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2023 NSF AISL Awardee Meeting: Accessibility & COVID Statements

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This page provides information about REVISE's accessibility and COVID policies in preparation for the 2023 AISL Awardee Meeting. These statements may adjust. Please continue to check this page for any updated information. 

If you have any other questions, please email


Accessibility Statement

The REVISE Center supports participants with visible and non-apparent disabilities, mental and physical health concerns, and marginalized communities and cultures who often experience exclusion in informal STEM education spaces. We aim to provide them with a welcoming environment and specific accommodations to feel safe and included.

To this end, the REVISE Center offers the following accommodations:

  • Prior to virtual or in-person events, American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters will be provided for registrants who make specific requests via the registration form and/or by emailing Lisette Torres-Gerald, Director of Operations and Communication. 
  • All recorded virtual events that will be shared with the public will have ASL interpretation, live captioning, and transcripts provided on our REVISE website.
  • A quiet room will be available during the in-person AISL Awardee Meeting for those who need some restoration time or need a space to nurse. 
  • The REVISE Center will try to provide (as much as possible) a scent-free environment for in-person events.
  • The REVISE Center will offer PowerPoint and document accessibility training prior to key events (e.g., AISL Awardee Meeting) and throughout the year. 
  • All REVISE Center events will be free and open to the public, with the exception of the AISL Awardee Meeting, which is by invitation only.
  • ADA-certified service animals are welcome at in-person REVISE Center meeting venues. 
  • Front and back rows of session rooms must remain open until sessions begin to reserve priority seating for participants with accessibility needs.
  • We will provide regular program breaks to allow for rest.

To assist us with creating an accessible and welcoming space, the REVISE Center expects the following from our attendees:

  • All presenters must make their presentations as accessible as possible. This includes presenter-provided closed captioning for any pre-recorded presentations, verbal descriptions of images during recorded and live presentations, and a high-contrast color scheme for slides. For more information on how to make your presentation accessible, see the excellent guidance provided by Composing Access and/or contact Lisette Torres-Gerald.
  • All presenters and participants must use the provided microphones for ALL presentations, panels, and Q&As. NO EXCEPTIONS. Projecting your voice is not enough and not all participants are comfortable self-identifying or self-advocating.
  • All presenters should speak clearly and at a reasonable pace. Pause between topics and for questions so participants have time to process and react to information. Describe yourself before speaking for the first time. During the presentation, make sure to describe any images, video, and audio used and how they connect with your presentation. 
  • All participants at our in-person events are requested to refrain from wearing perfume, cologne, and other fragrances, and use unscented personal care products in order to promote a fragrance-free environment. Certain scents - the smell of flowery perfumes, colognes, and other fragrances and personal care products; deodorizers and cleaners; pesticides; wall and floor coverings; and building materials - can cause unpleasant physical effects, such as headache or nausea. These reactions can be strong and disabling. Personal fragrances can quickly become a concentrated hazard for participants with asthma, allergies, migraines, chronic lung disease, those who are neurodiverse, and those who have multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS).
  • All participants are expected to keep aisles, ramps, doorways, and accessibility buttons clear.
  • All participants are expected to respect the intention of the quiet room. This space should not be used to take phone calls or meetings. For those who need to take meetings and/or phone calls, we will try to have a room available for your privacy.

If you require additional accommodations that are not listed above, please contact Lisette Torres-Gerald at least 2 weeks prior to your participation in a REVISE Center event. 

*A huge thank you goes to the Inclusive SciComm Symposium and Dr. Lauren Cagle, who wrote guidance for the ARSTM@NCA 2020 Virtual Pre-Conference on Social Justice, for allowing us to borrow much of the language above.

COVID Guidelines and Community Health Statement

Our Commitment to Safety and Inclusivity
As a center that tries to practice DisCrit and Disability Justice, the REVISE Center understands that there is a diverse range of risks and vulnerabilities to COVID-19 and other transmittable diseases within our community. We recognize our interdependence and prioritize the safety and inclusion of every individual. We aim to create an environment where all can participate with confidence, where we can bring our whole selves in whatever ways we show up and can have our access needs fulfilled.

Safety Measures in Place
To enhance safety at the AISL Awardee Meeting and at in-person REVISE Center events, we have implemented several key measures:

  • Hand Sanitizer and KN-95 Masks: Complimentary hand sanitizer stations and KN-95 masks will be readily available at the Awardee Meeting (and at in-person REVISE Center events) for anyone to use. We recommend using them, particularly in crowded or indoor/classroom settings.
  • Outdoor Socialization: Weather permitting, we strongly encourage socializing outdoors, where the risk of transmission is lower. Enjoy the fresh air and engage in discussions safely.

Pre-Event Testing
For the safety of all attendees, we request that all in-person attendees conduct a COVID-19 antigen test before attending the AISL Awardee Meeting or any in-person REVISE Center event. 

Personal Responsibility
We ask that all attendees take personal responsibility for their health and the well-being of others. If you are feeling unwell or have been in close contact with a COVID-19-positive (or other contractible illness) individual, we urge you to stay home.

Support for Vaccination
Vaccination is a vital tool for individual and community protection. The REVISE Center supports vaccination for those individuals who have the physical and financial capability to do so. We do not require proof of vaccination for attendees, but we strongly encourage vaccination (if possible), mask-wearing, and social distancing. This way attendees who might be immunocompromised can assess the safety of our Center events and can make informed decisions about their participation.

Post-Event Testing and Contact Tracing
We urge all attendees to consider post-event COVID-19 testing. Additionally, we ask that you notify us (​​ if you test positive within 5 days of participating in the AISL Awardee Meeting or any in-person REVISE Center events so that we may alert other participants. This measure can help identify and manage potential transmission. 

By collectively adhering to these guidelines, we can establish a safe and inclusive environment where informal science education thrives, and every participant can engage with confidence and peace of mind. We appreciate your cooperation and dedication to the safety of our community. 

COVID-19 Symptoms Checklist:

  • Fever or Chills: Do you have a fever (temperature of 100.4°F/38°C or higher) or chills?
  • Cough: Are you experiencing a new or worsening cough that you cannot attribute to another medical condition?
  • Shortness of Breath or Difficulty Breathing: Are you having trouble breathing or experiencing severe shortness of breath?
  • Fatigue: Are you unusually tired or experiencing extreme fatigue?
  • Muscle or Body Aches: Are you experiencing muscle or body aches that are not due to exercise or physical strain?
  • Headache: Do you have a severe or unusual headache?
  • Sore Throat: Is your throat sore, irritated, or scratchy?
  • New Loss of Taste or Smell: Have you noticed a sudden loss of taste or smell, or a change in your ability to taste or smell?
  • Congestion or Runny Nose: Do you have a new or unusual congestion or runny nose?
  • Nausea or Vomiting: Are you feeling nauseous, or have you vomited recently?
  • Diarrhea: Are you experiencing diarrhea that is not attributed to another underlying condition?
  • Close Contact with a Confirmed Case: Have you been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days?

If you answer “yes” to any of these symptoms or have been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19, it is advisable to prioritize your health and the well-being of others by staying home and participating in any REVISE Center event virtually, if possible. If you have severe symptoms or any concerns, please seek medical advice and consider getting tested for COVID-19. Remember, it’s crucial to follow public health guidelines to prevent the spread of the virus and protect yourself and those around you.