, genetic diversity and the consequences of their loss. The project will have a broad impact through a national primetime PBS broadcast, an outreach program targeting adult audiences, and an educational module delivering appropriate content (excluding intoxication) to middle and high school audiences. Knight-Williams Research Communications will conduct the evaluation for The Botany of Desire television broadcast and outreach efforts.
Temple University's "Sisters in Science in the Community (SISCOM)" is a constructivist-based, inclusive youth/community project targeting underrepresented urban middle and high school girls in grades 6-10 and their families; it supports inclusion of girls with disabilities. It engages girls and their parents in hands-on, inquiry-based sports science in after-school, Saturday, and summer programs co-hosted by community-based organizations and Temple University. Girls will also be engaged in student-centered research projects guided by female scientists. With regard to intellectual merit, SISCOM is based on previous research done by Temple on methods for engaging girls and their parents in STEM activities. The infrastructure of research and practices in education will be facilitated through the sharing of information between the network of partners and the national community of formal and informal educators
Educational Web Adventures LLP, representing a collaboration of two educational Web developers and two museum researchers, will conduct research to explore the role of learning style in online informal learning experiences. The study will develop ways of measuring learning style among children ages 10 to 12 and test hypotheses about learning style, activity preferences, engagement and satisfaction. The researchers hypothesize that, when the shape of the learning experience fits an individual's preferred learning style, the experience will be more engaging and more satisfying. The study will examine the following questions through laboratory and online testing: How can children's learning styles be identified? How do children's learning styles affect their preferences for online activities? Do activities that match the individual's preferred learning style result in greater engagement and satisfaction? How can the research findings be applied to the development and design of more successful online learning activities?
After-School Math PLUS (ASM+) uses the rapidly growing field of informal education as a venue to develop positive attitudes, build conceptual knowledge, and sharpen skills in mathematics for underserved youth in grades 3-8. "ASM+" brings families and children together in the pursuit of mathematics education and future career interests and directly addresses the NSF-ISE's four areas of special interests: (1) builds capacity with and among informal science education institutions; (2) encourages collaborations within communities; (3) increases the participation of underrepresented groups; and (4) models an effective after-school program. " ASM+" is being developed in collaboration with the New York Hall of Science and the St. Louis Science Center with support from after-school centers in their communities. "ASM+" incorporates the best practices of existing programs, while adding its own innovative elements that have proven successful in the NSF-funded "After-School Science Plus" (HRD #9632241). "ASM+" is aimed at underserved youth and their families, as well as after-school group leaders and teenage museum explainers who will benefit from training and participation in the project. It has facilitated the creation of alliances between museums, after-school centers, schools and the community.
The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology will work over three years to design, develop and fabricate "Survivor, the Place of Humans in the Natural World," a 3,000 sq. ft. traveling exhibition for audiences ages nine and older which explores the process and consequences of human evolution in the context of its implications for our daily lives. Using hands-on interactive devices, flexible exhibit designs with multimedia capabilities, and interactive "Web-chats" with an open community of scholars, UPM will engage visitors with the discovery of the place of humans on the planet Earth. The exhibition, along with ancillary educational materials and programs, is scheduled to open in 2006, then subsequently travel for three years to nine widely distributed institutions, ultimately serving a national audience of several million viewers.
Project Butterfly WINGS is a three-year project targeting 4th-8th grade participants in 13 Florida counties. This project includes the use of the 4-H network as a partner to recruit participants. It builds on the development of student-scientist partnerships to create an environment where information, data and ideas can be exchanged. This project will focus on collecting data on butterflies and the environments/habitats the butterflies choose to visit. This project brings together several important elements to present an interactive, authentic, research-based SSP activity supported through an established network of ISE providers, educators and community-based organizations. Based on solid research and knowledge about ISE approaches, the project has strong content connections and a well-designed structure. An interactive web-site will provide opportunities for participants to interact with each other and with participating scientists, and to experience firsthand some of the most interesting aspects of engaging in scientific inquiry. WINGS has the potential to create a network of young people who will be more aware of issues related to biodiversity and the environment. Through its model approach and participant outcomes, "Project Butterfly WINGS" is positioned to make a difference in the ISE field and in the lives of its participants.