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Project Descriptions

Workshop to Explore Engaging Broader Publics in Conversations About Assessment of the Societal Implications of New and Emerging Directions in Science and Technology

August 15, 2011 - July 31, 2012 | Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks
The Museum of Science, Boston, in partnership with Arizona State University, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the Loka Institute, and, is conducting a 1.5-day workshop whose goal is to strengthen and expand recent cross-sector network-building activities related to engaging the public in conversations and deliberations about the assessment of the societal implications of science and technology. In attendance are about two-dozen participants representing a wide range of informal science education professionals, STEM researchers, and science policy experts. The workshop is focusing on: (1) techniques for citizen participation in technology assessment, (2) ways in which informal educational organizations are addressing the intersection of STEM with personal and societal decision-making, and (3) models for leveraging work done by others who are exploring public engagement with future technologies. The process will also help generate and coalesce ideas for the 2012 World-Wide Views on Biodiversity program, an international effort to engage the public on the topic of world-wide loss of biodiversity. The workshop outcomes will be evaluated by the Museum's Research and Evaluation Department.


Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 1129436
Funding Amount: 49754


  • Larry Bell
    Principal Investigator
    Museum of Science
  • Discipline: Education and learning science | General STEM | Social science and psychology | Technology
    Audience: Museum/ISE Professionals | Scientists
    Environment Type: Professional Development, Conferences, and Networks | Professional Development and Workshops | Conferences

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