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Project Descriptions

The World's Science and Technology Initiative

July 15, 2008 - August 8, 2010 | Media and Technology
This project builds the capacity of public radio's The World, a daily one hour global news broadcast to cover a broad spectrum of science and technology topics. The project would produce 6-8 broadcast features each month and two weekly science and technology podcasts. PRI in partnership with its primary partner, Sigma Xi will develop and implement The World's Virtual Science Cafe, an innovative content-rich Web 2.0 resource for the public to engage in week-long synchronous moderated online discussions, facilitated by independent science and technology experts. This convergence of audio content and online discussions will help the target audience of 25-44 year olds broaden their understanding of key global scientific and technological issues. The World is a collaboration between PRI, WGBH, and the BBC. Edumetrics, led by Dr. Arthur Johnson, will conduct the evaluation focusing on the audience impacts of an integrated broadcast and online participatory media platform.


Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 0741751
Funding Amount: 2088857


  • Melinda Ward
    Principal Investigator
    Public Radio International
  • Discipline: General STEM | Technology
    Audience: Adults | Museum/ISE Professionals
    Environment Type: Media and Technology | Broadcast Media | Websites, Mobile Apps, and Online Media

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